Search Results - "Tubiana, S"
Time to blood culture positivity: An independent predictor of infective endocarditis and mortality in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia
Published in Clinical microbiology and infection (01-04-2019)“…Time to blood culture positivity (TTP), a routinely available parameter in automated blood culture systems, may be a proxy for infectious burden in patients…”
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Community-acquired pneumonia in the emergency department: an algorithm to facilitate diagnosis and guide chest CT scan indication
Published in Clinical microbiology and infection (01-03-2020)“…The aim was to create and validate a community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) diagnostic algorithm to facilitate diagnosis and guide chest computed tomography (CT)…”
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Design of a prospective, longitudinal cohort of people living with type 1 diabetes exploring factors associated with the residual cardiovascular risk and other diabetes-related complications: The SFDT1 study
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (01-05-2022)“…Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular (CV) complications, even after controlling for traditional CV risk factors…”
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2010 French SPILF-AFSSAPS guiding criteria for Streptococcuspneumoniae acute community-acquired pneumonia: Evaluation in patients of the PACSCAN-ESCAPED cohort
Published in Infectious diseases now (Online) (01-03-2021)“…•The 2010 SPILF-AFSSAPS guiding criteria defining Streptococcuspneumoniae acute community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) are open to broad interpretation by…”
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Serum progesterone level and ongoing pregnancy rate following frozen-thawed embryo transfer after artificial endometrial preparation: a monocentric retrospective study
Published in Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction (01-12-2020)“…In some studies, early pregnancy loss (EPL) rate is higher with artificial cycle (AC) endometrial preparation for frozen-thawed embryo (FET) transfer than with…”
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Unusual increase in reported cases of paratyphoid A fever among travellers returning from Cambodia, January to September 2013
Published in Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles (26-09-2013)“…From January to September 2013, a marked increase in notifications of Salmonella Paratyphi A infections among travellers returning from Cambodia occurred in…”
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X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in ~1% of men under 60 years old with life-threatening COVID-19
Published in Science immunology (19-08-2021)“…Autosomal inborn errors of type I IFN immunity and autoantibodies against these cytokines underlie at least 10% of critical COVID-19 pneumonia cases. We report…”
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Impact of Antibiotic Gut Exposure on the Temporal Changes in Microbiome Diversity
Published in Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (01-10-2019)“…Although the global deleterious impact of antibiotics on the intestinal microbiota is well known, temporal changes in microbial diversity during and after an…”
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Cerebrovascular complications in patients with community-acquired bacterial meningitis: occurrence and associated factors in the COMBAT multicenter prospective cohort
Published in BMC infectious diseases (05-06-2023)“…Community-acquired bacterial meningitis is a rare but severe central nervous system infection that may be associated with cerebrovascular complications (CVC)…”
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Design of a prospective, longitudinal cohort of people living with type 1 diabetes exploring factors associated with the residual cardiovascular risk and other diabetes-related complications: The SFDT1 study
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (01-05-2022)“…Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular (CV) complications, even after controlling for traditional CV risk factors…”
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Echocardiography in Patients With Enterococcal Bacteremia
Published in Clinical infectious diseases (01-07-2015)Get full text
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P1644Influence of heart rate and systolic blood pressure on progression of calcific aortic valve stenosis - The COFRASA-GENERAC study
Published in European heart journal (01-08-2017)Get full text
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Diagnostic accuracy of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin in suspected community-acquired pneumonia adults visiting emergency department and having a systematic thoracic CT scan
Published in Critical care (London, England) (16-10-2015)“…Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) requires prompt treatment, but its diagnosis is complex. Improvement of bacterial CAP diagnosis by biomarkers has been…”
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Long-term neuro-functional disability in adult patients with community-acquired bacterial meningitis
Published in Infection (01-10-2022)“…Purpose To investigate the prevalence of neuro-functional disability and its determinants 12 months after community-acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM) in…”
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Antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of infective endocarditis for dental procedures is not associated with fatal adverse drug reactions in France
Published in Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal (01-05-2019)“…One of the major reasons to stop antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) to prevent infective endocarditis (IE) in the United Kingdom but not in the rest of the world was…”
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Soins bucco-dentaires, antibioprophylaxie et risque d’endocardite infectieuse chez les patients porteurs de prothèses valvulaires
Published in Médecine et maladies infectieuses (01-06-2017)“…L’endocardite infectieuse (EI) est une maladie grevée d’une morbi-mortalité élevée. Chez les patients porteurs de prothèses valvulaires (PV),…”
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Délai de positivité des hémocultures un déterminant indépendant d’endocardite et de décès dans les bactériémies à Staphylococcus aureus
Published in Médecine et maladies infectieuses (01-06-2017)“…Le délai de détection d’une hémoculture positive pourrait apporter une information sur la taille de l’inoculum et/ou la virulence de la souche. Notre étude…”
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Immunomodulators for immunocompromised patients hospitalized for COVID-19: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Published in EClinicalMedicine (01-03-2024)“…Although immunomodulators have established benefit against the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in general, it is uncertain whether such agents improve…”
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