Search Results - "Tsai, O"

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  1. 1

    SOX2 expression in the developing, adult, as well as, diseased prostate by Yu, X, Cates, J M, Morrissey, C, You, C, Grabowska, M M, Zhang, J, DeGraff, D J, Strand, D W, Franco, O E, Lin-Tsai, O, Hayward, S W, Matusik, R J

    Published in Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases (01-12-2014)
    “…Background: SOX2 is a member of SOX (SRY-related high mobility group box) family of transcription factors. Methods: In this study, we examined the expression…”
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  2. 2

    Nonmonotonic Energy Dependence of Net-Proton Number Fluctuations by Adam, J, Adamczyk, L, Adams, J R, Adkins, J K, Agakishiev, G, Aggarwal, M M, Ahammed, Z, Alekseev, I, Anderson, D M, Aparin, A, Aschenauer, E C, Ashraf, M U, Atetalla, F G, Attri, A, Averichev, G S, Bairathi, V, Barish, K, Behera, A, Bellwied, R, Bhasin, A, Bielcik, J, Bielcikova, J, Bland, L C, Bordyuzhin, I G, Brandenburg, J D, Brandin, A V, Butterworth, J, Caines, H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M, Cebra, D, Chakaberia, I, Chaloupka, P, Chan, B K, Chang, F-H, Chang, Z, Chankova-Bunzarova, N, Chatterjee, A, Chen, D, Chen, J, Chen, J H, Chen, X, Chen, Z, Cheng, J, Cherney, M, Chevalier, M, Choudhury, S, Christie, W, Chu, X, Crawford, H J, Csanád, M, Daugherity, M, Dedovich, T G, Deppner, I M, Derevschikov, A A, Didenko, L, Dong, X, Drachenberg, J L, Dunlop, J C, Edmonds, T, Elsey, N, Engelage, J, Eppley, G, Esumi, S, Evdokimov, O, Ewigleben, A, Eyser, O, Fatemi, R, Fazio, S, Federic, P, Fedorisin, J, Feng, C J, Feng, Y, Filip, P, Finch, E, Fisyak, Y, Francisco, A, Fulek, L, Gagliardi, C A, Galatyuk, T, Geurts, F, Gibson, A, Gopal, K, Gou, X, Grosnick, D, Guryn, W, Hamad, A I, Hamed, A, Harabasz, S, Harris, J W, He, S, He, W, He, X H, He, Y, Heppelmann, S, Heppelmann, S, Herrmann, N, Hoffman, E, Holub, L, Hong, Y, Horvat, S

    Published in Physical review letters (05-03-2021)
    “…Nonmonotonic variation with collision energy (sqrt[s_{NN}]) of the moments of the net-baryon number distribution in heavy-ion collisions, related to the…”
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  3. 3

    Measurement of e + e − Momentum and Angular Distributions from Linearly Polarized Photon Collisions by Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J. R., Adkins, J. K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D. M., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashraf, M. U., Atetalla, F. G., Attri, A., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Barish, K., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhasin, A., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bland, L. C., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Butterworth, J., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B. K., Chang, F-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chen, D., Chen, J. H., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Cherney, M., Chevalier, M., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Crawford, H. J., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Didenko, L., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Dunlop, J. C., Edmonds, T., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esha, R., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, A., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, C. J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Francisco, A., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C. A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Grosnick, D., Hamad, A. I., Hamed, A., Harris, J. W., He, S., He, W., He, X., Heppelmann, S., Herrmann, N., Hoffman, E., Holub, L., Hong, Y., Horvat, S., Hu, Y., Huang, H. Z., Huang, S. L., Huang, T., Huang, X., Humanic, T. J.

