Search Results - "Trifa, Mehdi"
Advances in the Management of Acute Postsurgical Pain: A Review
Published in Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) (04-08-2023)“…Despite the millions of surgeries performed every year around the world, postoperative pain remains prevalent and is often addressed with inadequate or…”
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A comparison between intravenous lidocaine and ketamine on acute and chronic pain after open nephrectomy: A prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
Published in Saudi journal of anaesthesia (01-04-2017)“…Recently, there has been increasing interest in the use of analgesic adjuncts such as intravenous (IV) ketamine and lidocaine. To compare the effects of…”
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Sugammadex to reverse neuromuscular blockade and provide optimal conditions for motor-evoked potential monitoring
Published in Saudi journal of anaesthesia (01-04-2017)“…Sugammadex is a novel pharmacologic agent, which reverses neuromuscular blockade (NMB) via a mechanism that differs completely from acetylcholinesterase…”
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Dexmedetomidine as an adjunct for caudal anesthesia and analgesia in children
Published in Minerva anestesiologica (01-07-2018)“…The aim of this review was to evaluate the current evidence regarding the use of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to local anesthetic agents (LAA) for caudal…”
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The addition of clonidine to bupivacaine in saphenous/sciatic nerve blocks in children
Published in Pediatric anesthesia (01-03-2016)Get full text
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Feasibility and safety of ultrasound-guided supra-clavicular block in children
Published in Perioperative care and operating room management (01-12-2024)“…Ultrasound-guided supra-clavicular nerve block (SCNB) has regained interest in adults but remains underutilized in pediatrics. This case series aims to…”
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Spinal anesthesia for surgery longer than 60 min in infants: experience from the first 2 years of a spinal anesthesia program
Published in Journal of anesthesia (01-08-2018)“…Purpose Spinal anesthesia (SA) is being increasingly used in infants to avoid the potential negative neurocognitive effects of general anesthesia (GA)…”
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Tigecycline-based therapy for glycopeptide-resistant Enterococcus faecium infection in a pediatric intensive care unit
Published in Tunisie Medicale (01-06-2016)Get more information
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Alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists as adjuncts to peripheral nerve blocks in children: a meta-analysis
Published in Pediatric anesthesia (01-03-2016)“…Summary Background Adult meta‐analyses have verified that adjunct use of alpha‐2 adrenoceptor agonists (A2AA) together with local anesthetics (LA) will prolong…”
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Clonidine does not improve quality of ropivacaine axillary brachial plexus block in children
Published in Pediatric anesthesia (01-05-2012)“…Summary Background: The addition of clonidine to peripheral nerve blocks is controversial in children. Objective: The aim of our study was to evaluate the…”
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Autoantibodies in patients with interleukin 12 receptor beta 1 deficiency
Published in Journal of digestive diseases (01-07-2019)“…Objective Interleukin 12 receptor beta 1 (IL‐12Rβ1) deficiency is a primary immunodeficiency that exposes affected individuals to an augmented risk of…”
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Comprehensive review of autoantibodies in patients with hyper-IgM syndrome
Published in Cellular & molecular immunology (01-06-2018)“…Hyper-immunoglobulin M syndrome is an X-linked primary immunodeficiency disease caused by mutations in the CD40 ligand gene. The CD40 ligand has been recently…”
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Examens complémentaires pré-interventionnels en chirurgie programmée : il est temps d’évaluer nos prescriptions systématiques
Published in Tunisie Medicale (01-07-2022)“…Introduction : La prescription des examens complémentaires pré-interventionnels (ECPI) vise à réduire la morbi-mortalité péri-opératoire. Objectif : Evaluer…”
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Monitoring of Sugammadex Dosing at a Large Tertiary Care Pediatric Hospital
Published in Pediatric quality & safety (01-09-2018)“…Anesthesiologists use sugammadex to reverse neuromuscular blockade (NMB) produced by rocuronium and vecuronium. Its mechanism involves encapsulation of the…”
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Caregivers' knowledge and acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine in a tertiary care pediatric hospital
Published in Journal of pain research (01-01-2018)“…The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies has increased in children, especially in those with chronic health conditions. However, this…”
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Ropivacaine 0.2% versus Bupivacaine 0.25% in para-umbilical block in children
Published in Tunisie Medicale (01-01-2013)“…Para-umbilical block was an old block that regains a new interest. No study was available using Ropivacaine in this block. To compare quality of analgesia…”
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Pratique du test ultime au lit du malade en Tunisie̊: résultats de deux enquêtes auprès des médecins
Published in Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Société française de transfusion sanguine (01-09-2017)“…Le test ultime au lit du malade (TULM) est obligatoire en Tunisie (circulaire̊: 32/15) avant toute transfusion érythrocytaire et engage directement la…”
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Systematic preoperative tests prescription in elective surgery: it's high time to appraise
Published in La Tunisie medicale (2022)“…The prescription of preoperative complementary tests aims to decrease morbidity and mortality associated to the perioperative period. To assess the practice…”
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Epidemiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury at the Children's Hospital of Tunisia, 2007
Published in Tunisie Medicale (01-01-2012)“…The traumatic brain injury is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the paediatric population. Adequate knowledge of their epidemiology is necessary to…”
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Bilateral stress fractures of the femoral neck with no risk factor : a case report
Published in Tunisie Medicale (01-03-2011)“…Stress fractures of the femoral neck are uncommon. They are caused by either excessive stress or bone fragility. To report a case of bilateral stress fracture…”
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