Search Results - "Terent'ev, L P"

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  1. 1

    Outstanding Russian scientist, teacher and social activist (to the 170th anniversary of the birth of prof. A.P. Dobroslavin) by Kuznetsov, S M, Terent'ev, L P, Lizunov, Iu V

    Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-04-2013)
    “…The formation and development of hygiene in the country is associated with activity of many prominent scientists-hygienists, and among them a place of honor…”
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    Radiological geography in the system of the medicobiologic knowledge by Tikhonov, M N, Obraztsov, L N, Terent'ev, L P

    Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-07-2010)
    “…The necessity of development of a new scientific branch--Radiological geography--is proved. The definition of the branch is given. Its subject aims and major…”
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    Prophylaxis of smoking among military personnel by Golota, A S, Lizunov, Iu V, Terent'ev, L P, Nikitina, E Iu

    Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-01-2009)
    “…The article presents methodical approaches to prophylaxis of smoking in troops, carried out at different levels. The problem of smoking prophylaxis cannot be…”
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  4. 4

    Scientist-hygienist, teacher and public figure (to the 100th anniversary of birthday of professor Koshelev N F by Kuznetsov, S M, Terentev, L P, Logatkin, S M

    Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-04-2016)
    “…Koshelev N.F. made a significant contribution to the development of general and military hygiene. Under his leadership at the S.M.Kirov Military Medical…”
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  5. 5

    The information value of biotesting and chemiluminescence methods in evaluating drinking water quality by Kutsenko, S A, Terent'ev, L P, Tkachuk, S M

    Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-01-1994)
    “…The article studies the informative value of test objects for the evaluation of potable water which contains toxic substances. A number of test objects is…”
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  6. 6

    The improvement of the information activities in the system of the health and hygiene support for the troops by Terent'ev, L P, Lopatin, S A, Kuderkov, S M

    Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-01-1993)
    “…The system of information on health care measures in the Armed Forces of Russian Federation needs to be improved and developed. The aims and contents of record…”
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    Improvement in the system of checking and assessing the physical fitness of military physicians by Dergachev, V B, Troitskiĭ, N V, Terent'ev, L P, Khvorostov, L S, Znamenskiĭ, A V, Sorokin, V P, Kolunov, V N

    Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-09-1995)
    “…Problematic questions of physical training and physical fitness of military physicians are described in this article. The results of studies and estimation of…”
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