Search Results - "Torres, Miquel"
Evaluation of STEAM Project-Based Learning (STEAM PBL) Instructional Designs from the STEM Practices Perspective
Published in Education sciences (01-01-2024)“…Currently, there is a wide diversity of project-based learning instructional designs presented as “STEAM projects”. However, it is essential to evaluate if all…”
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Effective immunosuppression with dexamethasone phosphate in the Galleria mellonella larva infection model resulting in enhanced virulence of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae
Published in Medical microbiology and immunology (01-08-2016)“…The aim was to evaluate whether immunosuppression with dexamethasone 21-phosphate could be applied to the Galleria mellonella in vivo infection model…”
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El inicio de la conservación de Áreas Protegidas en la Comunitat Valenciana. La institucionalización de la protección como herramienta política
Published in Investigaciones regionales (2023)“…Desde mediados de la década de 1980 el primer gobierno de la Generalitat Valenciana inicio la declaración oficial de espacios protegidos en su territorio,…”
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Removal of aromatic amines and decolourisation of azo dye baths by electrochemical treatment
Published in Coloration technology (01-08-2013)“…The presence of aromatic amines in effluent from dyeing processes of the textile industry is an added problem to the high coloration typical of this type of…”
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Influence of electrochemical pre-treatment in dyeing wastewater reuse for five reactive dyes
Published in Textile research journal (01-11-2011)“…In this study, the influence of an electrochemical pre-treatment was evaluated in dyeing wastewater reuse for five reactive dyes for cotton fabrics. The most…”
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Enfocant el disseny de projectes per fomentar una activitat científica escolar a secundària a través de l’ABP
Published in Ciències (31-10-2019)“…Donada la importància actual de l’ús de projectes escolars per l’ensenyament de Ciències, en aquest article es vol reflexionar sobre les implicacions que té el…”
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Retóricas del momento: (per)versiones (mis)antropológicas
Published in Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares (25-06-2018)“…Durante la organización del XIV Congreso de Antropología celebrado en Valencia en septiembre de 2017, bajo el lema Antropologías en transformación: sentidos,…”
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Can we predict the severity of pulmonary hypertension in patients with scleroderma?
Published in Reumatologia clinica (01-09-2012)“…To describe the clinical-biological characteristics of patients with scleroderma (SSc) and pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH). To establish the relationship…”
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Cuadrar el delito. Corrupción institucional y participación de policías en el secuestro en México
Published in Perfiles latinoamericanos : revista de la Sede Académica de México de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (01-07-2014)“…Este trabajo reconstruye las carreras de policías que se encuentran cumpliendo una sentencia por el delito de secuestro en la Penitenciaría de Santa Martha, en…”
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Incidencia de exposiciones accidentales a sangre y fluidos biológicos en el personal sanitario de un hospital comarcal
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-11-2017)“…Resumen Objetivo Conocer la incidencia anual de exposiciones accidentales a sangre y fluidos biológicos en el personal sanitario de un hospital comarcal, y…”
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Empatía, habilidades de colaboración interprofesional y aprendizaje médico permanente en residentes españoles y latinoamericanos que inician los programas de formación médica especializada en España. Resultados preliminares
Published in Atención primaria (01-01-2017)“…Resumen Objetivo Identificar similitudes y diferencias en la empatía, en las habilidades de trabajo colaborativo interprofesional, y en las habilidades de…”
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EL PODER DE LA VICTIMIZACIÓN: del adulto niño y otros voraces consumidores
Published in Prisma social (01-12-2008)“…This article identifies and interprets some symptoms of an arising symptom within the Spanish society described as "victimization", through which individuals…”
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Colour removal of three reactive dyes by UV light exposure after electrochemical treatment
Published in Chemical engineering journal (Lausanne, Switzerland : 1996) (2010)“…This study applies UV light irradiation after a low current density electrochemical treatment to degrade reactive dyes to remove wastewater colour. The…”
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Severe parasitism by Versteria mustelae (Gmelin, 1790) in the critically endangered European mink Mustela lutreola (Linnaeus, 1761) in Spain
Published in Parasitology research (1987) (01-10-2018)“…The riparian European mink ( Mustela lutreola ), currently surviving in only three unconnected sites in Europe, is now listed as a critically endangered…”
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Alerts in electronic medical records to promote a colorectal cancer screening programme: a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care
Published in British journal of general practice (01-07-2016)“…Participation rates in colorectal cancer screening are below recommended European targets. To evaluate the effectiveness of an alert in primary care electronic…”
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Conservacionismo sin conservación. Perspectivas y desafíos en la gestión de las Áreas Protegidas
Published in Revista de antropología social (01-01-2024)Get full text
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Prevalence and Factors Related to Hepatitis B and C in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients in Spain : A Nationwide, Multicenter Study
Published in The American journal of gastroenterology (01-01-2009)“…Limited information suggests the existence of a high prevalence of hepatitis B (HBV) and C virus (HCV) infection in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This…”
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To suit the crime: Institutional corruption and police involvement in kidnapping in Mexico
Published in Perfiles latinoamericanos : revista de la Sede Académica de México de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (01-07-2014)“…This work reconstructs the careers of policemen that are carrying out a sentence for kidnapping at the penitentiary of Santa Martha in Mexico City from the…”
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