Search Results - "Todendi, Pamela Ferreira"
Association between dietary inflammatory index and cardiometabolic risk factors among Brazilian adolescents: results from a national cross-sectional study
Published in British journal of nutrition (28-08-2022)“…Dietary factors play a role in modulating chronic inflammation and in the development of CVD. We aimed to investigate the association between the dietary…”
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The association of telomere length with body mass index and immunological factors differs according to physical activity practice among children and adolescents
Published in BMC pediatrics (04-10-2024)“…This study aims to verify the relationship between screen and sleep time, body mass index (BMI) and immunological factors with telomere length according to…”
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FTO gene polymorphism and longitudinal changes in nutritional/obesity status in children and adolescents: Schoolchildren’s health cohort study
Published in European journal of pediatrics (01-11-2021)“…The fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) has been extensively reported in the literature related to nutritional status, but there has been limited…”
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Physical fitness attenuates the genetic predisposition to obesity in children and adolescents
Published in Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports (01-04-2021)“…Obesity is an important risk factor associated with non‐communicable cardiometabolic diseases. Previous studies have indicated that children and adolescents…”
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The genetic predisposition to obesity has no influence on waist circumference when screen time and sleep duration are adequate in children and adolescents
Published in European journal of sport science (01-11-2022)“…The aim of the present study was to verify whether the amount of sleep duration, screen time, and physical activity moderate the relationship between FTO…”
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Biochemical profile, eating habits, and telomere length among Brazilian children and adolescents
Published in Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) (01-03-2020)“…•Shorter telomeres are associated with multiple biochemical stressors and obesity in adults.•The association of biochemical profile and dietary components with…”
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The genetic predisposition increases the chances of schoolchildren maintaining higher adiposity levels after three years
Published in BMC pediatrics (03-02-2023)“…The behavior of anthropometrics and the relationship with genetic factors through a long-term perspective should be better explored. This study aims to verify…”
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Relationship between rs9939609 FTO polymorphism with waist circumference and body fat is moderated by ponderal index at birth in youth
Published in American journal of human biology (01-01-2022)“…Objective The goal of this study was to analyze whether the relationship between the rs9939609 polymorphism of the fat mass and obesity‐associated gene (FTO)…”
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What is the role of cardiorespiratory fitness and sedentary behavior in relationship between the genetic predisposition to obesity and cardiometabolic risk score?
Published in BMC cardiovascular disorders (09-03-2022)“…Genetic factors along with inadequate lifestyle habits are associated with the development of cardiometabolic alterations. Thus, the present study aimed to…”
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Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Muscular Strength Moderates the Relationship between FNDC5 Polymorphism and Adiposity in Children and Adolescents
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (17-09-2021)“…The human locus rs16835198 contributes positively to anthropometric phenotypes in children and adolescents. However, the role of specific components of…”
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Metabolic risk in schoolchildren is associated with low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, obesity, and parents’ nutritional profile
Published in Jornal de pediatria (01-07-2016)“…Verify the association between metabolic risk profile in students with different levels of cardiorespiratory fitness and body mass index, as well as the…”
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Relationship between anthropometric measures and cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents
Published in Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia (01-10-2013)“…Obesity has been identified as an important risk factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases; however, other factors, combined or not with obesity,…”
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Relação de polimorfismos nos genes ADIPOQ, TMEM18, FNDC5 e concentrações séricas de Adiponectina e Irisina com aumento de parâmetros de adiposidade em crianças e adolescentes
Published in Revista Jovens Pesquisadores (27-06-2019)“…Índices globais de obesidade aumentaram exponencialmente nas últimas décadas. Sendo assim, a obesidade se tornou um motivo de preocupação na saúde pública…”
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The role of the genetic variants IRX3 rs3751723 and FTO rs9939609 in the obesity phenotypes of children and adolescents
Published in Obesity research & clinical practice (01-03-2019)“…•It is speculated that the FTO gene are functionally connected with the regulation of the expression of IRX3.•IRX3 rs3751723 was associated with obesity and…”
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Metabolic risk in schoolchildren is associated with low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, obesity, and parents’ nutritional profile
Published in Jornal de Pediatria (Versão em Português) (01-07-2016)“…Objective: Verify the association between metabolic risk profile in students with different levels of cardiorespiratory fitness and body mass index, as well as…”
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Associação entre medidas antropométricas e fatores de risco cardiovascular em crianças e adolescentes
Published in Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia (01-10-2013)“…FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade tem sido identificada como importante fator de risco no desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares, porém outros fatores exercem…”
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Associação de polimorfismos nos genes FTO, TMEM18 e ADIPOQ, e concentração sérica de adiponectina com excesso de peso e perfil bioquímico em escolares de Santa Cruz do Sul/RS - Brasil
Published in Revista Jovens Pesquisadores (19-07-2018)“…A obesidade é uma doença multifatorial e poligênica, relacionada ao desenvolvimento de complicações metabólicas e cardiorrespiratórias. Sugere-se que fatores…”
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Associação entre antropometria e perfil clínico com polimorfismos nos genes FNDC5 RS16835198 e RBP4 RS3758539
Published in Revista Jovens Pesquisadores (02-07-2018)“…A prevalência de obesidade é cada vez maior em todo o mundo, principalmente em crianças e adolescentes. Essa condição tem vários fatores causais, entre eles os…”
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Published in Revista Jovens Pesquisadores (11-12-2015)“…A obesidade é um grave pro¬blema de saúde pública e está relacionada a um baixo grau de inflamação crô¬nica. A Proteína C Reativa (PCR) é caracterizada como…”
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