Search Results - "Theodore, Lea A."
Thomas John Kehle (1943-2018)
Published in The American psychologist (01-07-2020)“…Presents the obituary of Thomas John Kehle (1943–2018). Tom was born in Toledo, Ohio, on July 15, 1943, where he had many fond memories of his boyhood…”
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Culturally responsive practice and the role of school administrators
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-12-2017)“…In recent years, student populations within public schools in the United States have become increasingly diverse, both culturally and linguistically, and are…”
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Prevalence of eating disturbance and body image dissatisfaction in young girls: An examination of the variance across racial and socioeconomic groups
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-09-2009)“…Eating disorder research has predominantly focused on White adolescent females. More recent research suggests that eating disorders occur in various racial and…”
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Promoting Happiness and Life Satisfaction in School Children
Published in Canadian journal of school psychology (01-09-2011)“…Studies in positive psychology, including happiness, well-being, and life satisfaction, are reviewed. The preponderance of the research literature on the…”
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Yoga as an Intervention for Children with Attention Problems
Published in School psychology review (01-09-2005)“…A multiple baseline design across three grade level groups with a comparison group was employed to investigate the effectiveness of yoga for improving time on…”
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Augmented self-modeling as an intervention for selective mutism
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-01-2012)“…Selective mutism is a rare disorder that is difficult to treat. It is often associated with oppositional defiant behavior, particularly in the home setting,…”
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A Comparison of Group-Oriented Contingencies and Randomized Reinforcers to Improve Homework Completion and Accuracy for Students with Disabilities
Published in School psychology review (01-09-2009)“…The present study employed an alternating-treatments design to compare the differential effect of group contingencies on the improvement of homework completion…”
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Students with Cancer: Presenting Issues and Effective Solutions
Published in International journal of school & educational psychology (02-01-2016)“…Practitioners working with children diagnosed with cancer in the school environment must consider several facets in order to effectively work with the child…”
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Improving homework accuracy: Interdependent group contingencies and randomized components
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-05-2009)“…Homework is an often employed teaching strategy that has strong positive effects on academic achievement across grade levels, content areas, and student…”
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Correlates and suspected causes of obesity in children
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-09-2009)“…The correlates and suspected causes of the intractable condition obesity are complex and involve environmental and heritable, psychological and physical…”
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School-Based Intervention for Social Skills in Children from Divorced Families
Published in Journal of applied school psychology (02-10-2015)“…Divorce is an increasingly prevalent occurrence in society that has the potential to result in many adverse short- and long-term consequences for children and…”
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Interdependent group contingency and mystery motivators to reduce preschool disruptive behavior
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-01-2007)“…Children exhibiting challenging and disruptive behaviors can require teachers to spend a substantial amount of time on classroom management. Disruptive…”
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Conceptual frame for selecting individual psychotherapy in the schools
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-03-2009)“…Psychotherapy is a service‐delivery that is provided for both general and special education students. This manuscript examines a conceptual framework for…”
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Gender differences in salary in a female-dominated profession
Published in Gender in management (05-10-2010)“…Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the salary and promotion negotiation practices of female and male school psychology practitioners and…”
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A Class-Wide Intervention for Improving Homework Performance
Published in Journal of educational and psychological consultation (23-11-2009)“…Homework completion has an important impact on the overall academic functioning of students. Consultation requests often center on identifying efficient…”
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Achieving ethnic minority parity in school psychology
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-04-2004)“…The article addresses the demographic characteristics of students in school psychology programs nationwide with respect to providing a rationale for the…”
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Randomization of Group Contingencies and Reinforcers to Reduce Classroom Disruptive Behavior
Published in Journal of school psychology (01-05-2001)“…The present study employed an ABAB design to investigate the effect of randomizing both contingencies for reinforcement and reinforcers to decrease classroom…”
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A Comparison of Independent, Interdependent, and Dependent Group Contingencies With Randomized Reinforcers to Increase Reading Fluency
Published in Canadian journal of school psychology (01-06-2007)“…Fluency, or the rate at which a student reads, is developed in the early stages of literacy and has been shown to correlate with comprehension. A myriad of…”
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Emotional disturbance/social maladjustment: Why is the incidence increasing?
Published in Psychology in the schools (01-11-2004)“…Numerous arguments have addressed the controversies surrounding the category of emotional disturbance (ED) and the exclusion, or proposed inclusion, of…”
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The relationship of self-efficacy and depression to stuttering
Published in American journal of speech-language pathology (01-11-2003)“…This study investigated the relationship of self-efficacy for verbal fluency, academic self-efficacy, and depression between adolescents who stutter and fluent…”
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