Search Results - "Vélez, María L"
Antioxidant Activities of Exopolysaccharides Extracts from Two Endemic Fungi from Patagonia
Published in Current microbiology (01-11-2024)“…A great number of free radicals have a negative impact on the human body, and an increased interest in the identification of new natural molecules with…”
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Phytophthora and Phytopythium species associated with walnut dieback in plantations of northern Patagonia, Argentina
Published in Plant pathology (01-09-2024)“…The walnut industry in Argentina has grown in recent years, especially in northern Patagonia. However, this expansion has also brought new challenges,…”
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Multipartner alliances among small firms promoted by external managers: Risk and governance mechanisms
Published in International small business journal (01-06-2023)“…External managers may be key to setting up and managing multi-partner alliances (MPAs) among small firms, but their role has not yet been integrated in…”
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Two conifer species native to Patagonia threatened by Phytophthora austrocedri
Published in Forest pathology = Journal de pathologie forestière = Zeitschrift für Forstpathologie (01-04-2019)“…Phytophthora austrocedri is a pathogen of Austrocedrus chilensis causing “Mal del Ciprés” (cypress sickness) in Patagonia and killing Juniperus communis in…”
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Do suppliers' formal controls damage distributors' trust?
Published in Journal of business research (01-07-2012)“…Do suppliers' formal controls damage distributors' trust? Extensive studies on this question show mixed results. This article develops a theoretical model that…”
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Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide Stimulates the Thyrotropin-Dependent Thyroglobulin Gene Expression at the Transcriptional Level by Involving the Transcription Factors Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 and Paired Box Domain Transcription Factor 8
Published in Endocrinology (Philadelphia) (01-07-2006)“…The bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a biological activator that induces expression of multiple genes in several cell types. LPS has been proposed as an…”
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Evolving Functions of Interorganizational Governance Mechanisms
Published in Managerial and decision economics (01-04-2013)“…Through a longitudinal case study, this article examines the evolution of the twofold function of formal governance mechanisms, for control and coordination,…”
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Endogenous thyrocyte-produced nitric oxide inhibits iodide uptake and thyroid-specific gene expression in FRTL-5 thyroid cells
Published in Journal of endocrinology (01-03-2007)“…Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical that mediates a wide array of cell functions. It is generated from l-arginine by NO-synthase (NOS). Expression of NOS…”
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Mortierella species from declining Araucaria araucana trees in Patagonia, Argentina
Published in Forest pathology = Journal de pathologie forestière = Zeitschrift für Forstpathologie (01-06-2020)“…Since 2015, Araucaria araucana, an ecologically and economically important conifer native to Argentina and Chile, has suffered an unusual partial death of the…”
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Management control systems as inter-organizational trust builders in evolving relationships: Evidence from a longitudinal case study
Published in Accounting, organizations and society (01-10-2008)“…Research on inter-organizational relationships argues that at mature stages, when trust has reached a high level, it will be damaged by new management control…”
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Empleo de videos y actividades gamificadas para el apoyo a la clase invertida en el ámbito universitario en contabilidad de costes y gestión
Published in Cuadernos del CIMBAGE (02-12-2022)“…El presente trabajo examina el impacto en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes universitarios de una serie de iniciativas de mejora docente desarrolladas en…”
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Exiguobacterium sp. as a bioinoculant for plant-growth promotion and Selenium biofortification strategies in horticultural plants
Published in World journal of microbiology & biotechnology (01-05-2023)“…Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have a positive effect on plant development and being a promising way to enhance crop productivity and as…”
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Cómo controlan los franquiciadores españoles a sus franquiciados?
Published in Revista de contabilidad (01-06-2013)“…En franquicia, la mala actuación de un franquiciado tiene un fuerte impacto negativo sobre toda la cadena, porlo que el sistema de control de gestión (SCG)…”
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Control Problems in Distribution Channels: Empirical Evidence of Management Control Systems Contributions
Published in Revista de contabilidad (01-12-2006)“…As part of the supply chain, manufacturing firms are increasingly placing greater emphasis on the management of their outsourced distribution channels (DCs)…”
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Usos de los sistemas de contabilidad de gestión: evidencia empírica en relaciones interorganizativas / Management accounting uses: empirical evidence within interorganiational relationships
Published in Revista española de financiación y contabilidad (01-01-2009)“…Frente a investigaciones anteriores centradas en el estudio de un único uso de los sistemas de contabilidad de gestión (SCG) en las relaciones…”
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Cómo controlan los franquiciadores españoles a sus franquiciados?
Published in Revista de contabilidad (01-01-2013)“…En franquicia, la mala actuación de un franquiciado tiene un fuerte impacto negativo sobre toda la cadena, por lo que el sistema de control de gestión (SCG)…”
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Usos de los sistemas de contabilidad de gestión: evidencia empírica en relaciones interorganizativas
Published in Revista española de financiación y contabilidad (01-01-2009)“…Frente a investigaciones anteriores centradas en el estudio de un único uso de los sistemas de contabilidad de gestión (SCG) en las relaciones…”
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Contribución de los Sistemas de Control Interorganizativos al Desarrollo de Capacidades Exportadoras
Published in Revista española de financiación y contabilidad (03-07-2014)Get full text
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How control system information characteristics affect exporter–intermediary relationship quality
Published in International business review (01-10-2015)“…•Exporter–intermediary relationship quality is key to explaining SMEs’ export performance in international markets.•Control systems affect the quality of…”
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Linking decision-control and decision-management uses of performance measurement systems
Published in International journal of physical distribution & logistics management (01-01-2017)“…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze, for both parties of a distribution channel, to what extent each party perceives the counterpart’s use of…”
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