    Published in Physical review letters (30-07-2021)
    “…The Breit-Wheeler process which produces matter and antimatter from photon collisions is experimentally investigated through the observation of 6085 exclusive…”
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  4. 4

    First Observation of the Directed Flow of D0 and D0¯ in Au+Au Collisions at sNN=200 GeV by Adam, J

    Published in Physical review letters (16-10-2019)
    “…We report the first measurement of rapidity-odd directed flow (v1) for D0 and D0¯ mesons at midrapidity (|y|<0.8) in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200  GeV using the…”
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  5. 5

    Measurements of HΛ3 and HΛ4 Lifetimes and Yields in Au+Au Collisions in the High Baryon Density Region by Abdallah, M.  S., Adamczyk, L., Adkins, J.  K., Aggarwal, M.  M., Anderson, D.  M., Bielcikova, J., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chang, F-H, Chang, Z., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, J., Chen, J.  H., Choudhury, S., Chu, X., Csanád, M., Deppner, I.  M., Derevschikov, A.  A., Dunlop, J.  C., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Eyser, O., Fawzi, F.  M., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Fisyak, Y., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Hamad, A.  I., Holub, L., Huang, H., Huang, Y., Igo, G., Kagamaster, S., Kauder, K., Khyzhniak, Y.  V., Knospe, A.  G., Kosarzewski, L.  K., Kwasizur, J.  H., Landgraf, J.  M., Li, Y., Licenik, R., Liu, F., Liu, T., Ljubicic, T., Magdy, N., Minaev, N.  G., Mohanty, B., Mondal, M.  M., Ogawa, A., Oh, S., Pak, R., Pan, J., Pandey, A.  K., Porter, J., Quintero, A., Raha, N., Ray, R.  L., Ritter, H.  G., Robotkova, M., Rogachevskiy, O.  V., Sahoo, N.  R., Sako, H., Sandweiss, J., Schmidke, W.  B., Schweid, B.  R., Shah, N., Shen, D.  Y., Shou, Q.  Y., Sikora, R., Singha, S., Sorensen, P., Stewart, D.  J., Stringfellow, B., Suaide, A.  A. P., Summa, B., Sun, Y., Surrow, B., Sweger, Z.  W., Tang, A.  H., Tang, Z., Tomkiel, C.  A., Tripathy, S.  K., Vassiliev, I., Voloshin, S.  A., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wen, L., Wu, Y., Xi, B., Xiao, Z.  G., Yang, Y., Yi, L., Yu, Y., Zbroszczyk, H., Zhang, S., Zhang, X.  P., Zhang, Z., Zhu, X., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (20-05-2022)
    “…We report precision measurements of hypernuclei $^3_ΛH$ and $^4_ΛH$ lifetimes obtained from Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{sNN}$ = 3.0 GeV and 7.2 GeV collected…”
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  6. 6

    Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect via Charge-Dependent Azimuthal Correlations Relative to Spectator and Participant Planes in Au+Au Collisions at sNN=200 GeV by Abdallah, M.  S., Adamczyk, L., Adkins, J.  K., Anderson, D.  M., Aparin, A., Barish, K., Bellwied, R., Cai, X.  Z., Chakaberia, I., Chang, F-H, Chang, Z., Chen, J., Chen, J.  H., Crawford, H.  J., Dedovich, T.  G., Deppner, I.  M., Didenko, L., Drachenberg, J.  L., Fatemi, R., Fazio, S., Filip, P., Fisyak, Y., Gopal, K., Han, Y., He, S., He, X.  H., Heppelmann, S., Hoffman, E., Hu, Y., Huang, X., Igo, G., Jacobs, W.  W., Jentsch, A., Jiang, K., Kabana, S., Kabir, M.  L., Kapukchyan, D., Kincses, D., Kisel, I., Kiselev, A., Kochenda, L., Kumar, L., Kwasizur, J.  H., Landgraf, J.  M., Lauret, J., Lee, J.  H., Liang, X., Licenik, R., Lin, T., Liu, F., Liu, P., Loyd, E., Mallick, D., Margetis, S., Matis, H.  S., Mioduszewski, S., Neff, D., Nishitani, R., Page, B.  S., Pak, R., Pawlik, B., Pei, H., Posik, M., Przybycien, M., Quintero, A., Ray, R.  L., Ritter, H.  G., Robotkova, M., Rogachevskiy, O.  V., Salur, S., Sato, S., Seck, F., Sergeeva, M., Shao, T., Shen, D., Shi, S.  S., Shi, Y., Smirnov, N., Stanislaus, T.  D. S., Strikhanov, M., Sumbera, M., Sun, X.  M., Sun, X., Szymanski, P., Taranenko, A., Thomas, J.  H., Timmins, A.  R., Tomkiel, C.  A., Vokal, S., Wang, F., Wang, J.  S., Wissink, S.  W., Xie, G., Xu, Q.  H., Xu, Z., Zbroszczyk, H., Zhang, X.  P., Zhang, Z., Zhu, Z., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (04-03-2022)
    “…The chiral magnetic effect (CME) refers to charge separation along a strong magnetic field due to imbalanced chirality of quarks in local parity and…”
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  7. 7

