Search Results - "Van Zyl Smit, Dirk"
Regulation of Prison Conditions
Published in Crime and justice (Chicago, Ill.) (01-01-2010)“…Prisons in modern societies are complex bureaucracies that are subject to regulation through a range of external monitoring and internal inspection mechanisms…”
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The European Human Rights System and the Right to Life Seen through Suicide Prevention in Places of Detention: Between Risk Management and Punishment
Published in Human rights law review (01-03-2022)“…Abstract This paper analyses the shortcomings of European suicide prevention policy in places of detention, a topic that has been neglected in the European…”
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‘One cannot legislate kindness’: Ambiguities in European legal instruments on non-custodial sanctions
Published in Punishment & society (01-01-2015)“…Non-custodial sanctions, particularly those that are implemented in the community, have different historical roots in common- and civil-law jurisdictions…”
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Whole life sentences and the tide of European human rights jurisprudence: What is to be done?
Published in Human rights law review (01-03-2014)“…In 'Vinter and Others v United Kingdom', the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that all offenders sentenced to life imprisonment had a…”
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Extradition and Whole Life Sentences
Published in Criminal law forum (01-03-2024)“…Sentences of life imprisonment without a prospect of adequate review and release are prohibited in States party to the European Convention on Human Rights…”
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Human dignity and life imprisonment: The pope enters the debate
Published in Human rights law review (01-06-2015)“…All Christians and men of good will are called today to fight not only for the abolition of the death penalty, whether legal or illegal, and in all its forms,…”
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The Paradox of Scottish Life Imprisonment
Published in European journal of crime, criminal law, and criminal justice (01-03-2020)“…More people are serving life sentences in Scotland as a proportion of the national population than in any other country in Europe. Yet , in many respects,…”
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Can European human rights instruments limit the power of the national state to punish? A tale of two Europes
Published in European journal of criminology (01-01-2021)“…The power to punish is traditionally seen as an essential prerogative of the national state. Over the last three decades, judicial and standard-setting bodies…”
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Introduction: Human rights, prisons and penal policies
Published in European journal of criminology (01-01-2021)“…The process of institutional and judicial control over many sectors of society is often described as an influential and growing socio-legal trend, contributing…”
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Disproportionate Sentences as Human Rights Violations
Published in Modern law review (01-07-2004)“…The article explores the concepts of disproportionality and gross disproportionality in sentencing. Several constitutions or human rights documents prohibit…”
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Humanising Imprisonment: A European project?
Published in European journal on criminal policy and research (01-06-2006)“…This paper focuses on the continued significance of human rights in the movement to develop a more comprehensive European framework to improve prison…”
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Published in The International and comparative law quarterly (01-04-2005)“…Every State in the modern world has a prison system, established and purportedly administered in terms of formal legal rules. Most such systems house both…”
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Der Einfluss von COVID-19 auf den Strafvollzug – Ergebnisse einer internationalen Bestandsaufnahme und kriminal- bzw. strafvollzugspolitische Schlussfolgerungen
Published in Forensische psychiatrie, psychologie, kriminologie (01-05-2024)“…Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst die Erfahrungsberichte aus 48 Ländern des im April 2022 von den Autoren herausgegebenen Sammelbandes (Dünkel…”
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Life imprisonment: Recent issues in national and international law
Published in International journal of law and psychiatry (01-09-2006)“…This article notes that, because understandings of what life imprisonment means are often ambiguous, the life sentence is sometimes perceived to be relatively…”
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Dignity unlocked? The Nelson Mandela Rules as a key to the transnational legal ordering of imprisonment: Godność uwolniona? Reguły Nelsona Mandeli jako klucz do transnarodowych rozwiązań prawnych w zakresie pozbawiania wolności
Published in Archiwum kryminologii (31-12-2023)“…This paper explains how the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (UNSMR), known since their 2015 amendment as the Nelson…”
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Lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe in einer globalisierten Welt
Published in Neue Kriminalpolitik (01-01-2015)“…Die Nationalstaaten haben ganz verschiedene Ansätze in Bezug auf die Auferlegung und die Vollstreckung von lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe. Der Beitrag geht der…”
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Dignity unlocked? The Nelson Mandela Rules as a key to the transnational legal ordering of imprisonment
Published in Archiwum kryminologii (2023)“…This paper explains how the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (UNSMR), known since their 2015 amendment as the Nelson…”
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Prisons and their Moral Performance. By Alison Liebling, assisted by Helen Arnold (Oxford: Clarendon Studies in Criminology, Oxford University Press, 2004, xxvii + 547pp. £65.00 hb)
Published in British journal of criminology (01-09-2005)“…Prisons and their Moral Performance by Alison Liebling, assisted by Helen Arnold, is reviewed…”
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The implementation of youth imprisonment and constitutional law in Germany
Published in Punishment & society (01-10-2007)“…This article considers the impact that constitutional law can have on penal policy through an analysis of current developments in the law governing youth…”
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The abolition of capital punishment for persons under the age of eighteen years in the United States of America. What next?
Published in Human rights law review (2005)“…Most readers of the Human Rights Law Review will have little difficulty with the outcome of the recent decision of the US Supreme Court ('Court') in 'Roper v…”
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