Search Results - "Vitor Hugo dos Santos"
Evaluation of alginate hydrogel encapsulated mesenchymal stem cell migration in horses
Published in Research in veterinary science (01-06-2019)“…Osteoarthritis is an incapacitating disease characterized by pain and a progressive decrease in joint mobility. The implantation of mesenchymal stem cells…”
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Método para determinação de volume específico como padrão de qualidade do polvilho azedo e sucedâneos
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (01-03-2015)“…Objetivou-se estabelecer um método para a determinação da expansão como critério de qualidade do polvilho azedo e sucedâneos. Três tipos de amidos de mandioca…”
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Development of a Theoretical Model for Digital Risks Arising from the Implementation of Industry 4.0 (TMR-I4.0)
Published in Future internet (01-06-2024)“…This study aims to develop a theoretical model for digital risks arising from implementing Industry 4.0 (represented by the acronym TMR-I4.0). A systematic…”
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Digestibilidade do amido in vitro e valor calórico dos grupos de farinhas de mandioca brasileiras
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (01-09-2015)“…Resumo A preferência cultural do brasileiro originou grupos e subclassificações da farinha de mandioca em função dos processos adotados. Diferenças de…”
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Sustainable vs circular business models in agribusiness: a comparative bibliometric analysis
Published in Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural (2023)“…Abstract Agribusiness is using several strategies to achieve sustainable development. The sustainable business models and the circular business models tools…”
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Análise da deficiência nutricional de micronutrientes nos óbitos por Covid-19 em indígenas não aldeados em Campo Grande
Published in Evidência (Joaçaba) (18-09-2024)“…A deficiência de Vitamina D, Zinco e Ferro pode agravar os efeitos da COVID-19, estudar sua ocorrência em óbitos aprimora o diagnóstico e as intervenções de…”
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A experiência de alunos de graduação e pós-graduação em enfermagem no programa de inclusão universitária
Published in Revista brasileira de extensão universitária (17-09-2021)“…Dentre os benefícios oriundos do engajamento dos acadêmicos universitários em projetos de extensão, destaca-se o fortalecimento do papel social e da cidadania,…”
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Published in Gestão e Desenvolvimento (Novo Hamburgo) (12-03-2021)“…In recent years, the fourth industrial revolution has attracted increasing attention around the world. However, efforts are still lacking to systematically…”
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Currículo oculto, educação médica e profissionalismo: uma revisão integrativa
Published in Interface (Botucatu, Brazil) (2020)“…O currículo oculto resulta das relações interpessoais vividas academicamente, extrapolando o currículo formal, podendo ser um facilitador e também um empecilho…”
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Clinical and anatomopathological study of urolithiasis in feedlot lambs subjected to diets with different phosphorus concentrations
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (2021)“…Abstract Obstructive urolithiasis is common in farmed sheep and has a multifactorial etiology, but inadequate nutritional management is considered the most…”
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Ovine gammaherpesvirus-2 infection associated with chronic interstitial pneumonia in a sheep
Published in Microbial pathogenesis (01-12-2021)“…Sheep Associated-Malignant Catarrhal Fever (SA-MCF) is severe, frequently lethal, lymphoproliferative disease predominantly of ruminants, that is caused by…”
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Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in healthy equine superficial digital flexor tendon: A study of the local inflammatory response
Published in Research in veterinary science (01-06-2018)“…The superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) is a structure frequently affected by injuries in high-performance athletic horses, and there are limited…”
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Published in Archives of veterinary science (Curitiba, Brazil) (29-06-2021)“…Betatherapy is a radiotherapy modality that uses beta radiation applicators used in the treatment of superficial injuries. With the advancement of therapeutic…”
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Análise da deficiência nutricional de micronutrientes nos óbitos por Covid-19 em indígenas não aldeanos em Campo Grande
Published in Evidência (Joaçaba) (2024)“…The deficiency of Vitamin D, Zinc, and Iron can exacerbate the effects of COVID-19; studying its occurrence in deaths improves diagnosis and health…”
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Metodo para determinacao de volume especifico como padrao de qualidade do polvilho azedo e sucedaneos/Method for the determination of specific volume as a quality standard for fermented cassava starch and substitutes
Published in Revista brasileira de tecnologia de alimentos (01-01-2015)“…The objective was to establish a method for the determination of the expansion of cassava starch and substitutes as a quality standard. Three types of cassava…”
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Treatment With Therapeutic Bandages to Control Equine Postarthroscopic Tibio-Patellofemoral Swelling
Published in Journal of equine veterinary science (01-07-2017)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of therapeutic bandages, the Kinesio Taping Method (KTM), in controlling swelling following arthroscopic…”
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In vitro starch digestibility and caloric value of Brazilian cassava flour groups
Published in Revista brasileira de tecnologia de alimentos (01-07-2015)“…Brazilian cultural preferences gave rise to groups and sub-classifications of cassava flour according to the processes used. Differences in the processing of…”
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Análise da produção escrita de estudantes do ensino superior: uma abordagem semiótica
Published in Alexandria (Florianópolis) (27-05-2019)“…Neste artigo trazemos resultados de uma investigação desenvolvida com alunos de Licenciatura em Química em uma disciplina de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral 1…”
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Estudo clínico e anatomopatológico da urolitíase em cordeiros confinados submetidos à dieta com diferentes concentrações de fósforo
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (01-07-2021)“…A urolitíase obstrutiva é frequente na ovinocultura e possui etiologia multifatorial, porém o manejo nutricional inadequado é considerado o mais relevante para…”
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Método para determinação de volume específico como padrão de qualidade do polvilho azedo e sucedâneos/Method for the determination of specific volume as a quality standard for fermented cassava starch and substitutes
Published in Revista brasileira de tecnologia de alimentos (01-01-2015)“…The objective was to establish a method for the determination of the expansion of cassava starch and substitutes as a quality standard. Three types of cassava…”
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