    Beam Energy Dependence of Fifth- and Sixth-Order Net-Proton Number Fluctuations in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC by Aboona, B E, Adam, J, Adamczyk, L, Adams, J R, Aggarwal, I, Aggarwal, M M, Ahammed, Z, Anderson, D M, Aschenauer, E C, Atchison, J, Bairathi, V, Baker, W, Ball Cap, J G, Barish, K, Bellwied, R, Bhagat, P, Bhasin, A, Bhatta, S, Bielcik, J, Bielcikova, J, Brandenburg, J D, Cai, X Z, Caines, H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M, Cebra, D, Ceska, J, Chakaberia, I, Chaloupka, P, Chan, B K, Chang, Z, Chen, D, Chen, J, Chen, J H, Chen, Z, Cheng, J, Cheng, Y, Choudhury, S, Christie, W, Chu, X, Crawford, H J, Csanád, M, Dale-Gau, G, Das, A, Daugherity, M, Deppner, I M, Dhamija, A, Di Carlo, L, Didenko, L, Dixit, P, Dong, X, Drachenberg, J L, Duckworth, E, Dunlop, J C, Engelage, J, Eppley, G, Esumi, S, Evdokimov, O, Ewigleben, A, Eyser, O, Fatemi, R, Fazio, S, Feng, C J, Feng, Y, Finch, E, Fisyak, Y, Flor, F A, Fu, C, Gagliardi, C A, Galatyuk, T, Geurts, F, Ghimire, N, Gibson, A, Gopal, K, Gou, X, Grosnick, D, Gupta, A, Guryn, W, Hamed, A, Han, Y, Harabasz, S, Harasty, M D, Harris, J W, Harrison, H, He, W, He, X H, He, Y, Heppelmann, S, Herrmann, N, Holub, L, Hu, C, Hu, Q, Hu, Y, Huang, H, Huang, H Z, Huang, S L, Huang, T, Huang, X, Huang, Y, Huang, Y, Humanic, T J

    Published in Physical review letters (24-02-2023)
    “…We report the beam energy and collision centrality dependence of fifth and sixth order cumulants (C_{5}, C_{6}) and factorial cumulants (κ_{5}, κ_{6}) of…”
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  8. 8

    Beam Energy Dependence of Jet-Quenching Effects in Au+Au Collisions at sNN=7.7, 11.5, 14.5, 19.6, 27, 39, and 62.4 GeV by Adamczyk, L

    Published in Physical review letters (20-07-2018)
    “…We report measurements of the nuclear modification factor RCP for charged hadrons as well as identified π+(−), K+(−), and p(p¯) for Au+Au collision energies of…”
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  9. 9

    Observation of Excess J/ψ Yield at Very Low Transverse Momenta in Au+Au Collisions at sNN=200  GeV and U+U Collisions at sNN=193  GeV by Adam, J

    Published in Physical review letters (27-09-2019)
    “…We report on the first measurements of J/ψ production at very low transverse momentum (pT<0.2  GeV/c) in hadronic Au+Au collisions at sNN=200  GeV and U+U…”
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  10. 10

    Evidence for Nonlinear Gluon Effects in QCD and Their Mass Number Dependence at STAR by Abdallah, M. S., Aboona, B. E., Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J. R., Adkins, J. K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, I., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D. M., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashraf, M. U., Atetalla, F. G., Attri, A., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Baker, W., Ball Cap, J. G., Barish, K., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhagat, P., Bhasin, A., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Bunzarov, I., Cai, X. Z., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B. K., Chang, F-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, J. H., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Chevalier, M., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Chu, X., Crawford, H. J., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Dhamija, A., Di Carlo, L., Didenko, L., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Duckworth, E., Dunlop, J. C., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, A., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fawzi, F. M., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, C. J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Francisco, A., Fu, C., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C. A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A. I., Hamed, A.

