Search Results - "Tóth, Katinka"
Dogs' social susceptibility is differentially affected by various dog-Human interactions. A study on family dogs, former shelter dogs and therapy dogs
Published in PloS one (21-03-2024)“…When pre-treated with social stimuli prior to testing, dogs are more susceptible to human influence in a food preference task. This means, after a positive…”
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Fear expressions of dogs during New Year fireworks: a video analysis
Published in Scientific reports (29-09-2020)“…A high proportion of pet dogs show fear-related behavioural problems, with noise fears being most prevalent. Nonetheless, few studies have objectively…”
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Is it all about the pitch? Acoustic determinants of dog-directed speech preference in domestic dogs, Canis familiaris
Published in Animal behaviour (01-06-2021)“…Dogs, similarly to infants, have been shown to be sensitive to human speech especially when it is directed to them. However, what essential acoustic,…”
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Sleep-physiological correlates of brachycephaly in dogs
Published in Brain Structure and Function (01-12-2023)“…The shape of the cranium is one of the most notable physical changes induced in domestic dogs through selective breeding and is measured using the cephalic…”
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The effect of oxytocin on yawning by dogs (Canis familiaris) exposed to human yawns
Published in Applied animal behaviour science (01-02-2020)“…•Yawn contagion and oxytocin are both related to empathy in humans.•Dogs yawning response to human yawns does not fulfil criteria of contagious…”
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Intranasally administered oxytocin affects how dogs (Canis familiaris) react to the threatening approach of their owner and an unfamiliar experimenter
Published in Behavioural processes (01-10-2015)“…•Dogsʼ behaviour towards a threatening human is influenced by intranasal oxytocin.•The familiarity of the threatening human (owner/experimenter) has a…”
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