Search Results - "Wagenfeld, M O"
Sense of coherence, coping and caregiver role overload
Published in Social science & medicine (1982) (01-12-1994)“…The focus of the present study is to examine the relationship between Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence (SOC), the nature of patient pathology, situational…”
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Delivering Mental Health Services to the Persistently and Seriously Mentally Ill in Frontier Areas
Published in The Journal of rural health (01-01-2000)“…: Frontier areas (defined as six or fewer persons per square mile) are at the extreme end of the urban‐rural continuum. Whereas they occupy almost half of the…”
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The Primary Prevention of Mental Illness: A Sociological Perspective
Published in Journal of health and social behavior (01-06-1972)“…The rapid growth of the community mental health movement has evoked both praise and scorn. A major aim of many community mental health specialists is the…”
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Occupational Mobility and Schizophrenia: An Assessment of the Social Causation and Social Selection Hypotheses
Published in American sociological review (01-02-1967)“…An ongoing study of schizophrenic males provided an opportunity to study factors associated with the relationship between social class and schizophrenia under…”
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Boundary Busting in the Role of the Community Mental Health Worker
Published in Journal of health and social behavior (01-06-1976)“…The emergence of community mental health as an important system of mental health care delivery has presumably put into practice an ideology that results in…”
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Psychiatrists in community mental health centers
Published in Administration in mental health (1977)“…A study of 20 community memtal health centers indicates that of all staff, psychiatrists are least identified with the ideology of community mental health…”
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Structural and Professional Correlates of Ideologies of Community Mental Health Workers
Published in Journal of health and social behavior (01-09-1974)“…An examination of community mental health ideological variations among staff from a national sample of community mental health centers, their perceptions of…”
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Healthcare in the United States. Lesson five: The financing of healthcare
Published in Radiology management (1987)Get more information
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Health care in the United States. Lesson one. From lancets to lasers: the evolution of the US health care system (Part I)
Published in Radiology management (01-07-1986)Get more information
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Mental health service delivery in rural areas: organizational and clinical issues
Published in NIDA research monograph (1997)“…The mental health funding cuts and the block grant shift of the last decade have placed an increased emphasis on fee-generating services. In already…”
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Specialty mental health services in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas: 1983 and 1990
Published in Administration and policy in mental health and mental health services research (01-07-1997)“…This paper provides information about the changes between 1983 and 1990 in the availability and volume of specialty mental health services in counties with…”
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Problems in, and Prospects for, Rural Mental Health Services in the United States
Published in International journal of mental health (01-03-1983)Get full text
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The Community Mental Health Worker: Organizational and Personal Sources of Role Discrepancy
Published in Journal of health and social behavior (01-03-1977)“…The development of the ideology of community mental health (CMH) as the raison d'etre of a new mental health care movement has not insured its application in…”
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Social activism and psychiatrists in community mental health centers
Published in American journal of community psychology (01-06-1978)“…A sample of psychiatrists (n = 72) working in 20 community mental health centers (CMHCs) representative of the organizational and catchment area…”
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Identity degradation and mental disorder: an empirical assessment of the Conduct Impairment Scale
Published in American journal of community psychology (01-02-1979)“…Proponents of the medical models have held that mental disorder is best measured in terms of some inventory of symptoms indicative of an underlying disease…”
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A profile of the rural community mental health center
Published in Community mental health journal (01-01-1976)“…This paper-part of a national study of community mental health worker role activism-compares community mental health center with their counterparts in other…”
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