    Published in Physical review letters (26-08-2022)
    “…The STAR Collaboration reports measurements of back-to-back azimuthal correlations of di-π0s produced at forward pseudorapidities (2.6<η<4.0) in p+p, p+Al, and…”
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  11. 11

    Observation of the Electromagnetic Field Effect via Charge-Dependent Directed Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider by Abdulhamid, M. I., Aboona, B. E., Adam, J., Adams, J. R., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, I., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Aitbaev, A., Alekseev, I., Alpatov, E., Aparin, A., Aslam, S., Atchison, J., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Ball Cap, J. G., Barish, K., Bhagat, P., Bhasin, A., Bhatta, S., Bhosale, S. R., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Cai, X. Z., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Ceska, J., Chakaberia, I., Chan, B. K., Chang, Z., Chatterjee, A., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, J. H., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Cheng, Y., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Chu, X., Crawford, H. J., Dale-Gau, G., Das, A., Dash, A. P., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Dhamija, A., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Duckworth, E., Dunlop, J. C., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fazio, S., Feng, C. J., Feng, Y., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Flor, F. A., Fu, C., Gao, T., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Hamed, A., Han, Y., Harasty, M. D., Harris, J. W., Harrison-Smith, H., He, W., He, X. H., He, Y., Hu, C., Hu, Q., Hu, Y., Huang, H., Huang, H. Z., Huang, S. L., Huang, T., Huang, X., Huang, Y., Huang, Y., Humanic, T. J., Isenhower, D., Isshiki, M., Jacobs, W. W.

    Published in Physical review. X (23-02-2024)
    “…The deconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions enables the exploration of the fundamental properties of matter under…”
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  12. 12

    Collision-System and Beam-Energy Dependence of Anisotropic Flow Fluctuations by Abdallah, M S, Adam, J, Adamczyk, L, Adams, J R, Adkins, J K, Agakishiev, G, Aggarwal, I, Aggarwal, M M, Ahammed, Z, Alekseev, I, Anderson, D M, Aparin, A, Aschenauer, E C, Ashraf, M U, Atetalla, F G, Attri, A, Averichev, G S, Bairathi, V, Baker, W, Ball Cap, J G, Barish, K, Behera, A, Bellwied, R, Bhagat, P, Bhasin, A, Bielcik, J, Bielcikova, J, Bordyuzhin, I G, Brandenburg, J D, Brandin, A V, Bunzarov, I, Butterworth, J, Cai, X Z, Caines, H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M, Cebra, D, Chakaberia, I, Chaloupka, P, Chan, B K, Chang, F-H, Chang, Z, Chankova-Bunzarova, N, Chatterjee, A, Chattopadhyay, S, Chen, D, Chen, J, Chen, J H, Chen, X, Chen, Z, Cheng, J, Chevalier, M, Choudhury, S, Christie, W, Chu, X, Crawford, H J, Csanád, M, Daugherity, M, Dedovich, T G, Deppner, I M, Derevschikov, A A, Dhamija, A, Di Carlo, L, Didenko, L, Dixit, P, Dong, X, Drachenberg, J L, Duckworth, E, Dunlop, J C, Elsey, N, Engelage, J, Eppley, G, Esumi, S, Evdokimov, O, Ewigleben, A, Eyser, O, Fatemi, R, Fawzi, F M, Fazio, S, Federic, P, Fedorisin, J, Feng, C J, Feng, Y, Filip, P, Finch, E, Fisyak, Y, Francisco, A, Fu, C, Fulek, L, Gagliardi, C A, Galatyuk, T, Geurts, F, Ghimire, N, Gibson, A, Gopal, K, Gou, X, Grosnick, D, Gupta, A, Guryn, W, Hamad, A I, Hamed, A

