Lupus Enteritis: A Case Report
Published in European Medical Journal (Chelmsford, England) (13-06-2023)“…Lupus enteritis is a rare presentation of systemic lupus erythematous, clinically manifested by abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Proper diagnosis and…”
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Giant cyst of the second branchial arch in an adult: case report and literature review
Published in Revista Brasileira de cirurgia plástica (2023)“…Introduction: The branchial arches are the embryological precursors of the face, neck, and pharynx. Branchial arch anomalies are the second most common…”
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Cisto gigante de segundo arco branquial em adulto: Relato de caso e revisão de literatura
Published in Revista Brasileira de cirurgia plástica (2023)Get full text
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Cisto gigante de segundo arco branquial em adulto: Relato de caso e revisão de literatura
Published in Revista Brasileira de cirurgia plástica (2023)“…■ RESUMO Introdução: Os arcos branquiais são os precursores embriológicos da face, pescoço e faringe. As anomalias dos arcos branquiais são a segunda lesão…”
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