Search Results - "Szoncso, F"

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    Measurement of momentum and angular distribution of punchthrough muons at the RD5 experiment by Albajar, C., Andlinger, M., Arefiev, A., Bacci, C., Bencze, Gy.L., Bergman, R., Bizzeti, A., Brouwer, C., Cardarelli, R., Casoli, P., Centro, S., Ceradini, F., Choumilov, E., Chrisman, D., Ciapetti, G., Civinini, C., Cline, D., D'Alessandro, R., Della Negra, M., Denes, E., Di Ciaccio, A., Dominik, W., Faissner, H., Ferrando, A., Fouz, M.C., Gorn, W., Górski, M., Hervé, A., Iglesias, A., Juntunen, M., Karimäki, V., Kinnunen, R., Kluge, A., Kolotaev, Yu, Konecki, M., König, A.C., Królikowski, J., Lacava, F., Layter, J.G., Le Coultre, P., Lyndon, C., Malinin, A., Margutti, G., Martinelli, R., Martinez-Laso, L., McNeil, R., Meneguzzo, A., Meschini, M., Moers, T., Mohammadi-Baarmand, M., Nisati, A., Orestano, D., Österberg, K., Otwinowski, S., Petrolo, E., Pimiä, M., Pojidaev, V., Pols, C.L.A., Pontecorvo, L., Porth, P., Radermacher, E., Razen, B., Reithler, H., Ribeiro, R., Rojkov, A., Sanjari, A., Santonico, R., Sartori, P., Schwarthoff, H., Seez, C., Shank, J., Shen, B.C., Szeptycka, M., Szoncso, F., Teykal, H., Tolsma, H., Tuchscherer, H., Tuominiemi, J., Tuuva, T., van der Graaf, H., Veneziano, S., Verzocchi, M., Vesztergombi, G., Wagner, H., Walzel, G., Wijnen, T., Wilson, G.W., Wrochna, G., Wulz, C.-E., Zanello, L., Zotto, P.

    “…The momentum and angular distributions of punchthrough muons have been measured after a 10 λ calorimeter using an iron toroid magnet with 1.5 T as…”
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    Measurement of αs from b [formula omitted] production at the cern p [formula omitted] collider by Albajar, C., Ankoviak, K., Bartha, S., Bauer, G., Böhrer, A., Bos, K., Buchanan, C., Buschbeck, B., Castilla-Valdez, H., Cennini, P., Cittolin, S., Clayton, E., Cline, D., Caughlan, J.A., Dau, D., Daum, C., Della Negra, M., Demoulin, M., Denegri, D., Dibon, H., Dorenbosch, J., Dowell, J.D., Eggert, K., Eisenhandler, E., Ellis, N., Evans, H., Faissner, H., Fensome, I.F., Fortson, L., Garvey, J., Geiser, A., Givernaud, A., Gonidec, A., Gonzalez, B., Gronberg, J., Holthuizen, D.J., Jank, W., Jorat, G., Kalmus, P.I.P., Karimäki, V., Kenyon, I., Kinnunen, R., Krammer, M., Lammel, S., Landon, M.P.J., Lemoigne, Y., Levegrün, S., Markou, C., Markytan, M., Maurin, G., McMahon, S., Merlo, J.P., Meyer, T., Moers, T., Mohammadi, M., Morsch, A., Moulin, A., Norton, A., Otwinowski, S., Pancheri, G., Pietarinen, E., Pimiä, M., Placci, A., Porte, J.P., Priem, R., Prosi, R., Radermacher, E., Rauschkolb, M., Reithler, H., Revol, J.P., Robinson, D., Rubbia, C., Samyn, D., Schinzel, D., Schleichert, R., Schröder, M., Seez, C., Shah, T.P., Sphicas, P., Stork, D., Sumorok, K., Szoncso, F., Tan, C.H., Taurok, A., Taylor, L., Tether, S., Teykal, H., Thompson, G., Tuchscherer, H., Tuominiemi, J., van de Guchte, W., van Dijk, A., Vargas, M., Virdee, T.S., von Schlippe, W., Vuillemin, V., Wacker, K., Wagner, H., Wulz, C.-E., Zotto, P.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-02-1996)
    “…The UA1 Collaboration has recently improved its measurement of the beauty production cross-section by including explicit measurements of b b correlations…”
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    Parallel plate chambers and their possible use in LHC experiments by Arefiev, A., Bencze, Gy.L., Bizzeti, A., Choumilov, E., Civinini, C., D'Alessandro, R., Dajko, G., Fenyvesi, A., Ferrando, A., Fouz, M.C., Iglesias, A., Ivochkin, V., Maggi, F., Malinin, A., Martinez Laso, L., Meschini, M., Molnar, J., Pojidaev, V., Szoncso, F., Wulz, C.-E.

    “…Present status of Parallel Plate Chambers (PPC) is reviewed. After a description of this detector, results from tests concerning PPC efficiency uniformity,…”
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