Search Results - "Vocking, B."

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  1. 1

    Randomized rumor spreading by Karp, R., Schindelhauer, C., Shenker, S., Vocking, B.

    “…Investigates the class of epidemic algorithms that are commonly used for the lazy transmission of updates to distributed copies of a database. These algorithms…”
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    Conference Proceeding Journal Article
  2. 2

    Adaptive routing with stale information by Fischer, Simon, Vöcking, Berthold

    Published in Theoretical computer science (31-08-2009)
    “…We investigate the behaviour of load-adaptive rerouting policies in the Wardrop model where decisions must be made on the basis of stale information. In this…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    Random knapsack in expected polynomial time by Beier, Rene, Vöcking, Berthold

    Published in Journal of computer and system sciences (01-11-2004)
    “…We present the first average-case analysis proving a polynomial upper bound on the expected running time of an exact algorithm for the 0/1 knapsack problem. In…”
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    Journal Article
  4. 4

    Improved routing and sorting on multibutterflies by MAGGS, B. M, VÖCKING, B

    Published in Algorithmica (01-12-2000)
    “…This paper shows that an N -node AKS network (as described by Paterson) can be embedded in a ( 3N / 2 ) -node twinbutterfly network (i.e., a multibutterfly…”
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    Journal Article
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    Exploiting locality for data management in systems of limited bandwidth by Maggs, B.M., Meyer auf der Heide, F., Vocking, B., Westermann, M.

    “…This paper deals with data management in computer systems in which the computing nodes are connected by a relatively sparse network. We consider the problem of…”
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    Conference Proceeding Journal Article
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    Data Management in Networks: Experimental Evaluation of a Provably Good Strategy by Krick, C, Meyer auf der Heide, F, Raecke, H, Voecking, B, Westermann, M

    Published in Theory of computing systems (2002)
    “…This paper deals with data management for parallel and distributed systems. We present the DIVA (Distributed Variables ) library that provides direct access to…”
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    Journal Article
  9. 9

    Shortest-Path Routing in Arbitrary Networks by auf der Heide, Friedhelm Meyer, Vöcking, Berthold

    Published in Journal of algorithms (01-04-1999)
    “…We introduce an on-line protocol which routes any set ofNpackets along shortest paths with congestionCand dilationDthrough an arbitrary network inO(C+D+logN)…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
  10. 10

    How asymmetry helps load balancing by Vocking, B.

    “…This paper deals with balls and bins processes related to randomized load balancing, dynamic resource allocation and hashing. Suppose n balls have to be…”
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    Conference Proceeding Journal Article
  11. 11

    Congestion games: Equilibria, convergence and complexity by Vocking, B.

    “…Congestion games model the allocation of resources by selfish players. For example, players aim at allocating shortest paths in a network. The cost (delay) of…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  12. 12

    On the Impact of Combinatorial Structure on Congestion Games by Ackermann, H., Roglin, H., Vocking, B.

    “…We study the impact of combinatorial structure in congestion games on the complexity of computing pure Nash equilibria and the convergence time of best…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  13. 13

    Load Balancing for Dynamic Spectrum Assignment with Local Information for Secondary Users by Fischer, S., Mahonen, P., Schongens, M., Vocking, B.

    “…In this paper we study an idealized model of load balancing for dynamic spectrum allocation (DSA) for secondary users using only local information. In our…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  14. 14

    Transmission Probability Control Game with Limited Energy by Dams, J., Kesselheim, T., Vocking, B.

    “…Due to limited batteries in mobile communications, network participants are confronted with a trade-off between transmitting more often or with more power. In…”
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    Conference Proceeding