Search Results - "Uliana, Catchia Hermes"
Family experiences in discovering Autism Spectrum Disorder: implications for family nursing
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2020)“…to describe the family's experience in the process of discovering the diagnosis and initiation of treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. this…”
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Combination vitamin C and vitamin E prevents enteric diabetic neuropathy in the small intestine in rats
Published in Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (01-08-2015)“…The present study evaluated the effects of supplementation with a combination of vitamin C and vitamin E on NADH-diaphorase-positive (NADH-d+) and neuronal…”
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Análise das internações hospitalares por sarampo no Brasil e correlação com cobertura vacinal
Published in Acta paulista de enfermagem (01-09-2024)“…Resumo Objetivo Analisar as internações hospitalares por sarampo em regiões do Brasil e sua correlação com a cobertura vacinal. Métodos Trata-se de estudo…”
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Probiotics protect the intestinal wall of morphological changes caused by malnutrition
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-09-2014)“…This study sought to morphometrically analyze the jejunal wall of protein-malnourished rats administered a probiotic supplement. The sample consisted of…”
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Probiotics prevent growth deficit of colon wall strata of malnourished rats post-lactation
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-09-2012)“…The objective of this study was to analyze morphometrically the colon wall strata of malnourished rats supplemented with probiotics. Sixteen recently weaned…”
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Gravidez e infecção por Coronavírus: desfechos maternos, fetais e neonatais – Revisão sistemática
Published in Cuidarte (01-08-2020)“…Resumo Introdução Pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave do Coronavírus (SARS-CoV) durante a gravidez. O objetivo desse trabalho…”
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Characterization of the myenteric neuronal population and subpopulation of the duodenum of adult wistar rat fed with hypoproteic chow
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-09-2012)“…The effects of severe protein malnutrition (4%) on myenteric neurons of Wistar rat duodenum, in relation to a standard 22%-protein diet for rodents, were…”
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Effects of infection with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts on the intestinal wall and the myenteric plexus of chicken (Gallus gallus)
Published in Pesquisa veterinária brasileira (01-09-2010)“…This paper aims to analyze the effects of the Toxoplasma gondii infection in the intestinal wall and myenteric plexus of chicken (Gallus gallus). Ten…”
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Protective effects of quercetin-loaded microcapsules on the enteric nervous system of diabetic rats
Published in Autonomic neuroscience (01-01-2021)“…Quercetin-loaded microcapsules (QLM) promote controlled release and higher bioavailability of quercetin, an antioxidant and neuroprotective agent. We evaluated…”
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Congenital syphilis in Parana and its twin cities: focus on Foz do Iguacu/ Sifilis congenita no Parana e em suas cidades gemeas: enfoque em Foz do Iguacu/ Sifilis congenita en Parana y sus ciudades gemelas: foco en Foz de Iguazu
Published in Revista enfermagem UERJ (01-01-2023)“…Objective: to analyze the occurrence of congenital syphilis in Parana and its twin cities, with a focus on Foz do Iguacu. Method: cross-sectional,…”
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extract of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi intensifies morphological alterations in the colon of diabetic rats
Published in Revista da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Sorocaba (03-04-2024)“…There are several challenges in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Some of these challenges include the discovery of bioactive compounds with the potential to…”
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Supplementation with l-glutamine prevents tumor growth and cancer-induced cachexia as well as restores cell proliferation of intestinal mucosa of Walker-256 tumor-bearing rats
Published in Amino acids (01-12-2016)“…This study aimed to evaluate the intestinal mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum of Walker-256 tumor-bearing rats supplemented with l -glutamine. Thirty-two male…”
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Is l-Glutathione More Effective Than l-Glutamine in Preventing Enteric Diabetic Neuropathy?
Published in Digestive diseases and sciences (01-05-2014)“…Background Diabetes and its complications appear to be multifactorial. Substances with antioxidant potential have been used to protect enteric neurons in…”
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Supplementation with l-glutathione improves oxidative status and reduces protein nitration in myenteric neurons in the jejunum in diabetic Rattus norvegicus
Published in Experimental and molecular pathology (01-06-2018)“…Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome with multiple etiologies, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia that increases the production of reactive oxygen species and…”
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Vitamins C and E (ascorbate/α-tocopherol) provide synergistic neuroprotection in the jejunum in experimental diabetes
Published in Pathophysiology (Amsterdam) (01-12-2015)“…The present study evaluated the synergistic effects of the association of ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol on myenteric in the jejunum of diabetic rats. The rats…”
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Chronic infection with Toxoplasma gondii induces death of submucosal enteric neurons and damage in the colonic mucosa of rats
Published in Experimental parasitology (01-05-2016)“…Intestinal epithelial secretion is coordinated by the submucosal plexus (SMP). Chemical mediators from SMP regulate the immunobiological response and direct…”
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Perfil sorológico de doadores de sangue do hemonúcleo de uma região de tríplice fronteira
Published in Saúde e Pesquisa (25-08-2024)“…Identificar a soroprevalência reagente e as características (idade e sexo) em doadores de sangue de um município de tríplice fronteira, Foz do Iguaçu. Estudo…”
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l-Glutamine supplementation promotes an improved energetic balance in Walker-256 tumor–bearing rats
Published in Tumor biology (01-03-2017)“…We evaluated the effects of supplementation with oral l-glutamine in Walker-256 tumor–bearing rats. A total of 32 male Wistar rats aged 54 days were randomly…”
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Desired and side effects of the supplementation with l-glutamine and l-glutathione in enteric glia of diabetic rats
Published in Acta histochemica (01-07-2016)“…•The substances present desired and side effects in normoglycemic or diabetic animals.•l-Glutamine promotes an increase in the neuronal area in normoglycemic…”
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Sífilis congênita no Paraná e em suas cidades gêmeas: enfoque em Foz do Iguaçu
Published in Revista enfermagem UERJ (14-12-2023)“…Objetivo: analisar a ocorrência de sífilis congênita no Paraná e suas cidades gêmeas, com enfoque em Foz do Iguaçu. Método: estudo transversal, retrospectivo,…”
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