Search Results - "Torvik, Fartein A"
Assessing causal links between age at menarche and adolescent mental health: a Mendelian randomisation study
Published in BMC medicine (12-04-2024)“…The timing of puberty may have an important impact on adolescent mental health. In particular, earlier age at menarche has been associated with elevated rates…”
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Parental alcohol use and adolescent school adjustment in the general population: results from the HUNT study
Published in BMC public health (19-09-2011)“…This study investigates the relationship between parental drinking and school adjustment in a total population sample of adolescents, with independent reports…”
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A population-wide gene-environment interaction study on how genes, schools, and residential areas shape achievement
Published in NPJ science of learning (27-10-2022)“…A child’s environment is thought to be composed of different levels that interact with their individual genetic propensities. However, studies have not tested…”
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Intergenerational transmission of parental neuroticism to emotional problems in 8‐year‐old children: Genetic and environmental influences
Published in JCPP advances (01-12-2021)“…Background Children of parents with high levels of neuroticism tend to have high neuroticism themselves as well as increased risk of experiencing symptoms of…”
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Discordant and Concordant Alcohol Use in Spouses as Predictors of Marital Dissolution in the General Population: Results from the Hunt Study
Published in Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (01-05-2013)“…Background Previous studies have demonstrated that high alcohol consumption is a predictor of divorce. However, there is a lack of studies with prospective…”
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Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Co-Occurring ADHD and Emotional Problems in School-Aged Children
Published in Developmental psychology (01-08-2021)“…Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often experience co-occurring emotional problems. ADHD with this comorbidity is associated with…”
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How interactions between ADHD and schools affect educational achievement: a family‐based genetically sensitive study
Published in Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (01-10-2022)“…Background Children with ADHD tend to achieve less than their peers in school. It is unknown whether schools moderate this association. Nonrandom selection of…”
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On the importance of parenting in externalizing disorders: an evaluation of indirect genetic effects in families
Published in Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (01-10-2022)“…Background Theoretical models of the development of childhood externalizing disorders emphasize the role of parents. Empirical studies have not been able to…”
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A Life Course Study of Genetic and Environmental Influences on Work Incapacity
Published in Twin research and human genetics (01-02-2020)“…Work incapacity is a major public health challenge and an economic burden to both society and individuals. Understanding the underlying causes is becoming ever…”
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More mental health problems after divorce in couples with high pre-divorce alcohol consumption than in other divorced couples: results from the HUNT-study
Published in BMC public health (17-09-2013)“…Divorce is associated with mental health problems, and heavy drinking is related to higher risk of divorce. Less is known about the effects of divorce in…”
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Pre-pregnancy mental distress and musculoskeletal pain and sickness absence during pregnancy - a twin cohort study
Published in European journal of public health (01-06-2017)“…Sickness absence (SA) among pregnant women is high. The aim of this study was to examine whether factors known to predict SA in general also predict SA during…”
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Testing Genetic and Environmental Associations Between Personality Disorders and Cocaine Use: A Population-Based Twin Study
Published in Twin research and human genetics (01-02-2018)“…Until now, data have not been available to elucidate the genetic and environmental sources of comorbidity between all 10 DSM-IV personality disorders (PDs) and…”
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Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Relationship Between Internalizing Disorders and Sick Leave Granted for Mental and Somatic Disorders
Published in Twin research and human genetics (01-08-2014)“…This study investigates the degree to which internalizing disorders (anxiety and mood disorders) are prospectively associated with sick leave granted for…”
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Mental distress predicts divorce over 16 years: the HUNT study
Published in BMC public health (01-04-2015)“…The association between mental distress and divorce is well established in the literature. Explanations are commonly classified within two different…”
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Socioeconomic status and sick leave granted for mental and somatic disorders: a prospective study of young adult twins
Published in BMC public health (12-02-2015)“…Low socioeconomic status (SES), indicated by low income and education, has consistently been found to be a strong predictor of sick leave. Several possible…”
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