Search Results - "Vázquez Cisneros, Lucía Cristina"
Effects of green tea and its epigallocatechin (EGCG) content on body weight and fat mass in humans: a systematic review
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (05-06-2017)“…The prevalence and incidence of overweight and obesity worldwide continues to increase, as well as diseases related to these conditions. This is attributed to…”
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Effect of feeding frequency and schedules on diet induced thermogenesis in humans, a systematic review
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (02-08-2018)“…Total energy expenditure (TEE) has three components: basal expenditure, physical activity expenditure, and diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT). This last…”
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Efectos del té verde y su contenido de galato de epigalocatequina (EGCG) sobre el peso corporal y la masa grasa en humanos. Una revisión sistemática
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (05-06-2017)“…La prevalencia e incidencia del sobrepeso y la obesidad continúan en aumento a nivel mundial, así como las enfermedades relacionadas con estas condiciones…”
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Effect of the fatty acid composition of meals on postprandial energy expenditure: a systematic review
Published in Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira (1992) (01-07-2019)“…SUMMARY The energy imbalance produced by an increase in caloric intake and/or decrease in energy expenditure induces obesity. However, the fatty acid…”
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Light-dark cycle inversion effect on food intake and body weight in rats
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (10-06-2021)“…Background: most organisms inhabiting this planet have rhythmic functions in cycles that approximate 24 hours as a result of evolutionary adaptation…”
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Efecto de la frecuencia y horario de alimentación sobre la termogénesis inducida por la dieta en humanos, una revisión sistemática
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (02-08-2018)“…El gasto energético total (GET) tiene tres componentes: el gasto basal, el gasto por actividad física (GAF) y la termogénesis inducida por la dieta (TID). Este…”
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Effect of early exposure to sucralose on fluid intake in rats
Published in Revista Mexicana de trastornos alimentarios (2013)“…Experimental evidence has demonstrated the effect of exposure history on feeding behavior in organisms. However, it is reported that sucralose is not…”
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