Search Results - "Vicens, M"

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    Antipsychotic monotherapy versus combination in schizophrenia: Are there differences in cognition? by Ruiz, A, Brañas, A, Vicens, M, Orozco, A, Lahera, G

    Published in European psychiatry (01-03-2016)
    “…Introduction Influential protocols in the treatment of schizophrenia recommend the use of antipsychotics in monotherapy, although combination is common in…”
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    Reaction time, processing speed and sustained attention in patients with schizophrenia: Impact on functioning by Orozco, A, Vicens, M, Ruiz, A, Brañas, A, Lahera, G

    Published in European psychiatry (01-03-2016)
    “…Introduction Some studies have related processing speed with functionality. A more discriminative analysis of different components of this neuropsychological…”
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    Un element misteriós en algunes escenes d’adoració flamenques by Vicens, M. Teresa

    Published in Materia (Barcelona, Spain) (2016)
    “…La rica imaginació de Hieronymus Bosch, que avui se’ns presenta tan enigmàtica, sovint té com a punt de partida històries, figures, creences, temes o…”
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    Mesonephric carcinosarcoma of the uterine cervix: a case report by Lopez-Chardi, L, González-Bosquet, E, Rovira Zurriaga, C, Laïlla Vicens, J M

    “…Cervical carcinosarcomas are rare neoplasms that aggressively progress and belong to the histological group of mixed tumors with both epithelial and…”
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    Modern heterozoan carbonates from a eutrophic tropical shelf (Mauritania) by Michel, Julien, Vicens, Guillem Mateu, Westphal, Hildegard

    Published in Journal of sedimentary research (01-09-2011)
    “…Heterozoan or foramol production is typical in extratropical carbonate sedimentary systems. However, under mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions, heterozoan…”
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    Light-Switching Excimer Probes for Rapid Protein Monitoring in Complex Biological Fluids by Chaoyong James Yang, Jockusch, Steffen, Marie Vicens, Turro, Nicholas J., Tan, Weihong

    “…Quantitative protein bioanalysis in complex biological fluids presents considerable challenges in biological studies and disease diagnosis. The major obstacles…”
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    Underwater delivery. Consensus of the Spanish Neonatology Society and the Perinatal Section of the Spanish Obstetrics and Gynecology Society by Iriondo Sanz, M, Sánchez Luna, M, Botet Mussons, F, Martínez-Astorquiza, T, Lailla Vicens, J M, Figueras Aloy, J

    “…Immersion in water during labor and delivery as an alternative to traditional delivery is a practice that has increased in many countries. This technique is…”
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    752 Moral Distress in a Neonatal Ward: What Do Nurses Tell? by Martin-Perdiz, A, Ponsell-Vicens, M E

    Published in Pediatric research (01-11-2010)
    “…Moral distress, is the inability of a moral agent to act according to his or her core values and perceived obligations due to internal and external constraints…”
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    Neuronal Activity-Dependent Cell Survival Mediated by Transcription Factor MEF2 by Mao, Zixu, Bonni, Azad, Xia, Fen, Nadal-Vicens, Mireya, Greenberg, Michael E.

    “…During mammalian development, electrical activity promotes the calcium-dependent survival of neurons that have made appropriate synaptic connections. However,…”
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