    Published in Physical review letters (12-12-2022)
    “…Elliptic flow measurements from two-, four-, and six-particle correlations are used to investigate flow fluctuations in collisions of U+U at sqrt[s_{NN}]=193 …”
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  13. 13

    Is the Fascicle of Left Bundle Branch Involved in the Reentrant Circuit of Verapamil-Sensitive Idiopathic Left Ventricular Tachycardia? by KUO, JEN-YUAN, TAI, CHING-TAI, CHIANG, CHERN-EN, YU, WEN-CHUNG, HUANG, JIN-LONG, HSIEH, MING-HSIUNG, JIA-YIN HOU, CHARLES, TSAI, CHENG-HO, DING, YU-AN, CHEN, SHIH-ANN

    Published in Pacing and clinical electrophysiology (01-10-2003)
    “…The exact reentrant circuit of the verapamil‐sensitive idiopathic left VT with a RBBB configuration remains unclear. Furthermore, if the fascicle of left…”
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  14. 14

    Measurements of the Elliptic and Triangular Azimuthal Anisotropies in Central He3+Au , d+Au and p+Au Collisions at sNN=200 GeV by Adam, J., Anderson, D.  M., Aparin, A., Atchison, J., Averichev, G.  S., Ball Cap, J.  G., Bhagat, P., Bhatta, S., Cai, X.  Z., Cebra, D., Ceska, J., Chen, Z., Deppner, I.  M., Derevschikov, A.  A., Dhamija, A., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Esumi, S., Ewigleben, A., Fatemi, R., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Fu, C., Geurts, F., Han, Y., Harasty, M.  D., Hu, C., Hu, Y., Huang, Y., Jin, C., Kapukchyan, D., Ke, H.  W., Kimelman, B., Knospe, A.  G., Ko, H.  S., Korobitsin, A.  A., Kravtsov, P., Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R., Li, Z., Liang, Y., Liu, C., Liu, T., Ljubicic, T., Longacre, R.  S., Lu, T., Luo, X.  F., Ma, R., Mallick, D., Margetis, S., Mohanty, B., Mooney, I., Nagy, M.  I., Nelson, J.  M., Nie, M., Nonaka, T., Pan, J., Pandav, A., Posik, M., Protzman, T., Putschke, J., Quintero, A., Racz, C., Rogachevsky, O.  V., Roy, D., Ruan, L., Salur, S., Seger, J., Shah, N., Sharma, R., Shi, Y., Stanislaus, T.  D. S., Stewart, D.  J., Svirida, D.  N., Tamis, A., Tarnowsky, T., Tribble, R.  E., Tribedy, P., Tsang, C.  Y., Underwood, D.  G., Wang, J.  S., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Weidenkaff, P.  C., Westfall, G.  D., Wilks, G., Wu, X., Xie, G., Xie, W., Xu, N., Yan, Z., Yang, S., Yang, Y., Yip, K., Yu, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Zhao, F., Zhou, Y., Zurek, M., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (15-06-2023)
    “…The elliptic (v2) and triangular (v3) azimuthal anisotropy coefficients in central 3He + Au, d + Au, and p + Au collisions at $\sqrt{S_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV are…”
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  15. 15

