Search Results - "Useda, J D"
Two-year stability of borderline personality measures
Published in Journal of personality disorders (01-09-1998)“…Two-year stability coefficients were computed for several measures of borderline personality disorder within a nonclinical sample (n = 65) that included…”
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Borderline Personality Disorder Features in Nonclinical Young Adults: 2. Two-Year Outcome
Published in Journal of abnormal psychology (1965) (01-05-1997)“…Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is thought to develop by early adulthood, and it is characterized by lack of control of anger, intense and frequent mood…”
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Comparison of the MMPI-2 Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5), the NEO-PI, and the NEO-PI-R
Published in Psychological assessment (01-12-1995)“…This study examined relations between Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5; A. R. Harkness, J. L. McNulty, & Y…”
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A Structured Interview for the Assessment of the Five-Factor Model of Personality
Published in Psychological assessment (01-09-1998)“…The authors report on the psychometric properties of a new semistructured interview, the Structured Interview for the Five-Factor Model of Personality (SIFFM;…”
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Personality and attempted suicide in depressed adults 50 years of age and older: A facet level analysis
Published in Comprehensive psychiatry (01-09-2004)“…We examined the contribution of personality traits to attempted suicide, the number of suicidal attempts, and suicidal ideation in a sample of depressed…”
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