Search Results - "Viola, V.E"

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    Light-ion-induced multifragmentation: The ISiS project by Viola, V.E., Kwiatkowski, K., Beaulieu, L., Bracken, D.S., Breuer, H., Brzychczyk, J., de Souza, R.T., Ginger, D.S., Hsi, W-C., Korteling, R.G., Lefort, T., Lynch, W.G., Morley, K.B., Legrain, R., Pienkowski, L., Pollacco, E.C., Renshaw, E., Ruangma, A., Tsang, M.B., Volant, C., Wang, G., Yennello, S.J., Yoder, N.R.

    Published in Physics reports (01-11-2006)
    “…An extensive study of GeV light-ion-induced multifragmentation and its possible interpretation in terms of a nuclear liquid–gas phase transition has been…”
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    Anomalous science by Viola, V.E

    Published in Nature (London) (08-12-1983)
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    Calorimetry by Viola, V. E., Bougault, R.

    “…Methods for determining the heat content E */A of hot nuclei formed in energetic nuclear reactions are discussed. The primary factors involved in converting…”
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    The nuclear liquid-gas phase transition: Q.E.D by Viola, V.E.

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (05-04-2004)
    “…For the past decade, intense experimental effort has been devoted to the search for a liquid-gas phase transition in highly excited nuclei. Now, synthesis of…”
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    Comment on breakup densities of hot nuclei by Viola, V.E., Kwiatkowski, K., Yennello, S.J., Natowitz, J.B.

    Published in Physics letters. B (08-06-2006)
    “…In [V.E. Viola et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 132701, D.S. Bracken et al., Phys. Rev. C 69 (2004) 034612] the observed decrease in spectral peak energies…”
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    The liquid to vapor phase transition in excited nuclei by Elliott, J.B., Moretto, L.G., Phair, L., Wozniak, G.J., Beaulieu, L., Breuer, H., Korteling, R.G., Kwiatkowski, K., Lefort, T., Pienkowski, L., Ruangma, A., Viola, V.E., Yennello, S.J.

    Published in Physical review letters (08-05-2001)
    “…For many years it has been speculated that excited nuclei would undergo a liquid to vapor phase transition. For even longer, it has been known that…”
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    The Indiana silicon sphere 4π charged-particle detector array by Kwiatkowski, K, Bracken, D.S, Morley, K.B, Brzychczyk, J, Renshaw Foxford, E, Komisarcik, K, Viola, V.E, Yoder, N.R, Dorsett, J, Poehlman, J, Madden, N, Ottarson, J

    “…A low threshold charged particle detector array for the study of fragmentation processes in light-ion-induced reactions has been constructed and successfully…”
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    Evaporation residue as a dominant exit channel at high thermal energies in [formula omitted] + Ag reactions by Pollacco, E.C., Brzychczyk, J., Volant, C., Legrain, R., Korteling, R.G., Bracken, D.S., Kwiatkowski, K., Morley, K.B., Renshaw Foxford, E., Viola, V.E., Yoder, N.R., Breuer, H., Cugnon, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-06-2000)
    “…In the reaction 3 He (1.8 GeV) + nat Ag , events are observed with a heavy fragment (HF), A≥10, in coincidence with charged particles detected over 70% of 4π…”
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    Heating nuclear matter with GeV 3He beams by Kwiatkowski, K., Botvina, A.S., Bracken, D.S., Renshaw Foxford, E., Friedman, W.A., Korteling, R.G., Morley, K.B., Pollacco, E.C., Viola, V.E., Volant, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-03-1998)
    “…The heating curve for hot nuclei formed in the 4.8 GeV 3He+ natAg, 197Au reactions has been derived from reconstructed excitation-energy distributions and…”
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    Time dependence of multifragmentation in light-ion-induced reactions by Wang, G., Kwiatkowski, K., Morley, K.B., Bracken, D.S., Renshaw Foxford, E., Friedman, W.A., Korteling, R.G., Legrain, R., Pollacco, E.C., Viola, V.E., Volant, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (13-02-1997)
    “…The evolution of multifragmentation reactions has been investigated via large-angle correlations of IMFs emitted in 4.8 GeV 3He bombardment of 197Au nuclei…”
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    Heating nuclei with 8 GeV/c antiprotons by LeFort, T., Kwiatkowski, K., Hsi, W.-c., Beaulieu, L., Leforest, R., Martin, E., Ramakrishnan, E., Rowland, D., Ruangma, A., Winchester, E., Gushue, S., Viola, V.E., Pienkowski, L., Korteling, R.G., Yennello, S.J., Remsberg, L.P., Back, B., Breuer, H.

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (09-08-1999)
    “…Studies of the heating effect of 8 GeV/c π − and antiproton beams incident on a 197Au nucleus have been conducted at Brookhaven AGS accelerator with the…”
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    Neck emission of intermediate-mass fragments in the fission of hot heavy nuclei by Fields, DE, Kwiatkowski, K, Morley, KB, Renshaw, E, Wile, JL, Yennello, SJ, Viola, VE, Korteling, RG

    Published in Physical review letters (28-12-1992)
    “…An unusual low-energy component has been observed in the spectrum of equilibriumlike intermediate-mass fragments (IMFs) emitted from systems formed in…”
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    Saturation of deposition energy in relativisitic 3He-induced reactions by Morley, K.B., Kwiatkowski, K., Bracken, D.S., Breuer, H., Brzychczyk, J., Korteling, R.G., Legrain, R., Pollacco, E.C., Renshaw Foxford, E., Viola, V.E., Volant, C., Woo, L.W., Yoder, N.R.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-07-1995)
    “…The 4π detector ISiS has been used to measure light-charged particles and intermediate-mass fragments emitted in the 1.8–4.8 GeV 3He + natAg , 197Au reactions…”
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    Teaching Nuclear Science: A Cosmological Approach by Viola, V. E

    Published in Journal of chemical education (01-10-1994)
    “…Elementary particles and basic forces, nuclear stability, the origin of the elements, radioactive decay, and synthetic and "superheavy" elements…”
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