Search Results - "Tan, David Hsien Yung"
The impact of COVID-19 on private and public primary care physicians: A cross-sectional study
Published in Journal of infection and public health (01-03-2021)“…Primary care physicians (PCP) are at a high risk of contracting COVID-19 as they manage patients with fever or respiratory symptoms, but it is intuitive that…”
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Meticillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus pyomyositis and cellulitis in right thigh of a 15-year-old boy: a case study
Published in Journal of wound care (01-08-2022)“…Pyomyositis is a purulent infection of striated muscle and postoperative management remains the mainstay. If delayed primary wound closure is not managed in a…”
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Prepared and highly committed despite the risk of COVID-19 infection: a cross-sectional survey of primary care physicians' concerns and coping strategies in Singapore
Published in BMC family practice (16-01-2021)“…Primary care physicians (PCPs) are first points-of-contact between suspected cases and the healthcare system in the current COVID-19 pandemic. This study…”
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SABA prescriptions and asthma management practices in Singapore: results from a cross-sectional, observational SABINA III study
Published in BMJ open (10-06-2024)“…ObjectivesTo evaluate asthma characteristics and treatment patterns, including short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) prescriptions, in primary and specialist care in…”
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Inspired by COVID-19: primary care of chronic diseases must also innovate
Published in Family practice (28-11-2020)Get full text
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Understanding Barriers and Facilitators of Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening among Singapore Women: A Qualitative Approach
Published in Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP (01-03-2023)“…The uptake of breast and cervical cancer screening services among women in Singapore remains inadequate. Little is known about how gender norms influence…”
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Long-term clinical and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care in people with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus and polypharmacy: A multicenter randomized controlled trial
Published in Primary care diabetes (01-02-2022)“…•Collaborative care contributed to earlier improvements in glycemic control.•Patients who received collaborative care had lower activity impairment.•Additional…”
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Ministry of Health Clinical Practice Guidelines: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Published in Singapore medical journal (01-02-2018)“…The Ministry of Health (MOH) has updated the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) to provide doctors and patients in…”
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