Search Results - "WAGNER, C. MICHAEL"
Evaluation of health benefits of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) isolates using in vitro antiinflammatory and antioxidant assays
Published in PloS one (03-11-2021)“…Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), a parasitic fish which survives on blood of other fishes, is consumed as a delicacy in many countries. Our earlier studies on…”
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Predation landscapes influence migratory prey ecology and evolution
Published in Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam) (01-08-2021)“…Migratory prey experience spatially variable predation across their life cycle. They face unique challenges in navigating this predation landscape, which…”
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The effect of putrescine on space use and activity in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
Published in Scientific reports (17-10-2022)“…Fish use odor to avoid exposure to predation and disease. Harnessing these odors as repellents is proving useful for management initiatives that conserve…”
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Behavioral Responses of Sea Lamprey to Varying Application Rates of a Synthesized Pheromone in Diverse Trapping Scenarios
Published in Journal of chemical ecology (01-03-2020)“…Use of the first fish pheromone biopesticide, 3-keto petromyzonol sulfate (3kPZS) in sea lamprey ( Petromyzon marinus ) control requires an understanding of…”
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Nitrogenous compounds characterized in the deterrent skin extract of migratory adult sea lamprey from the Great Lakes region
Published in PloS one (23-05-2019)“…The sea lamprey (Petromzons marinus) is a devastating invasive species that represents a significant impediment to restoration of the Laurentian Great Lakes…”
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A simple, cost-effective emitter for controlled release of fish pheromones: Development, testing, and application to management of the invasive sea lamprey
Published in PloS one (13-06-2018)“…Semiochemicals that elicit species-specific attraction or repulsion have proven useful in the management of terrestrial pests and hold considerable promise for…”
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Chemical Characterization of Lipophilic Constituents in the Skin of Migratory Adult Sea Lamprey from the Great Lakes Region
Published in PloS one (19-12-2016)“…The sea lamprey (Petromzons marinus) is an invasive ectoparasite of large-bodied fishes that adversely affects the fishing industry and ecology of the…”
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Push and pull of downstream moving juvenile sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) exposed to chemosensory and light cues
Published in Conservation physiology (01-01-2019)“…Visual and olfactory stimuli induce behavioural responses in fishes when applied independently, but little is known about how simultaneous exposure influences…”
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Survival, healing, and swim performance of juvenile migratory sea lamprey ( Petromyzon marinus ) implanted with a new acoustic microtransmitter designed for small eel-like fishes
Published in Animal biotelemetry (11-03-2023)“…Little is known about the transformer stage of the parasitic lampreys, a brief but critical period that encompasses juvenile out-migration from rivers to lakes…”
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What is the animal doing? Tools for exploring behavioural structure in animal movements
Published in The Journal of animal ecology (2016)“…Movement data provide a window – often our only window – into the cognitive, social and biological processes that underlie the behavioural ecology of animals…”
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Stream and river flows mediate adult lamprey spawning migrations: Considerations for management
Published in River research and applications (01-10-2024)“…Organisms have adapted to dynamic river flows as part of the natural flow regime. However, climate change and humans' use of fresh water are associated with…”
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Push, pull, or push–pull? An alarm cue better guides sea lamprey towards capture devices than a mating pheromone during the reproductive migration
Published in Biological invasions (01-07-2020)“…Widespread interest in the development of environmentally safe management actions has prompted research into the use of sensory cues to manipulate the…”
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Sea Lamprey Alarm Cue Comprises Water- and Chloroform- Soluble Components
Published in Journal of chemical ecology (01-10-2022)“…A diversity of aquatic organisms manage predation risk by avoiding waters activated with conspecific alarm cues, a chemical mixture released from injuries. The…”
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Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) transit of a ramp equipped with studded substrate: Implications for fish passage and invasive species control
Published in Ecological engineering (01-08-2020)“…Anguilliform-swimming fishes (eels, lampreys) are undergoing large and global declines due partly to an inability to pass dams via traditional fishways. The…”
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Moby-bass: suction feeding by predators limits direct release of alarm cues in fishes
Published in Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (01-02-2022)“…Chemical alarm cues alert aquatic prey to the presence of an actively foraging predator. There is a large literature based upon responses to alarm cues derived…”
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A semelparous fish continues upstream migration when exposed to alarm cue, but adjusts movement speed and timing
Published in Animal behaviour (01-11-2016)“…Animals make trade-offs between predation risk and pursuit of opportunities such as foraging and reproduction. Trade-offs between antipredator behaviours and…”
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Behavioral responses of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to a putative alarm cue derived from conspecific and heterospecific sources
Published in Behaviour (2012)“…The sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, exhibits a spectacular alarm response to the odor emitted from decayed conspecifics that may differ substantially in…”
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Factors Influencing Capture of Invasive Sea Lamprey in Traps Baited With a Synthesized Sex Pheromone Component
Published in Journal of chemical ecology (01-10-2015)“…The sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, is emerging as a model organism for understanding how pheromones can be used for manipulating vertebrate behavior in an…”
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Conspecific cueing in the sea lamprey: do reproductive migrations consistently follow the most intense larval odour?
Published in Animal behaviour (01-09-2009)“…Conspecific cueing occurs when an organism receives information about habitat quality from the distribution of conspecifics. Consequently, animals should…”
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Attenuation and recovery of an avoidance response to a chemical antipredator cue in an invasive fish: implications for use as a repellent in conservation
Published in Conservation physiology (01-01-2022)“…Fear is a powerful motivator of animal movements and can be used as a repellent in conservation activities. Invasive sea lamprey exhibit both sensory…”
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