Search Results - "Vita, P."
Estimating annual groundwater recharge coefficient for karst aquifers of the southern Apennines (Italy)
Published in Hydrology and earth system sciences (27-02-2014)“…To assess the mean annual groundwater recharge of the karst aquifers in the southern Apennines (Italy), the estimation of the mean annual groundwater recharge…”
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Deterministic estimation of hydrological thresholds for shallow landslide initiation and slope stability models: case study from the Somma-Vesuvius area of southern Italy
Published in Landslides (01-12-2013)“…Rainfall-induced debris flows involving ash-fall pyroclastic deposits that cover steep mountain slopes surrounding the Somma-Vesuvius volcano are natural…”
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Groundwater recharge assessment at local and episodic scale in a soil mantled perched karst aquifer in southern Italy
Published in Journal of hydrology (Amsterdam) (01-10-2015)“…•Groundwater recharge assessment at local-episodic scales in a perched karst aquifer.•A correlation is found between recharge, intensity rainfall and soil…”
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Effect of antecedent-hydrological conditions on rainfall triggering of debris flows in ash-fall pyroclastic mantled slopes of Campania (southern Italy)
Published in Landslides (01-10-2016)“…Mountainous areas surrounding the Campanian Plain and the Somma-Vesuvius volcano (southern Italy) are among the most risky areas of Italy due to the repeated…”
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Breeding effects on durum wheat traits detected using GWAS and haplotype block analysis
Published in Frontiers in plant science (19-09-2023)“…IntroductionThe recent boosting of genomic data in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) offers the opportunity to better understand the effects of…”
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Realization and Measurement of Broadside Beam Modulated Metasurface Antennas
Published in IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters (2016)“…Realizations and measurements of broadside-beam circularly polarized anisotropic metasurface antennas are presented. The validity of the design methodology…”
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Multisource data integration to investigate one century of evolution for the Agnone landslide (Molise, southern Italy)
Published in Landslides (01-11-2018)“…Landslides are one of the most relevant geohazards worldwide, causing direct and indirect costs and fatalities. Italy is one of the countries most affected by…”
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No-tillage and conventional tillage effects on durum wheat yield, grain quality and soil moisture content in southern Italy
Published in Soil & tillage research (2007)“…No-tillage (NT) is becoming increasingly attractive to farmers because it clearly reduces production costs relative to conventional tillage (CT). However, many…”
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Integrating hydrogeological and economic analyses of groundwater flooding in an urban aquifer: the plain of Naples (Italy) as a case study
Published in International journal of environmental studies (03-09-2023)“…The study applies the defensive expenditure approach via hydrogeological data for a sector of the plain of Naples to value the economic damages produced by…”
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Relationships between grain protein content and grain yield components through quantitative trait locus analyses in a recombinant inbred line population derived from two elite durum wheat cultivars
Published in Molecular breeding (01-06-2012)“…Grain protein content (GPC) in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) is negatively correlated with grain yield. To evaluate possible genetic…”
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Coupled decadal variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation, regional rainfall and karst spring discharges in the Campania region (southern Italy)
Published in Hydrology and earth system sciences (11-05-2012)“…Thus far, studies on climate change have focused mainly on the variability of the atmospheric and surface components of the hydrologic cycle, investigating the…”
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study of the correlation between electrical resistivity and matric suction for unsaturated ash-fall pyroclastic soils in the Campania region (southern Italy)
Published in Environmental earth sciences (01-10-2012)“…In the territory of the Campania region (southern Italy), critical rainfall events periodically trigger dangerous fast slope movements involving ashy and…”
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Phytate and mineral elements concentration in a collection of Italian durum wheat cultivars
Published in Field crops research (03-04-2009)“…Mineral deficiencies are prevalent in human populations and the improvement of the mineral content in cereal products represents a possible strategy to…”
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Effects of tillage systems in durum wheat under rainfed Mediterranean conditions
Published in Cereal research communications (01-12-2015)“…A 2-year conservation agriculture experiment was conducted in Southern Italy on durum wheat continuous cropping. Aim of the research was to assess the durum…”
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Genetic improvement effects on yield stability in durum wheat genotypes grown in Italy
Published in Field crops research (09-10-2010)“…In durum wheat ( Triticum durum Desf.) the improvement of yield stability represents an important component for agricultural progress worldwide. This work…”
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The genus Bridelia: A phytochemical and ethnopharmacological review
Published in Journal of ethnopharmacology (30-07-2009)“…Approximately 60 species of Bridelia, (Phyllanthaceae) are found throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly in Africa and Asia. Several…”
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Detailed rock failure susceptibility mapping in steep rocky coasts by means of non-contact geostructural surveys: the case study of the Tigullio Gulf (Eastern Liguria, Northern Italy)
Published in Natural hazards and earth system sciences (10-04-2012)“…In this study, an engineering geological analysis for the assessment of the rock failure susceptibility of a high, steep, rocky coast was developed by means of…”
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Kinematics and geological constraints of the slow-moving Pisciotta rock slide (southern Italy)
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (01-11-2013)“…The Pisciotta landslide is a slow-moving deep-seated rock slide in the Campania region of southern Italy, which has damaged a provincial road several times in…”
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Landslide susceptibility assessment in ash-fall pyroclastic deposits surrounding Mount Somma-Vesuvius: Application of geophysical surveys for soil thickness mapping
Published in Journal of applied geophysics (01-06-2006)“…Along the steep slopes of the carbonate mountains that surround the Campanian Plain and Mount Somma-Vesuvius, rainfall-triggered debris slides occur in…”
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New constraints on the origin of the ophiolitic rocks within sinorogenic turbiditic sequences at Cilento region
Published in Geologica acta (01-09-2016)“…Mafic igneous rocks (pillow lavas and gabbros) embedded as olistoliths within Miocene turbiditic sequences crop out in the Cilento area at the Mount Centaurino…”
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