Search Results - "Verburgt, L."
Male field cricket song reflects age, allowing females to prefer young males
Published in Animal Behaviour (01-01-2011)“…Sexual selection often involves female preference for males of a certain age, and a body of theory predicts preference for old males. We measured a…”
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A new forest dwelling button spider from South Africa (Araneae, Theridiidae, Latrodectus)
Published in Zootaxa (26-11-2019)“…The medically important spider genus Latrodectus Walckenaer 1805, commonly referred to as "button spiders" in South Africa, is represented by six species in…”
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Quantity versus quality: how does level of predation threat affect Cape ground squirrel vigilance?
Published in Animal behaviour (01-09-2009)“…How individuals balance time spent satisfying nutritional needs and time spent being vigilant to protect against potential predation has received abundant…”
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Mate choice in field crickets: can females acoustically detect male body size
Published in Journal of ethology (2010)“…Females can potentially choose high-quality males by evaluating male secondary sexual traits such as acoustic signals. In field crickets (Orthoptera:…”
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The effect of deep inspiration on methacholine dose-response curves in normal subjects
Published in American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (01-10-1997)“…Normal subjects develop exaggerated airway narrowing when deep inspiration (DI) is voluntarily suppressed during methacholine challenge. Failure of periodic…”
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Phonotactic response of female crickets on the Kramer treadmill: methodology, sensory and behavioural implications
Published in Journal of Comparative Physiology (01-01-2008)“…Since population-level variation in female mating preferences can shape intraspecific communication systems within the context of sexual selection it is…”
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Changes in nectar concentration: how quickly do whitebellied sunbirds (Cinnyris talatala) adjust feeding patterns and food intake
Published in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (01-08-2008)“…Nectarivorous birds encounter varying nectar concentrations while foraging on different food plants and must adjust their consumption to maintain constant…”
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Human airway narrowing measured using high resolution computed tomography
Published in American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (01-11-1996)“…Exaggerated airway narrowing in response to bronchoconstricting stimuli is a characteristic feature of asthmatic subjects. It is unknown whether the site of…”
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Short-term energy regulation of whitebellied sunbirds (Nectarinia talatala): effects of food concentration on feeding frequency and duration
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-08-2006)“…Avian nectarivores show compensatory feeding by adjusting their volumetric intake in response to variation in nectar concentration. This study used an infrared…”
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Measurement of lung expansion with computed tomography and comparison with quantitative histology
Published in Journal of applied physiology (1985) (01-11-1995)“…The total and regional lung volumes were estimated from computed tomography (CT), and the pleural pressure gradient was determined by using the milliliters of…”
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Whitebellied sunbirds (Nectarinia talatala, Nectariniidae) do not prefer artificial nectar containing amino acids
Published in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (01-08-2007)“…Amino acids are the most abundant class of compounds in nectar after sugars. Like its sugar concentration, the amino acid concentration of nectar has been…”
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Rediscovery of the lost skink Proscelotes aenea and implications for conservation
Published in Scientific reports (12-07-2023)“…Biodiversity loss is recognized as a grand challenge of the twenty-first century but ascertaining when a species is “lost” can be incredibly difficult—since…”
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Airway wall dimensions during carbachol-induced bronchoconstriction in rabbits
Published in Journal of applied physiology (1985) (01-10-1996)“…F. Sasaki, Y. Saitoh, L. Verburgt, and M. Okazawa Respiratory Health Network of Center of Excellence, University of British Columbia, Pulmonary Research…”
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Shape and position of the complete dose-response curve for inhaled methacholine in normal subjects
Published in American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (01-09-1996)“…Plateaus on the inhalation concentration-response curve have been described in normal subjects and patients with mild asthma. To determine the prevalence of…”
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Determinants of airway smooth muscle shortening in excised canine lobes
Published in Journal of applied physiology (1985) (01-02-1995)“…There is marked heterogeneity of airway narrowing in intraparenchymal airways in response to bronchoconstricting stimuli. We hypothesized that this…”
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Endogenous nitric oxide influences acetylcholine-induced bronchovascular dilation in sheep
Published in Journal of applied physiology (1985) (01-02-1995)“…To test whether endogenous endothelial nitric oxide (NO) influences baseline bronchial vascular tone and mediates acetylcholine (ACh)-induced bronchial…”
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Neutrophil activation and lung injury associated with chronic endotoxemia in rabbits
Published in Experimental lung research (1996)“…Chronic endotoxemia produces emphysematous lung destruction in several animal models. The present study was designed to examine changes in the…”
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Overexpression of Bcl-2 and mutations in p53 and K-ras in resected human non-small cell lung cancers
Published in American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology (01-07-1996)“…We investigated expression of Bcl-2, mutations in p53, and K-ras oncogene in 51 resected human non-small cell lung cancers. The studies were designed to test…”
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Mucosal folding and airway smooth muscle shortening
Published in Chest (01-03-1995)Get more information
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Exposure to male song increases rate of egg development in the cricket Gryllodes sigillatus : short communication
Published in African zoology (01-10-2005)“…The acoustic displays of male crickets have, so far, only been shown to have two functions: a) to attract females and / or b) to repel rival males. We examined…”
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