Search Results - "Von Keyserlingk, C."

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  1. 1

    Sub-ballistic Growth of Rényi Entropies due to Diffusion by Rakovszky, Tibor, Pollmann, Frank, von Keyserlingk, C W

    Published in Physical review letters (28-06-2019)
    “…We investigate the dynamics of quantum entanglement after a global quench and uncover a qualitative difference between the behavior of the von Neumann entropy…”
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    Diffusive Hydrodynamics of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators with Charge Conservation by Rakovszky, Tibor, Pollmann, Frank, von Keyserlingk, C. W.

    Published in Physical review. X (07-09-2018)
    “…The scrambling of quantum information in closed many-body systems, as measured by out-of-time-ordered correlation functions (OTOCs), has received considerable…”
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  3. 3

    Operator Hydrodynamics, OTOCs, and Entanglement Growth in Systems without Conservation Laws by von Keyserlingk, C. W., Rakovszky, Tibor, Pollmann, Frank, Sondhi, S. L.

    Published in Physical review. X (11-04-2018)
    “…Thermalization and scrambling are the subject of much recent study from the perspective of many-body quantum systems with locally bounded Hilbert spaces (“spin…”
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  4. 4

    The current economic burden of illness of osteoporosis in Canada by Hopkins, R. B., Burke, N., Von Keyserlingk, C., Leslie, W. D., Morin, S. N., Adachi, J. D., Papaioannou, A., Bessette, L., Brown, J. P., Pericleous, L., Tarride, J.

    Published in Osteoporosis international (01-10-2016)
    “…Summary We estimate the current burden of illness of osteoporosis in Canada is double ($4.6 billion) our previous estimates ($2.3 billion) due to improved data…”
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  5. 5

    Enhanced Bulk-Edge Coulomb Coupling in Fractional Fabry-Perot Interferometers by von Keyserlingk, C W, Simon, S H, Rosenow, Bernd

    Published in Physical review letters (18-09-2015)
    “…Recent experiments use Fabry-Perot (FP) interferometry to claim that the ν=5/2 quantum Hall state exhibits non-Abelian topological order. We note that the…”
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  6. 6

    Three-dimensional topological lattice models with surface anyons by von Keyserlingk, C. W., Burnell, F. J., Simon, S. H.

    “…We study a class of three=dimensional (3D) exactly solvable models of topological matter first put forward by Walker and Wang. In this work, we give a full…”
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  7. 7

    Lapatinib for the treatment of HER2-overexpressing breast cancer by Jones, J, Takeda, A, Picot, J, von Keyserlingk, C, Clegg, A

    “…This paper presents a summary of the evidence review group (ERG) report into the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of lapatinib for the treatment…”
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  8. 8

    Itinerant ferromagnetism with finite-ranged interactions by von Keyserlingk, C. W., Conduit, G. J.

    “…Quantum fluctuations are of central importance in itinerant ferromagnets; when modeled by a homogeneous electron gas with contact interactions, fluctuations…”
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  9. 9

    Phase diagram of the three-dimensional subsystem toric code by Li, Yaodong, von Keyserlingk, C. W., Zhu, Guanyu, Jochym-O'Connor, Tomas

    Published in Physical review research (02-10-2024)
    “…Subsystem quantum error-correcting codes typically involve measuring a sequence of noncommuting parity check operators. They can sometimes exhibit greater…”
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  10. 10

    Phase diagram of the three-dimensional subsystem toric code by Li, Yaodong, von Keyserlingk, C. W, Zhu, Guanyu, Jochym-O'Connor, Tomas

    Published 25-08-2024
    “…Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043007 (2024) Subsystem quantum error-correcting codes typically involve measuring a sequence of non-commuting parity check operators…”
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  11. 11

    Walker-Wang models and axion electrodynamics by von Keyserlingk, C. W., Burnell, F. J.

    “…We connect a family of gauge theories (Maxwell theories with a magnetoelectric coupling [theta] = 2[pi]k, k [isin] Z) to the family of 3D topological lattice…”
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  12. 12

    Operator Spreading in the Memory Matrix Formalism by McCulloch, Ewan, von Keyserlingk, C. W

    Published 12-04-2022
    “…J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 (2022) 274007 The spread and scrambling of quantum information is a topic of considerable current interest. Numerous studies…”
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    On Classical and Hybrid Shadows of Quantum States by Shivam, Saumya, von Keyserlingk, C. W, Sondhi, S. L

    Published 20-11-2022
    “…SciPost Phys. 14, 094 (2023) Classical shadows are a computationally efficient approach to storing quantum states on a classical computer for the purposes of…”
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    Operator backflow and the classical simulation of quantum transport by von Keyserlingk, C. W, Pollmann, Frank, Rakovszky, Tibor

    Published 18-11-2021
    “…Tensor product states have proved extremely powerful for simulating the area-law entangled states of many-body systems, such as the ground states of gapped…”
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  18. 18

    Entanglement growth after inhomogenous quenches by Rakovszky, Tibor, von Keyserlingk, C. W, Pollmann, Frank

    Published 01-07-2019
    “…Phys. Rev. B 100, 125139 (2019) We study the growth of entanglement in quantum systems with a conserved quantity exhibiting diffusive transport, focusing on…”
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  19. 19

    Itinerant ferromagnetism in an interacting Fermi gas with mass imbalance by von Keyserlingk, C. W., Conduit, G. J.

    “…We study the emergence of itinerant ferromagnetism in an ultracold atomic gas with a variable mass ratio between the up- and down-spin species. Mass imbalance…”
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  20. 20

    Diffusive hydrodynamics of out-of-time-ordered correlators with charge conservation by Rakovszky, Tibor, Pollmann, Frank, von Keyserlingk, C. W

    Published 09-07-2018
    “…Phys. Rev. X 8, 031058 (2018) The scrambling of quantum information in closed many-body systems, as measured by out-of-time-ordered correlation functions…”
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