Search Results - "Tozer, P.R."
Using activity and milk yield as predictors of fresh cow disorders
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-02-2004)“…The objective was to determine whether daily walking activity and milk yields could be used as predictors of metabolic and digestive disorders early in…”
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Development and analysis of a rumen tissue sampling procedure
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-05-2004)“…A procedure for rumen tissue sampling was developed to determine treatment effects on rumen development and papillae growth in young calves and to improve…”
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Identifying efficient dairy producers using data envelopment analysis
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-05-2007)“…The objective of this research was to calculate the efficiency of a group of Pennsylvania dairy farms to determine factors that contributed to efficiency in…”
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Induced lactation in pubertal heifers: efficacy, response to bovine somatotropin, and profitability
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-03-2011)“…Heifer rearing represents one of the largest costs of commercial dairying because these animals do not begin to produce milk until approximately 2 yr of age…”
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What affects the costs of raising replacement dairy heifers: a multiple-component analysis
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-08-2001)“…A DP model of a dairy replacement herd was developed to analyze the impact of different dairy and replacement herd variables on the cost of rearing…”
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Economic analyses of feeding systems combining pasture and total mixed ration
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-03-2003)“…Partial budgeting was used to compare net incomes of high-yielding Holstein cows fed either a total mixed ration (TMR), a pasture-based diet, or a combination…”
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Stability, resilience and sustainability in pasture-based grazing systems
Published in Agricultural systems (2005)“…In this paper we employ a simple dynamic simulation model to illustrate and extend the pasture envelope concept as an approach to characterising the stability,…”
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The effect of pasture allowance and supplementation on feed efficiency and profitability of dairy systems
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-09-2004)“…Partial budgeting was used to compare income over feed costs of high-yielding Holstein cows based on data from an experiment with 4 dietary treatments arranged…”
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Least-cost ration formulations for Holstein dairy heifers by using linear and stochastic programming
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-03-2000)“…Four mathematical programming models were developed to formulate rations for large breed replacement dairy heifers in each of 11 different weight classes from…”
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A multi-objective programming approach to feed ration balancing and nutrient management
Published in Agricultural systems (01-03-2001)“…This paper examines the potential to use multiple objective programming to reduce nutrient excretion from dairy cows through incorporation of nutrient…”
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Simulating use of terminal sires in a self-replacing beef suckler herd with varying weaning rate, calf sale policies, and price premiums
Published in Livestock science (01-06-2022)“…•Using terminal sires in a beef cow herd increases sale prices and feed demand per animal sold.•Selling more of cattle direct to slaughter necessitated…”
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The effect of ewe wastage in New Zealand sheep and beef farms on flock productivity and farm profitability
Published in Agricultural systems (01-08-2019)“…Changes in the relative value of meat and coarse wool have led to the majority of income for New Zealand sheep farms now coming from the sale of animals for…”
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Quantifying sheep enterprise profitability with varying flock replacement rates, lambing rates, and breeding strategies in New Zealand
Published in Agricultural systems (01-09-2020)“…Sheep sales are the major source of income for most New Zealand sheep enterprises. Terminal (meat breed) sires are used to increase lamb growth rates enabling…”
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Producing higher value wool through a transition from Romney to Merino crossbred i: Flock dynamics, feed demand, and production of lambs and wool
Published in Small ruminant research (01-11-2020)“…•Bio-economic system-dynamics modelling of a Romney flock bred with Merino sires for whole flock breed transition.•With low selection intensity, the transition…”
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Producing higher value wool through a transition from Romney to Merino crossbred ii: Cashflow and profit
Published in Small ruminant research (01-11-2020)“…•Bio-economic system-dynamics modelling of a Romney flock bred with Merino sires for whole flock breed transition.•Profit decreased during transition, but was…”
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Development of a cost analysis spreadsheet for calculating the costs to raise a replacement dairy heifer
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-05-2000)“…Dairy operations have a variety of resources and objectives, such that the most economical method of obtaining replacement heifers is only determined by…”
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Producer breeding objectives and optimal sire selection
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-12-2002)“…Information from an online survey of dairy producers was used to determine how important producers perceived three different objectives in the breeding…”
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Using multiple objective programming in a dairy cow breeding program
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-12-2001)“…Multiple-objective programming was used to examine the effects various objectives had on the optimal portfolio of sires chosen for a given breeding problem in…”
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Cost minimization and managing soil nutrient loading: conflict or compromise?
Published in Canadian journal of agricultural economics (01-07-2002)“…The consolidation of agricultural operations over time has led to fewer, larger farms. For livestock operations, this consolidation has also led to higher…”
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Recursive systems model of fetal birth weight and calving difficulty in beef heifers
Published in Canadian journal of animal science (01-03-2002)“…The purpose of this study was to use readily available information, including dam pelvic width (PW) and height (PH) and the fetal coronet band (CB) measurement…”
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