Search Results - "Syam, Heriza"
Effectiveness of pineapple and papaya leaf combination for dysmenorrhea pain relief in mice (Mus musculus)
Published in Healthcare in low-resource settings (23-02-2024)“…Dysmenorrhea is a common gynecological condition in women, often attributed to excessive prostaglandin production, significantly impacting daily activities…”
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Peer Group and Positive Affirmations Affect on Physical Changes and Psychological Consequences of Menopause
Published in Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan (30-09-2021)“…Menopause is a woman's last menstrual period influenced by reproductive hormones, occurring in her fifties. Various efforts can be made to overcome the…”
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Risk Factor That Influence Sexual Behavior on Adolescents in Bekasi City
Published in Women, Midwives and Midwifery (01-06-2022)“…Background : Teenagers in Indonesia aged 10-19 years, 79.5% of whom are internet users, 52% have found pornographic content, either through advertisements or…”
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