Search Results - "Takács, Lea"
Assessing longitudinal pathways between maternal depressive symptoms, parenting self-esteem and infant temperament
Published in PloS one (05-08-2019)“…Previous studies of relations between parenting self-concepts, parental adjustment and child temperament have been ambiguous regarding the direction of…”
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Maternal negative affect in pregnancy predicts cytokine levels which in turn predict birth outcomes – A prospective longitudinal study in a low-risk population
Published in Journal of affective disorders (01-12-2024)“…Stress and negative mood in pregnancy have been linked to less favorable birth outcomes, but the mechanisms underlying this effect remain largely unknown. We…”
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Early infant temperament shapes the nature of mother-infant bonding in the first postpartum year
Published in Infant behavior & development (01-02-2020)“…•Longitudinal relations of bonding and child temperament were studied using path model.•Child temperament soon after birth shapes maternal bonding in the long…”
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Disgust sensitivity in early pregnancy as a response to high pathogen risk
Published in Frontiers in psychology (27-02-2023)“…Considered a part of the behavioral immune system (BIS), disgust sensitivity is expected to be adjusting as a response to the actual level of the environmental…”
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Systemic Approach to the Development of Reading Literacy: Family Resources, School Grades, and Reading Motivation in Fourth-Grade Pupils
Published in Frontiers in psychology (20-02-2020)“…The successful early acquisition of reading literacy represents a crucial learning process determining the further course of academic development (Stanovich,…”
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Comparing disgust sensitivity in women in early pregnancy and non-pregnant women in the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle
Published in Evolution and human behavior (01-03-2024)“…Considered a part of the behavioral immune system, disgust functions as a protective mechanism against potential pathogen threat. There is evidence that…”
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Women’s psychological experiences of physiological childbirth: a meta-synthesis
Published in BMJ open (01-10-2018)“…ObjectiveTo synthesise qualitative studies on women’s psychological experiences of physiological childbirth.DesignMeta-synthesis.MethodsStudies exploring…”
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Parity moderates the effect of delivery mode on maternal ratings of infant temperament
Published in PloS one (12-08-2021)“…Objective Cesarean section (CS) rates are rising rapidly around the world but no conclusive evidence has been obtained about the possible short- and long-term…”
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Social support buffers the effects of maternal prenatal stress on infants' unpredictability
Published in Early human development (01-06-2021)“…Exposure to stress in pregnancy has been shown to affect fetal development with short- and long-term physiological and behavioral consequences for the…”
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Disgust sensitivity is negatively associated with immune system activity in early pregnancy: Direct support for the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis
Published in Evolution and human behavior (01-05-2022)“…According to the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis (CPH), disgust may be considered a part of the behavioral immune system, adjusting as a function of…”
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Associations Between Mode of Birth and Neuropsychological Development in Children Aged 4 Years: Results from a Birth Cohort Study
Published in Child psychiatry and human development (01-12-2021)“…The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to examine the association between Cesarean section (CS) and child development and behavior. The sample…”
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Emergency cesarean section is a risk factor for depressive symptoms when breastfeeding is limited
Published in Journal of psychosomatic research (01-02-2022)“…Previous studies indicated associations between cesarean section (CS), breastfeeding, and depressive symptoms. There is, however, little research integrating…”
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The effects of intrapartum synthetic oxytocin on maternal postpartum mood: findings from a prospective observational study
Published in Archives of women's mental health (01-08-2019)“…Postpartum depression (PPD) affects up to 19% of all mothers, with detrimental effects on both mother and child. The antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of…”
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The Impact of Mode of Birth on Childbirth-Related Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms beyond 6 Months Postpartum: An Integrative Review
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (20-07-2022)“…(1) Background: A traumatic birth can lead to the development of childbirth-related posttraumatic stress symptoms or disorder (CB-PTS/D). Literature has…”
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The Effects of Intrapartum Administration of Synthetic Oxytocin on Breastfeeding in the First 9 Months Postpartum: A Longitudinal Prospective Study
Published in Breastfeeding medicine (01-12-2021)“…Synthetic oxytocin (synOT) is a widely used drug to induce or accelerate labor and to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Although some studies indicate there are…”
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The effects of pre- and post-partum depression on child behavior and psychological development from birth to pre-school age: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in Systematic reviews (19-06-2020)“…Pre- and post-partum depression is a common mood disorder with detrimental effects on both mother and child. The aim of the proposed review is to summarize…”
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Social psychological predictors of satisfaction with intrapartum and postpartum care – what matters to women in Czech maternity hospitals?
Published in Open medicine (Warsaw, Poland) (01-01-2015)“…Objective: To identify the social psychological factors affecting women’s evaluation of care provided in Czech maternity hospitals using following criteria:…”
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Associations of Maternal Prenatal Stress and Depressive Symptoms With Childhood Neurobehavioral Outcomes in the ECHO Cohort of the NICHD Fetal Growth Studies: Fetal Growth Velocity as a Potential Mediator
Published in Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (01-09-2022)“…Maternal prenatal stress and mood symptoms are associated with risk for child psychopathology. Within the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child…”
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The Impact of Mode of Birth, and Episiotomy, on Postpartum Sexual Function in the Medium- and Longer-Term: An Integrative Systematic Review
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (24-03-2023)“…(1) Background: Sexual function can be affected up to and beyond 18 months postpartum, with some studies suggesting that spontaneous vaginal birth results in…”
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Očekávání úspěchu, hodnota výkonu a seberegulace: typologie výkonové motivace studentů pedagogických oborů založená na klastrové analýze dotazníku motivace k výkonu
Published in Studia paedagogica (Brno) (15-04-2021)“…Výkonová motivace představuje.jeden z klíčových psychologickýchfaktorů determinujících cíle, které si studující vysokých skol kladou, a tím i jejich úspěch ve…”
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