    Observation of Directed Flow of Hypernuclei $^3_Λ\text{H}$ and $^4_Λ\text{H}$ in $\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}}$ = 3 GeV Au + Au Collisions at RHIC by Aboona, B.  E., Alekseev, I., Baker, W., Bordyuzhin, I.  G., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Ceska, J., Chan, B.  K., Cheng, Y., Choudhury, S., Daugherity, M., Di Carlo, L., Eppley, G., Evdokimov, O., Fazio, S., Feng, Y., Flor, F.  A., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Grosnick, D., He, W., Hu, Q., Huang, H., Huang, S.  L., Huang, X., Humanic, T.  J., Jacobs, W.  W., Jin, C., Kang, K., Kauder, K., Keane, D., Kiselev, A., Kochenda, L., Kumar, L., Kumar, S., Lebedev, A., Lewis, N., Li, C., Li, X., Liang, X., Lin, T., Liu, C., Liu, L., Liu, X., Llope, W.  J., Lomicky, O., Loyd, E., Luong, V.  B., Ma, R., Ma, Y.  G., Mazer, J.  A., McNamara, G., Mi, K., Morozov, D.  A., Nagy, M.  I., Nigmatkulov, G., Niida, T., Odyniec, G., Okorokov, V.  A., Okubo, K., Page, B.  S., Pani, T., Parfenov, P., Paul, A., Putschke, J., Qiu, H., Quintero, A., Ray, R.  L., Ritter, H.  G., Rosales Aguilar, M.  A., Sato, S., Schmidke, W.  B., Seto, R., Shao, M., Shao, T., Shi, S.  S., Si, F., Singha, S., Sinha, P., Skoby, M.  J., Song, Y., Sun, X., Sweger, Z.  W., Tokarev, M.  V., Ullrich, T., Upsal, I., Van Buren, G., Vasiliev, A.  N., Videbæk, F., Voloshin, S.  A., Xi, B., Xiao, Z.  G., Xu, H., Xu, Y., Yang, C., Yang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, Z.  J., Zhao, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (24-05-2023)
    “…We report here the first observation of directed flow ($v_1$) of the hypernuclei $^3_Λ\text{H}$ and $^4_Λ\text{H}$ in mid-central Au + Au collisions at…”
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  16. 16

    Beam Energy Dependence of Triton Production and Yield Ratio $N_t \times N_p / N^2_d$ in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC by Adam, J., Anderson, D.  M., Aparin, A., Atchison, J., Averichev, G.  S., Ball Cap, J.  G., Bhagat, P., Bhatta, S., Cai, X.  Z., Cebra, D., Ceska, J., Chen, Z., Dale-Gau, G., Dedovich, T.  G., Deppner, I.  M., Derevschikov, A.  A., Dhamija, A., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Engelage, J., Esumi, S., Ewigleben, A., Fatemi, R., Feng, C.  J., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Fu, C., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Han, Y., Harasty, M.  D., Hu, C., Hu, Y., Huang, Y., Jin, C., Kapukchyan, D., Ke, H.  W., Kimelman, B., Knospe, A.  G., Ko, H.  S., Korobitsin, A.  A., Kravtsov, P., Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R., Landgraf, J.  M., Li, Z., Liang, Y., Liu, C., Liu, H., Luo, X.  F., Magdy, N., Mallick, D., Mi, K., Mohanty, B., Niida, T., Nishitani, R., Nonaka, T., Oh, S., Panebratsev, Y., Perkins, C., Pokhrel, B.  R., Posik, M., Protzman, T., Radhakrishnan, S.  K., Rogachevsky, O.  V., Sahoo, A.  K., Sako, H., Salur, S., Samigullin, E., Seyboth, P., Shao, T., Sharma, R., Söhngen, Y., Song, Y., Strikhanov, M., Sun, Y., Sweger, Z.  W., Tang, A.  H., Tang, Z., Tribedy, P., Tu, Z., Underwood, D.  G., Vokal, S., Wang, G., Wang, J.  S., Webb, J.  C., Wieman, H., Wissink, S.  W., Wu, X., Xu, N., Xu, Q.  H., Xu, Z., Yang, Q., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yip, K., Yu, Y., Zhang, C., Zhou, J., Zhou, Y., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (16-05-2023)
    “…We report the triton (t) production in midrapidity (|y| < 0.5) Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 7.7-200$ GeV measured by the STAR experiment from the…”
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  17. 17

