Search Results - "Syrov, V.N"

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  1. 1

    Identity, History, Tolerance by Surovtsev, V.A., Syrov, V.N.

    Published in SHS web of conferences (2016)
    “…The article discusses the role of historical narratives in the formation of identity. Rüsen’s thesis on the contradiction of traditional historical identities…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    Biographical Aspects of Rock Music by Syrov, V.N.

    “…It is necessary to make difference between biography as a history of a person’s life and biography as a retelling of this story made by a professional author…”
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    Journal Article
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    Monooxygenase System and NO Metabolism in Liver Microsomes of Rats with Toxic Hepatitis and the Effect of Sesquiterpene Lactones by Tursunova, N. V., Syrov, V. N., Khushbaktova, Z. A., Tornuev, Yu. V., Klinnikova, M. G.

    “…We analyzed changes in activities of enzymes of phases I and II of xenobiotic biotransformation and parameters of NO metabolism in liver microsomes of rats…”
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    A Total Triterpene Glycosides Preparation from Zygophyllum Oxianum as a Potential Hypoglycemic Agent by Yuldasheva, N. Kh, Sasmakov, S. A., Khushbaktova, Z. A., Syrov, V. N.

    Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-11-2013)
    “…Extraction of a total triterpene glycosides preparation from Zygophyllum oxianum and its influence on blood sugar levels in rats with alloxan hyperglycemia and…”
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    Effect of total ecdysteroid preparation from Silene viridiflora on the immune state of experimental animals under normal and secondary immunodeficiency conditions by Shakhmurova, G. A., Mamadalieva, N. Z., Zhanibekov, A. A., Khushbaktova, Z. A., Syrov, V. N.

    Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-07-2012)
    “…The isolation of total ecdysteroids from Silene viridiflora is described. The preparation acts as an effective immunomodulator in normal animals (mice, 18 –…”
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    Journal Article
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    Carbohydrate and protein components of Helianthus tuberosus and their biological activity by Rakhimov, D. A., Zhauynbaeva, K. S., Mezhlumyan, L. G., Syrov, V. N., Khushbaktova, Z. A., Salikhov, S. A., Mavlyanova, R. F.

    Published in Chemistry of natural compounds (01-09-2011)
    “…Carbohydrates from leaves, stems, and tubers of cultivated Helianthus tuberosus were studied. The quantitative contents of mono- and oligosaccharides,…”
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    Journal Article
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    Chemical composition and pharmacological activity of Ruscus colchicus leaves by Kemertelidze, E. P., Muzashvili, T. S., Benidze, M. M., Tsaruk, A. V., Khushbaktova, Z. A., Syrov, V. N.

    Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-09-2012)
    “…Phylloclades of Ruscus colchicus P. F. Yeo turned out to be a rich source of steroidal glycosides with the biosynthesis of up to 40 steroids. A total of 22…”
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    Journal Article
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    Adaptogenic properties of polyprenols isolated from fir greenery in a rat-immobilization stress model by Syrov, V. N., Hurshkainen, T. V., Tsaruk, A. V., Egamova, F. R., Khushbaktova, Z. A., Kuchin, A. V.

    Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-10-2012)
    “…The adaptogenic effect of polyprenols isolated from fir greenery was studied. It was established that a single oral administration of polyprenols at a dose of…”
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    Journal Article
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    Antiulcer activity of polyprenols extracted from cotton leaves by Syrov, V. N., Vais, E. V., Égamova, F. R., Khushbaktova, Z. A., Mamatkulova, N. M., Shakhidoyatov, R. Kh, Khidyrova, N. K.

    Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-06-2012)
    “…A polyprenols fraction was extracted form cotton leaves. Their chemical structure was demonstrated and quantitative contents were estimated and standardized…”
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    Isolation, structural studies, and antiulcer Activity of lehmanin and ammothamnidin From Ammothamnus lehmannii by Syrov, V.N, Yuldashev, M.P, Tursunova, N.V, Khushbaktova, Z.A

    Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-06-2010)
    “…We report here data on the isolation and chemical structure of lehmanin (a flavonone) and ammothamnidin (a chalcone) from Ammothamnus lehmannii Bunge. Their…”
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    Immunomodulating and antistress activity of ecdysterone and turkesterone under immobilization-induced stress conditions in mice by Shakhmurova, G. A, Syrov, V. N, Khushbaktova, Z. A

    Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-05-2010)
    “…The phytoecdysteroids ecdysterone and turkesterone isolated from Rhaponticum integrifolium and Ajuga turkestanica herbs, respectively, increase the adaptation…”
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    Isolation and influence of cycloartane glycosides cycloorbicoside G and cyclosieversioside A on metabolic processes in myocardium by Tsaruk, A. V, Iskenderov, D. A, Agzamova, M. A, Khushbaktova, Z. A, Syrov, V. N, Isaev, M. I

    Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-05-2010)
    “…Data on the isolation and structure determination of cycloartane glycosides cycloorbicoside G from Astragalus orbiculatus Ledeb. and cyclosieversioside A from…”
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