Search Results - "Vilanova, Oriol"

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  1. 1

    Understanding the Kinetics of Protein–Nanoparticle Corona Formation by Vilanova, Oriol, Mittag, Judith J, Kelly, Philip M, Milani, Silvia, Dawson, Kenneth A, Rädler, Joachim O, Franzese, Giancarlo

    Published in ACS nano (27-12-2016)
    “…When a pristine nanoparticle (NP) encounters a biological fluid, biomolecules spontaneously form adsorption layers around the NP, called “protein corona”. The…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    Ex aequo by Vilanova, Oriol

    “…El 25 de mayo de1937 se inauguró en París la Exposition internationale des Arts et des Techniques appliqués à la Vie moderne. Cincuenta naciones fueron…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    Characterizing the Hard and Soft Nanoparticle-Protein Corona with Multilayer Adsorption by Vilanova, Oriol, Martinez-Serra, Alberto, Monopoli, Marco P, Franzese, Giancarlo

    Published 20-11-2024
    “…Nanoparticles (NPs) in contact with biological fluid adsorb biomolecules into a corona. This corona comprises proteins that strongly bind to the NP (hard…”
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    Journal Article
  4. 4

    Multi-scale approach for self-Assembly and protein folding by Vilanova, Oriol, Bianco, Valentino, Franzese, Giancarlo

    Published 04-07-2017
    “…We develop a multi-scale approach to simulate hydrated nanobio systems under realistic condi- tions (e.g., nanoparticles and protein solutions at physiological…”
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    Journal Article
  5. 5

    The Franzese-Stanley Coarse Grained Model for Hydration Water by Coronas, Luis Enrique, Vilanova, Oriol, Bianco, Valentino, Santos, Francisco de los, Franzese, Giancarlo

    Published 07-04-2020
    “…Water modeling is a challenging problem. Its anomalies are difficult to reproduce, promoting the proliferation of a large number of computational models, among…”
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    Journal Article
  6. 6

    Structural and dynamical properties of nanoconfined supercooled water by Vilanova, Oriol, Franzese, Giancarlo

    Published 14-02-2011
    “…Bulk water presents a large number of crystalline and amorphous ices. Hydrophobic nanoconfinement is known to affect the tendency of water to form ice and to…”
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    Journal Article