Search Results - "Waki, Yuichiro"
A cautionary note on linear aggregation in macroeconomic models under the RINCE preferences
Published in Journal of macroeconomics (01-06-2022)“…Farmer (1990) formulated the Risk-Neutral Constant Elasticity (RINCE) preferences and obtained a closed-form solution to the consumption-saving problem in the…”
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Fiscal forward guidance: A case for selective transparency
Published in Journal of monetary economics (01-12-2020)“…•We examine the welfare effects of announcing future fiscal policy shocks.•We find that selective transparency is desirable - announcing distortionary future…”
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Some unpleasant properties of loglinearized solutions when the nominal rate is zero
Published in Journal of monetary economics (01-12-2016)“…Does fiscal policy have large and qualitatively different effects on the economy when the nominal interest rate is zero? An emerging consensus in the New…”
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The Delphic forward guidance puzzle in New Keynesian models
Published in Review of economic dynamics (01-10-2022)“…When the central bank has information that can help the private sector better predict the future, should it communicate such information to the public? In…”
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A polyhedral approximation approach to concave numerical dynamic programming
Published in Journal of economic dynamics & control (01-11-2013)“…This paper introduces a numerical method for solving concave continuous state dynamic programming problems which is based on a pair of polyhedral…”
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The optimal degree of monetary-discretion in a New Keynesian model with private information
Published in Theoretical economics (01-09-2018)“…This paper considers the optimal degree of monetary-discretion when the central bank conducts policy based on its private information about the state of the…”
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Journal Article -
Essays on Macroeconomic Policies
Published 01-01-2011“…This thesis deals with two issues in macroeconomic policies: The size of government expenditure multiplier on GDP, and optimal dynamic income taxation. Chapter…”
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Dissertation -
Essays on Macroeconomic Policies
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