Search Results - "Wallis, W.D."
Triple arrays and related designs
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (30-01-2014)“…We consider a problem posed by Donald Preece more than 30 years ago. Let S be a set of 35 distinct elements. Construct a 7×15 rectangular array A, each of…”
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Graph distances using graph union
Published in Pattern recognition letters (01-05-2001)“…An existing graph distance metric based on maximum common subgraph has been extended by a proposal to define the problem size with the union of the two graphs…”
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Strong edge-magic graphs of maximum size
Published in Discrete mathematics (06-07-2008)“…An edge-magic total labeling on G is a one-to-one map λ from V ( G ) ∪ E ( G ) onto the integers 1 , 2 , … , | V ( G ) ∪ E ( G ) | with the property that,…”
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On the anomalous behaviour of a class of locality statistics
Published in Discrete mathematics (28-05-2008)“…A scan statistic methodology for detecting anomalies has been developed for application to graphs, where “anomalies” are equated with vertices that exhibit…”
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The seven classes of 5 × 6 triple arrays
Published in Discrete mathematics (01-04-2005)“…Triple arrays are considered in which 10 symbols each appear 3 times in a 5 × 6 arrangement of symbols. These triple arrays fall into seven isomorphism…”
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Vertex-magic labeling of trees and forests
Published in Discrete mathematics (28-01-2003)“…A vertex-magic total labeling of a graph G( V, E) is a one-to-one map λ from E∪ V onto the integers {1,2,…,| E|+| V|} such that λ(x)+∑λ(xy), where the sum is…”
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Journal Article -
Totally magic graphs
Published in Discrete mathematics (10-06-2002)“…A total labeling of a graph with v vertices and e edges is defined as a one-to-one map taking the vertices and edges onto the integers 1,2,…, v+ e. Such a…”
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Factoring the cartesian product of a cubic graph and a triangle
Published in Discrete mathematics (28-12-2002)“…Kotzig asked: does the cartesian product of a bridgeless cubic graph with a triangle always have a one-factorization? We answer this in the affirmative. Indeed…”
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Regular graph designs
Published in Journal of statistical planning and inference (01-05-1996)“…In this survey paper, measures of optimality of experimental designs are discussed from a combinatorial viewpoint. The main vehicle for this discussion is the…”
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Kirkman's school projects
Published in Discrete mathematics (15-04-1997)“…We discuss the generalization of Kirkman's Schoolgirl Problem to the case where the number of schoolgirls is not a multiple of 3. It is required that all…”
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Maximal sets of mutually orthogonal Latin squares
Published in Discrete mathematics (06-01-1999)“…Maximal sets of s mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order v are constructed for infinitely many new pairs ( s, v)…”
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A family of resolvable regular graph designs
Published in Discrete mathematics (01-09-1996)“…A regular graph design RGD(v,k;r) is a design on v points with blocks of size k and constant replication number r, such that any two points belong to either λ…”
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Measuring change in large enterprise data networks
Published in Final Program and Abstracts on Information, Decision and Control (2002)“…In the management of large enterprise data communication networks, it is difficult to discern the causes of abnormal variations in traffic distributions on the…”
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Conference Proceeding