    Beam Energy Dependence of Triton Production and Yield Ratio $N_t \times N_p / N^2_d$ in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC by Adam, J., Anderson, D.  M., Aparin, A., Atchison, J., Averichev, G.  S., Ball Cap, J.  G., Bhagat, P., Bhatta, S., Cai, X.  Z., Cebra, D., Ceska, J., Chen, Z., Dale-Gau, G., Dedovich, T.  G., Deppner, I.  M., Derevschikov, A.  A., Dhamija, A., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Engelage, J., Esumi, S., Ewigleben, A., Fatemi, R., Feng, C.  J., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Fu, C., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Han, Y., Harasty, M.  D., Hu, C., Hu, Y., Huang, Y., Jin, C., Kapukchyan, D., Ke, H.  W., Kimelman, B., Knospe, A.  G., Ko, H.  S., Korobitsin, A.  A., Kravtsov, P., Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R., Landgraf, J.  M., Li, Z., Liang, Y., Liu, C., Liu, H., Luo, X.  F., Magdy, N., Mallick, D., Mi, K., Mohanty, B., Niida, T., Nishitani, R., Nonaka, T., Oh, S., Panebratsev, Y., Perkins, C., Pokhrel, B.  R., Posik, M., Protzman, T., Radhakrishnan, S.  K., Rogachevsky, O.  V., Sahoo, A.  K., Sako, H., Salur, S., Samigullin, E., Seyboth, P., Shao, T., Sharma, R., Söhngen, Y., Song, Y., Strikhanov, M., Sun, Y., Sweger, Z.  W., Tang, A.  H., Tang, Z., Tribedy, P., Tu, Z., Underwood, D.  G., Vokal, S., Wang, G., Wang, J.  S., Webb, J.  C., Wieman, H., Wissink, S.  W., Wu, X., Xu, N., Xu, Q.  H., Xu, Z., Yang, Q., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yip, K., Yu, Y., Zhang, C., Zhou, J., Zhou, Y., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (16-05-2023)
    “…We report the triton (t) production in midrapidity (|y| < 0.5) Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 7.7-200$ GeV measured by the STAR experiment from the…”
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  18. 18

    Beam Energy Dependence of Fifth- and Sixth-Order Net-Proton Number Fluctuations in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC by Aboona, B.  E., Adamczyk, L., Bairathi, V., Bhasin, A., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B.  K., Chang, Z., Chen, D., Cheng, J., Christie, W., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dhamija, A., Dixit, P., Dong, X., Ewigleben, A., Fatemi, R., Feng, Y., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Grosnick, D., Harris, J.  W., Harrison, H., He, W., Holub, L., Hu, Q., Huang, S.  L., Huang, X., Jalotra, A., Jena, C., Ji, Y., Jia, J., Khyzhniak, Y.  V., Knospe, A.  G., Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R., Landgraf, J.  M., Lisa, M.  A., Liu, L., Liu, X., Liu, Z., Llope, W.  J., Lomicky, O., Lukow, N.  S., Ma, R., Mallick, D., Margetis, S., McNamara, G., Mi, K., Mioduszewski, S., Mooney, I., Nasim, Md, Nelson, J.  M., Nie, M., Niida, T., Nishitani, R., Ogawa, A., Page, B.  S., Pak, R., Pokhrel, B.  R., Putschke, J., Quintero, A., Ray, R.  L., Robotkova, M., Sahoo, N.  R., Sato, S., Schmidke, W.  B., Schmitz, N., Shanmuganathan, P.  V., Shao, M., Sharma, N., Sheikh, A.  I., Shen, D.  Y., Shen, K., Shou, Q.  Y., Singha, S., Song, Y., Sumbera, M., Sun, X., Surrow, B., Tamis, A., Tang, A.  H., Tribble, R.  E., Tribedy, P., Trzeciak, B.  A., Van Buren, G., Vanek, J., Vassiliev, I., Videbæk, F., Wang, Y., Xiao, Z.  G., Xu, H., Xu, Y., Yan, Z., Yang, C., Zhang, D., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Zhao, J., Zhou, C.

    Published in Physical review letters (24-02-2023)
    “…We report the beam energy and collision centrality dependence of fifth and sixth order cumulants (C5, C6) and factorial cumulants (κ5, κ6) of net-proton and…”
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  19. 19

