Search Results - "Uchiyama, G"
Effect of metal ions in a heated nitric acid solution on the corrosion behavior of a titanium–5% tantalum alloy in the hot nitric acid condensate
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-01-2013)“…For evaluating the application of titanium and its alloys as components of equipment for storing nitric acid condensate in spent nuclear fuel reprocessing…”
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: T2 shortening in motor cortex at MR imaging
Published in Radiology (01-12-1993)“…To determine whether decreased signal intensity of the motor cortex (T2 shortening) at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a useful finding for supporting the…”
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Schistosomiasis japonica of the liver: contrast-enhanced CT findings in 113 patients
Published in American journal of roentgenology (1976) (01-08-1993)“…The purpose of this study was to determine the findings on contrast-enhanced CT scans in patients with hepatic schistosomiasis japonica and to determine their…”
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Destruction of butyraldehyde isomers using silver catalyzed electrochemical oxidation
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-04-1998)Get full text
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Published in Solvent extraction and ion exchange (01-08-1998)“…The distribution of nitrous add between tri-n-butyl phosphate ( TBP) n-dodecane ( nDD) and nitric add has been measured as functions of nitrous and nitric add…”
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Contrast-Enhanced dynamic MRI of adrenal masses: classification of characteristic enhancement patterns
Published in Clinical radiology (01-05-1995)“…This study evaluated the usefulness of dynamic MRI to differentiate various adrenal tumours. Sixty-five adrenal tumours (28 adenomas, 22 metastases, seven…”
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The adsorption mechanism of uranium(VI) from seawater on a macroporous fibrous polymeric adsorbent containing amidoxime chelating functional group
Published in Reactive & functional polymers (01-11-2003)“…To adsorb and recover uranium(VI) from seawater, an improved macroporous fibrous polymeric adsorbent containing amidoxime chelating functional group (FPAO) was…”
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PARC process for an advanced PUREX process
Published in Progress in nuclear energy (New series) (2000)“…An advanced PUREX process, the PARC process, has been developed which aims to reduce the radioactive waste volume containing TRU elements (neptunium,…”
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pH Effect on the uranium adsorption from seawater by a macroporous fibrous polymeric material containing amidoxime chelating functional group
Published in Reactive & functional polymers (01-05-2005)“…The influence of pH value on the adsorption of U(VI) towards a novel, macroporous fibrous polymeric adsorbent containing amidoxime chelating functional group…”
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Adrenal adenomas: characteristic hyperintense rim sign on fat-saturated spin-echo MR images
Published in Radiology (01-10-1994)“…To determine whether adrenal adenomas can be differentiated from metastases on fat-saturated magnetic resonance (MR) images. Twenty-eight adrenal adenomas and…”
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Parameters of Dynamic and Static Iodine-123-MIBG Cardiac Imaging
Published in The Journal of nuclear medicine (1978) (01-06-1995)“…Dynamic and static 123I-MIBG studies were used to investigate various parameters with regard to their usefulness in evaluating cardiac disorders. Four patient…”
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Septa in the liver of patients with chronic hepatic schistosomiasis japonica: MR appearance
Published in American journal of roentgenology (1976) (01-06-1994)“…Chronic hepatic schistosomiasis japonica is a disorder characterized by broad fibrous septa in the liver. The ability to recognize these septa on MR images…”
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Effect of metal ions in a heated nitric acid solution on the corrosion behavior of a titaniuma5% tantalum alloy in the hot nitric acid condensate
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-01-2013)“…For evaluating the application of titanium and its alloys as components of equipment for storing nitric acid condensate in spent nuclear fuel reprocessing…”
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MRI of white matter changes in the Sjögren-Larsson syndrome
Published in Neuroradiology (01-10-1995)“…We report a case of Sjögren-Larsson syndrome with spastic diplegia and conduction aphasia. MRI demonstrated the white matter changes deep in the cerebral…”
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Conference Proceeding Journal Article -
Analysis of a Uranium Solution for Evaluating the Total Number of Fissions in the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
Published in JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH (2001)“…The uranium solution in the precipitation tank in the JCO's uranium conversion facility was analyzed in order to evaluate the total number of fissions in the…”
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Hepatic schistosomiasis japonica identified by CT
Published in Radiology (01-12-1985)“…We reviewed the CT examinations of 17 patients who had hepatic schistosomiasis japonica and noted peculiar hepatic calcifications in 15 cases and a notch on…”
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17 Tesla magnet with 300 mm outer diameter
Published in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers); (United States) (01-03-1991)“…A 17-T superconducting magnet was fabricated and tested. The designed field is 17 T with 160 A in the 33-mm bore at 4.2 K. The magnet is composed of two sets…”
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Radiographic CT diagnosis of the heart--evaluation of its efficacy and limitations
Published in Nihon rinshō (10-01-1979)Get more information
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