Search Results - "V. O. Zheltonozhsky"
178m2Hf isomer production cross-sections for Ta target irradiated by α-particles in the energy range from 36 to 92 MeV
Published in Applied radiation and isotopes (01-08-2023)“…178m2Hf isomer production cross-sections were measured when natural tantalum targets were irradiated by alpha particles in the energy range of 36–92 MeV. The…”
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Implementation of the technological electrons accelerator for nuclear research
Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (01-09-2011)“…Methodical decisions of application of technological electrons accelerator for nuclear researches are described. Tools of adaptation of the radiation…”
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Investigation of (γ, xpxn)-reactions on titanium, lutetium, nickel and chromium nuclei at Ebr=37 MeV
Published in Radiation physics and chemistry (Oxford, England : 1993) (01-03-2024)Get full text
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178m2 Hf isomer production cross-sections for Ta target irradiated by α-particles in the energy range from 36 to 92 MeV
Published in Applied radiation and isotopes (01-08-2023)“…Hf isomer production cross-sections were measured when natural tantalum targets were irradiated by alpha particles in the energy range of 36-92 MeV. The…”
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90Sr spectrometry
Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (30-09-2024)“…A spectroscopic method has been developed based on measuring of beta-spectra, which takes into account the physico-chemical state of the investigated objects…”
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Photofission of 238U with bremsstrahlung in wide interval of values of the boundary energy
Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-06-2019)“…In experiments for photofission of 238U with bremsstrahlung, the isomeric yield ratios for 133Xe at the end-point energies Ee = 6.25, 14.5 and 18 MeV and for…”
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Anomalous internal conversion of the K-forbidden 55 keV E1-transition in 177 Hf
Published in The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei (01-02-2013)“…The precise γ-ray intensities of the transitions following the decay of the 160.44 day isomeric state in 177 Lu have been measured by using four different…”
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Average angular momenta of the fragments in 238U photofіssіon with bremsstrahlung
Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-03-2018)“…Based on 238U photofission experiments with the bremsstrahlung photons, the isomeric yield ratios were measured for 95Nb and 133Xe nuclei at the end-point…”
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180mTa excitation by positrons
Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (01-03-2011)“…For the first time the 180mTa excitations cross-sections have been measured at the photonless annihilation of the positrons. The effective cross-sections have…”
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Investigation of the isomeric states excitation processes for 111Cd and 115Cd isotopes in (γ, n) reaction at the γ-quantum energies in giant dipole resonance region
Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (01-06-2012)“…Cross-sections of the isomeric states excitations in the 112Cd(γ, n)111mCd and 116Cd(γ, n)115m,gCd reactions have been investigated for the 8 - 10 MeV energy…”
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Study of the excitation of high-spin isomers in ^sup 190^Ir and ^sup 196,198^Au in the near-threshold region
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-11-2008)“…The isomeric ratios of the yields for 190m,gIr and 196m,gAu have been measured in the (γ,n) reaction in the near-threshold region at γ-ray energies of 12 and…”
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Study of the excitation of high-spin isomers in 190Ir and 196,198Au in the near-threshold region
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-11-2008)“…The isomeric ratios of the yields for 190 m,g Ir and 196 m,g Au have been measured in the (γ,n) reaction in the near-threshold region at γ-ray energies of 12…”
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Investigation of isomeric yields ratio in (γ, n)-reaction in nucleus of 121Sb
Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (01-12-2009)“…Isomeric yield ratios in 120m,gSb have been measured in (γ, n)-reaction for the several end-point energies of bremsstrahlung photons from 9.6 to 25 MeV…”
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