    Evidence for Nonlinear Gluon Effects in QCD and Their Mass Number Dependence at STAR by Abdallah, M.  S., Adamczyk, L., Adkins, J.  K., Aggarwal, M.  M., Anderson, D.  M., Bielcikova, J., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chang, F-H, Chang, Z., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, J., Chen, J.  H., Choudhury, S., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Deppner, I.  M., Derevschikov, A.  A., Dunlop, J.  C., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Eyser, O., Fawzi, F.  M., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Fisyak, Y., Ghimire, N., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Hamad, A.  I., Holub, L., Huang, H., Huang, Y., Igo, G., Kagamaster, S., Kapukchyan, D., Kauder, K., Khyzhniak, Y.  V., Knospe, A.  G., Kosarzewski, L.  K., Kwasizur, J.  H., Landgraf, J.  M., Li, Y., Licenik, R., Liu, F., Liu, T., Liu, X., Ljubicic, T., Longacre, R.  S., Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman, N., Minaev, N.  G., Mohanty, B., Mondal, M.  M., Ogawa, A., Oh, S., Pak, R., Pan, J., Pandey, A.  K., Porter, J., Quintero, A., Raha, N., Ray, R.  L., Ritter, H.  G., Robotkova, M., Rogachevskiy, O.  V., Sahoo, N.  R., Sako, H., Sandweiss, J., Schmidke, W.  B., Schweid, B.  R., Shah, N., Shen, D.  Y., Shou, Q.  Y., Sikora, R., Singha, S., Sorensen, P., Stewart, D.  J., Stringfellow, B., Suaide, A.  A. P., Summa, B., Sun, X., Sun, Y., Surrow, B., Sweger, Z.  W., Tang, A.  H., Tang, Z., Tomkiel, C.  A., Tripathy, S.  K., Vassiliev, I., Voloshin, S.  A., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wen, L., Wu, Y., Xiao, Z.  G., Yu, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, X.  P., Zhang, Z., Zyzak, M.

    Published in Physical review letters (22-08-2022)
    “…The STAR Collaboration reports measurements of back-to-back azimuthal correlations of di-π0s produced at forward pseudorapidities (2.6<η<4.0) in p+p, p+Al, and…”
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  20. 20

    Measurements of Proton High-Order Cumulants in sqrt[s_{NN}]=3  GeV Au+Au Collisions and Implications for the QCD Critical Point by Abdallah, M S, Aboona, B E, Adam, J, Adamczyk, L, Adams, J R, Adkins, J K, Agakishiev, G, Aggarwal, I, Aggarwal, M M, Ahammed, Z, Alekseev, I, Anderson, D M, Aparin, A, Aschenauer, E C, Ashraf, M U, Atetalla, F G, Attri, A, Averichev, G S, Bairathi, V, Baker, W, Ball Cap, J G, Barish, K, Behera, A, Bellwied, R, Bhagat, P, Bhasin, A, Bielcik, J, Bielcikova, J, Bordyuzhin, I G, Brandenburg, J D, Brandin, A V, Bunzarov, I, Cai, X Z, Caines, H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M, Cebra, D, Chakaberia, I, Chaloupka, P, Chan, B K, Chang, F-H, Chang, Z, Chankova-Bunzarova, N, Chatterjee, A, Chattopadhyay, S, Chen, D, Chen, J, Chen, J H, Chen, X, Chen, Z, Cheng, J, Chevalier, M, Choudhury, S, Christie, W, Chu, X, Crawford, H J, Csanád, M, Daugherity, M, Dedovich, T G, Deppner, I M, Derevschikov, A A, Dhamija, A, Di Carlo, L, Didenko, L, Dixit, P, Dong, X, Drachenberg, J L, Duckworth, E, Dunlop, J C, Elsey, N, Engelage, J, Eppley, G, Esumi, S, Evdokimov, O, Ewigleben, A, Eyser, O, Fatemi, R, Fawzi, F M, Fazio, S, Federic, P, Fedorisin, J, Feng, C J, Feng, Y, Filip, P, Finch, E, Fisyak, Y, Francisco, A, Fu, C, Fulek, L, Gagliardi, C A, Galatyuk, T, Geurts, F, Ghimire, N, Gibson, A, Gopal, K, Gou, X, Grosnick, D, Gupta, A, Guryn, W, Hamad, A I, Hamed, A

    Published in Physical review letters (20-05-2022)
    “…We report cumulants of the proton multiplicity distribution from dedicated fixed-target Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=3.0  GeV, measured by the STAR…”
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