Search Results - "Tsikalenko, E A"
Biochemical and hemocoagulation criteria for evaluating the risk of nephropathy development in workers with occupational exposure to dust
Published in Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia (2010)“…The authors present main mechanisms and leading pathogenetic factors underlying occupationally mediated dust nephropathies. The article covers results of…”
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Importance of molecular genetic markers for evaluating individual risk of visceropathies in workers exposed to dust
Published in Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia (2008)“…The authors present results of evaluating molecular genetic markers to estimate individual risk and forecast visceropathies development in workers exposed to…”
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Risk factors of gastropathy development in workers exposed to dust
Published in Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia (2011)“…Systemic leucocyte-induced oxidative stress in prolonged occupational exposure to dust modifies oxidative metabolism of neutrophils and RBC, causes…”
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