Search Results - "Thollard, F."
Probabilistic finite-state machines - part I
Published in IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (01-07-2005)“…Probabilistic finite-state machines are used today in a variety of areas in pattern recognition, or in fields to which pattern recognition is linked:…”
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Probabilistic finite-state machines - part II
Published in IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (01-07-2005)“…Probabilistic finite-state machines are used today in a variety of areas in pattern recognition or in fields to which pattern recognition is linked. In part I…”
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pygeodyn 1.1.0: a Python package for geomagnetic data assimilation
Published in Geoscientific Model Development (29-08-2019)“…The pygeodyn package is a sequential geomagnetic data assimilation tool written in Python. It gives access to the core surface dynamics, controlled by…”
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Probabilistic finite-state machines--part II
Published in IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (01-07-2005)“…Probabilistic finite-state machines are used today in a variety of areas in pattern recognition or in fields to which pattern recognition is linked. In Part I…”
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From Text Detection in Videos to Person Identification
Published in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (01-07-2012)“…We present in this article a video OCR system that detects and recognizes overlaid texts in video as well as its application to person identification in video…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Text detection and recognition for person identification in videos
Published in 2011 9th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI) (01-06-2011)“…This article presents a demo of person search in audiovisual broadcast using only the text available in a video and in resources external to the video. We also…”
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Integrating Structure in the Probabilistic Model for Information Retrieval
Published in 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (09-12-2008)“…In databases or in the World Wide Web, many documents are in a structured format (e.g. XML). We propose in this article to extend the classical IR…”
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Using the H-Divergence to Prune Probabilistic Automata
Published in 2011 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (01-11-2011)“…A problem usually encountered in probabilistic automata learning is the difficulty to deal with large training samples and/or wide alphabets. This is partially…”
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Conference Proceeding