Search Results - "Trajkovski, G."
Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Colorectal Cancers and Their Prognostic Value
Published in Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences (25-10-2018)“…Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in tumour stroma are considered to be involved in the elimination of malignant cells and prevention of metastasis…”
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Journal Article -
L-fuzzy lattices: an introduction
Published in Fuzzy sets and systems (16-10-2001)Get full text
Journal Article -
Application of wavelet neural-networks in wireless sensor networks
“…Some of the algorithms developed within the artificial neural-networks tradition can be easily adopted to wireless sensor network platforms and in the same…”
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Conference Proceeding -
An approach toward defining L-fuzzy lattices
Published in 1998 Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS (Cat. No.98TH8353) (1998)“…The paper deals with one possible approach that can be used in the process of defining lattice valued fuzzy lattice (L-fuzzy lattice). The idea of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Extending MASIVE: the impact of stress on imitation-based learning
“…In this paper we model the conjecture that stress has a negative impact on imitation-based learning, in the context of the IETAL and MASIVE theories. We pose a…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Scouting for imprecise temporal associations to support effectiveness of drugs during clinical trials
Published in NAFIPS 2005 - 2005 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (2005)“…The field of data mining is dedicated to the analysis of data to find underlying connections and the discovery of new patterns. This research targets the…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Data mining for imprecise temporal associations
“…The field of data mining is dedicated to the analysis of data in order to find underlying connections and the discovery of new patterns. Since the volume of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Building infrastructure for an honors research robotics lab
“…This paper overviews the undergraduate research and teaching activities at the Cognitive Agency and Robotics Laboratory (CARoL) at Towson University. The lab…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A comparison of two buffer occupancy control algorithms in ATM networks
Published in Proceedings 1999 IEEE Symposium on Application-Specific Systems and Software Engineering and Technology. ASSET'99 (Cat. No.PR00122) (1999)“…Current research treats the ATM paradigm as a generalization of multitude of concepts in the telecommunication area. On the other hand, fuzzy logic concepts…”
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Interactionist-expectative view on agency and learning
Published in Mathematics and computers in simulation (01-10-1997)“…In this paper, we present a theory of agency with interaction and expectation as its central concepts. The research was motivated by our work in cognitive…”
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Journal Article -
The status of representations in behavior based robotic systems: the problem and a solution
Published in 1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Computational Cybernetics and Simulation (1997)“…We deal with the status of representations in behavior based robotic systems (BBRS). We present a brief description of the role of representation in AI since…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Fuzzy Mediation as a Dynamic Extension to Information Fusion
Published in 2007 10th International Conference on Information Fusion (01-07-2007)“…This paper presents an innovative approach to the field of information fusion. Fuzzy mediation differentiates itself from other algorithms, as this approach is…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Kelly, Alonzo. Mobile robotics: mathematics, models, and methods
Published in CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries (01-09-2014)Get full text
Book Review -
Mobile robotics: mathematics, models, and methods
Published in Choice (01-09-2014)“…Robots are ubiquitous. They mow people's lawns and vacuum their living rooms. They even help scientists explore other planets. People might wish for them to be…”
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Robots are people too: how Siri, Google Car, and artificial intelligence will force us to change our laws
Published in Choice (01-07-2014)“…Robots are penetrating all aspects of daily life, and this trend will not subside. While strong artificial intelligence (AI) still sounds like science fiction,…”
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Hexmoor, Henry. Essential principles for autonomous robotics
Published in CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries (01-03-2014)Get full text
Book Review -
Essential principles for autonomous robotics
Published in Choice (01-03-2014)“…51-3861 TJ211 MA R C Hexmoor, Henry. Essential principles for autonomous robotics. Morgan & Claypool, 2013. 141p bibl ISBN 1627050582 pbk, $40.00; ISBN…”
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Book Review -
Transitioning from e-Learning to m-Learning: Present Issues and Future Challenges
Published in Seventh ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD'06) (2006)“…This paper places mobile learning in the space of the existing learning methods. The three main groups of challenges - technological, development and…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Nourbakhsh, Illah Reza. Robot futures.(Book review)
Published in CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries (01-10-2013)Get full text
Book Review -
Bajd, Tadej. Introduction to robotics.(Book review)
Published in CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries (01-10-2013)Get full text
Book Review