Search Results - "Teague, Kirsty"
Using health policy and systems research to influence national health policies: lessons from Mexico, Cambodia and Ghana
Published in Health policy and planning (06-01-2023)“…Health system reforms across Africa, Asia and Latin America in recent decades demonstrate the value of health policy and systems research (HPSR) in moving…”
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Populist and vindictive constructions of sexual offending, pluralities of violence, and the implications for criminal and social justice: Populistyczne oraz mściwe konstrukcje przestępstwa seksualnego, większość względna przemocy, i implikacje dla sprawiedliwości karnej i społecznej
Published in Archiwum kryminologii (15-02-2023)“…Drawing upon the “sociology of vindictiveness” (Young 2003; 2007) and Sumner’s (1990; 1994) work on censure the authors examine the construal, responses and…”
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Populist and vindictive constructions of sexual offending, pluralities of violence, and the implications for criminal and social justice
Published in Archiwum kryminologii (2022)“…Drawing upon the “sociology of vindictiveness” (Young 2003; 2007) and Sumner’s (1990; 1994) work on censure the authors examine the construal, responses and…”
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Adapting Social Prescribing to meet the needs of migrant populations: Challenges and solutions to service access and efficacy
Published in Community psychology in global perspective (01-01-2021)“…Experiences of international migrants in host countries are very diverse. However, many migrants face cumulative challenges to their health and wellbeing which…”
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Evaluating harm-reduction initiatives in a night-time economy and music festival context
Published in International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice (01-10-2020)“…Pubs, clubs, and music festivals are places characterised by increased alcohol consumption. Drinkaware, a UK alcohol awareness charity, delivered two…”
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