Search Results - "Ulbrich, W"

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  1. 1

    Microphysics of Raindrop Size Spectra: Tropical Continental and Maritime Storms by Ulbrich, Carlton W., Atlas, David

    “…This work uses raindrop size spectra measured at the surface in tropical continental storms to determine the associated parameters of the best-fit gamma…”
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    Systematic variation of drop size and radar-rainfall relations by Atlas, David, Ulbrich, Carlton W., Marks, Frank D., Amitai, Eyal, Williams, Christopher R.

    Published in Journal of Geophysical Research (27-03-1999)
    “…Time histories of the characteristics of the drop size distribution of surface disdrometer measurements collected at Kapingamarangi Atoll were partitioned for…”
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    Radar Measurement of Rainfall with and without Polarimetry by Ulbrich, Carlton W., Atlas, David

    “…Raindrop size distributions (DSDs) for tropical convective storms are used to examine the relationships between the parameters of a gamma DSD, with special…”
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    Partitioning tropical oceanic convective and stratiform rains by draft strength by Atlas, David, Ulbrich, Carlton W., Marks, Frank D., Black, Robert A., Amitai, Eyal, Willis, Paul T., Samsury, Christopher E.

    “…The discrimination of convective from stratiform tropical oceanic rains by conventional radar‐based textural methods is problematic because of the small size…”
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    The correlation between lightning and DSD parameters by Saylor, J.R., Ulbrich, C.W., Ballentine, J.W., Lapp, J.L.

    “…The number of lightning strokes that struck a fixed region about the Clemson Atmospheric Research Laboratory (CARL) in Clemson, SC were recorded. These were…”
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    Rainfall Microphysics and Radar Properties: Analysis Methods for Drop Size Spectra by Ulbrich, Carlton W., Atlas, David

    Published in Journal of applied meteorology (1988) (01-09-1998)
    “…Analyses are performed of experimental drop size spectra to explore the relationships among integral parameters for rain. The data used in this work were…”
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    An Observationally Based Conceptual Model of Warm Oceanic Convective Rain in the Tropics by Atlas, David, Ulbrich, Carlton W.

    Published in Journal of applied meteorology (1988) (01-12-2000)
    “…Distinctively differentZ–Rrelations for initial convective and transition rain at the surface were found during the Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere…”
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    The influence of ACE-inhibition on myocardial mass and diastolic function in chronic hemodialysis patients with adequate control of blood pressure by Roithinger, F X, Punzengruber, C, Wallner, M, Ulbrich, W, Pachinger, O, Kramar, R, Prischl, F C

    Published in Clinical nephrology (01-11-1994)
    “…The objectives of this study were to evaluate the specific effect of the ACE-inhibitor lisinopril on myocardial mass and diastolic function in uremic patients…”
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  9. 9

    Natural Variations in the Analytical Form of the Raindrop Size Distribution by Ulbrich, Carlton W.

    Published in Journal of climate and applied meteorology (01-10-1983)
    “…Empirical analyses are shown to imply variation in the shape or analytical form of the raindrop size distribution consistent with that observed experimentally…”
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  10. 10

    On the Separation of Tropical Convective and Stratiform Rains by Ulbrich, Carlton W., Atlas, David

    Published in Journal of applied meteorology (1988) (01-02-2002)
    “…This work resolves an apparent conflict between the results of Yuter and Houze and Atlas et al. concerning relations between radar reflectivity factorZand…”
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  11. 11

    A review of the differential reflectivity technique of measuring rainfall by ULBRICH, C. W

    “…A review is presented of a technique that uses dual-polarization radar to measure rainfall rate and other precipitation parameters. Special emphasis is placed…”
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    The Effects of Drop Size Distribution Truncation on Rainfall Integral Parameters and Empirical Relations by Ulbrich, Carlton W.

    Published in Journal of climate and applied meteorology (01-06-1985)
    “…A description is given of a method of estimating the effects of truncating the raindrop size distribution (DSD) at lower and upper drop diameters Dmin and Dmax…”
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    Passive CCD resonators [for high Q bandpass filters] by Klar, H., Mauthe, M., Pfleiderer, H.-J., Ulbrich, W.

    Published in IEEE journal of solid-state circuits (01-06-1981)
    “…The passive CCD resonator is a recursive CCD building block which is well suited for the realization of high Q bandpass filters. Its realization is compatible…”
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    Educational and Institutional Issues in Radar Meteorology, Battan Memorial and 40th Anniversary Radar Meteorology Conference by Atlas, David, Serafin, chairman Robert J., Ulbrich, Carlton W.

    “…The Battan Memorial and 40th Anniversary Radar Meteorology Conference was the occasion for assessing the health of radar meteorology. This paper summarizes…”
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  20. 20

    The Accuracy of Rainfall Rate Measurement by Tunable Millimeter-Wavelength Radar by Ulbrich, Carlton W.

    Published in Journal of climate and applied meteorology (01-10-1983)
    “…A theoretical and empirical assessment is made of a technique proposed recently for measuring rainfall rate by radar. The technique involves tuning a variable…”
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