Search Results - "WOOD, R. F. M."
Morphometric analysis of cellular infiltration assessed by monoclonal antibody labeling in sequential human renal allograft biopsies
Published in Transplantation (01-10-1986)“…The mononuclear cell infiltrate in a total of 279 human renal allograft biopsies was determined by a panel of monoclonal antibodies using an indirect…”
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Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte subset light scatter characteristics as a means of monitoring the development of rat small bowel allograft rejection
Published in Clinical and experimental immunology (01-06-1995)“…SUMMARY This investigation used flow cytometry to monitor peripheral blood lymphocyte morphology after rat small bowel transplantation. Preliminary studies…”
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Effects of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury on rat peripheral blood neutrophil activation
Published in Digestive diseases and sciences (01-09-2003)“…Peripheral blood neutrophil activation status is indicative of remote organ damage after intestinal ischemia secondary to aortic aneurysm repair. However, the…”
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Small bowel transplantation
Published in British journal of surgery (01-03-1992)Get more information
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Comparison of duplex ultrasonography and venography in the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis
Published in British journal of surgery (01-05-1991)“…Sixty-five patients with suspected deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in 68 limbs were entered consecutively into a study to compare venography with duplex…”
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Low-dose aspirin fails to inhibit increased platelet reactivity in patients with peripheral vascular disease
Published in British journal of surgery (01-10-1993)“…A study was performed to evaluate the effect of low-dose aspirin (75 mg/day) on platelet reactivity in patients with peripheral vascular disease. Platelet…”
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Potential candidates for small bowel transplantation
Published in British journal of surgery (01-07-1992)“…The number of potential candidates for small bowel transplantation in the UK is unknown. Potential recipients are those with irreversible small intestinal…”
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Blood flow in the lower limb after balloon angioplasty of the superficial femoral artery
Published in British journal of surgery (01-06-1996)“…Using duplex ultrasonography lower‐limb blood flow measurements were obtained in 20 patients with intermittent claudication. Assessments of flow were made in…”
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Method for diagnosing rejection in small bowel transplantation
Published in British journal of surgery (01-08-1993)“…Diagnosis of rejection in small bowel transplantation by the identification of a host-cell infiltrate is hampered by the physiological trafficking of host…”
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Graft versus host disease in small bowel transplantation
Published in British journal of surgery (01-09-1991)“…Quantities of organized lymphoid tissue in small bowel allografts may cause graft versus host disease (GVHD) following transplantation. This study examines the…”
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Introduction of a partial shift system for house officers in a teaching hospital
Published in BMJ (24-10-1992)“…OBJECTIVES--(1) To introduce a partial shift system to reduce the hours of work of preregistration house surgeons to an average of 64 a week to comply with the…”
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Ex vivo perfusion of intestinal allografts with anti-T cell monoclonal antibody/ricin A chain conjugates for the suppression of graft-versus-host disease
Published in Transplantation (01-04-1992)“…The removal of T lymphocytes from intestinal allografts prior to transplantation would prevent graft-versus-host disease and might also weaken the unusually…”
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Persistence of allogeneic cells in graft and host tissues after small bowel transplantation
Published in British journal of surgery (01-05-1992)“…Small bowel transplantation is associated with a significant risk of graft versus host disease owing to the large amount of organized lymphoid tissue within…”
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Gallstone lithotripsy with the pulsed dye laser: in vitro studies
Published in British journal of surgery (01-05-1989)“…The use of a pulsed dye laser to fragment human gallstones is reported. Laser energy was delivered by a 320 microns quartz fibre at wavelengths of 440, 480,…”
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Lasers in surgery
Published in British journal of surgery (01-01-1992)“…In January 1991 the winter meeting of the Surgical Research Society was held at St. Bartholomew's Hospital and the Institute of Education, London. During the…”
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Reduction of graft‐versus‐host reactivity after small bowel transplantation: ex vivo treatment of intestinal allografts with an anti‐T cell immunotoxin
Published in Clinical and experimental immunology (01-05-1992)“…SUMMARY A specific T lymphocyte immunotoxin was used to pre‐treat small bowel grafts in an attempt to prevent graft‐versus‐host (GVH) reactivity and GVH…”
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The pulsed dye laser and atherosclerotic vascular disease
Published in British journal of surgery (01-04-1988)“…The use of a pulsed dye laser to ablate atheromatous tissue obtained from post-mortem human aortic specimens is reported. Laser energy was delivered with a 600…”
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Laser-assisted angioplasty for arterial occlusion of the lower limb: initial results and follow-up
Published in British journal of surgery (01-01-1992)“…A flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye laser operating at either 480 or 504 nm, coupled to an integral ball-tipped optical fibre, was used to recanalize occluded lower…”
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Laser angioplasty: useful tool or interesting toy?
Published in Lasers in medical science (01-03-1994)Get full text
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Vascular trauma
Published in British journal of surgery (01-12-1987)“…Civilian vascular trauma is not uncommon. Prompt treatment with modern vascular surgical techniques produces good results…”
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