Search Results - "Swartz, W. E."
SAMI2-PE: A model of the ionosphere including multistream interhemispheric photoelectron transport
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (01-06-2012)“…In order to improve model comparisons with recently improved incoherent scatter radar measurements at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory we have added…”
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E- and F-region coupling between an intense sporadic E layer and a mesoscale traveling ionospheric disturbance
Published in Annales geophysicae (1988) (19-06-2009)“…Considerable controversy exists concerning the relative roles of the E- and F-regions in controlling irregularity formation in the mid-latitude ionosphere,…”
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Electrodynamics of midlatitude spread F: 1. Observations of unstable, gravity wave-induced ionospheric electric fields at tropical latitudes
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (01-06-1997)“…In part 1 of our series exploring the role of electrical forces in midlatitude spread F, we present observations of an electrodynamically driven traveling…”
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Incoherent scatter from space shuttle and rocket engine plumes in the ionosphere
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research (0148-0227) (01-02-1998)“…Enhanced echoes from the 430 MHz radar at Arecibo were observed during burns of the space shuttle orbital maneuver subsystem (OMS) engines near 317 km…”
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Magnetic aspect sensitivity of 3-m F-region field-aligned plasma density irregularities over Jicamarca
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (01-10-2011)“…The magnetic aspect angle sensitivity of 3‐m plasma density irregularities in the F‐region ionosphere over Jicamarca has been measured during the passage of a…”
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Imaging spread-F structures using GPS observations at Alcântara, Brazil
Published in Geophysical research letters (01-07-1997)“…During October 1994, a dual‐frequency GPS receiver was operated in Alcântara, Brazil, at the same site where the Cornell University Portable Radar…”
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The Guará Campaign: A series of rocket-radar investigations of the Earth's upper atmosphere at the magnetic equator
Published in Geophysical research letters (01-07-1997)“…The Guará Campaign consisted of a series of sounding rockets that were launched from August‐October, 1994 at a new launch facility at Alcântara, Brazil, which…”
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First observations of coherent scatter from the mid-latitude F-region in the Caribbean
Published in Geophysical research letters (01-04-2000)“…The Cornell University Portable Radar Interferometer (CUPRI) started a new series of measurements of the mid‐latitude ionosphere from Puerto Rico in July 1997…”
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Radar chain study of the May, 1995 storm
Published in Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics (01-02-1999)“…We summarize the main features of the ionospheric F region as observed bythe Sondrestrom, Millstone Hill, Arecibo, and Jicamarca incoherent scatter radars…”
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The Brazil/Guará Equatorial Spread F Campaign: Results of the large scale measurements
Published in Geophysical research letters (01-07-1997)“…The Guará campaign equatorial spread F rocket was launched from Alcântara, Brazil, on 14 October 1994 at 1955 LT (2255 UT) into an active topside spread F…”
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Incoherent scatter radar and Digisonde observations at tropical latitudes, including conjugate point studies
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research (01-04-1997)“…In this paper we compare ionospheric measurements made during the January 1993 10‐day World Day Campaign with three separate instruments: the Arecibo…”
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Electron density fluctuations in the equatorial mesosphere: Neutral Turbulence or plasma instabilities?
Published in Geophysical research letters (01-07-1997)“…Electron density fluctuations were measured with rocket borne nose‐tip probes launched on August 19, 1994 at 12:08 LT and August 24, 1994 at 10:39 LT from…”
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Comparison of incoherent scatter radar and Digisonde measurements with field line interhemispheric plasma modeled results at middle and low latitudes
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research (01-04-1997)“…Comparisons of modeled and measured ionospheric characteristics are made for data recorded during the January 1993 10‐day world day campaign. The peak of the F…”
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Variable-angle X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic determination of the thickness of the oxide layer on aluminum metal: An advanced undergraduate laboratory experiment
Published in Journal of chemical education (01-11-1987)“…Introduces students to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the chemical information revealed by the "chemical shift", the surface sensitivity of the technique,…”
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First observations of an F-region turbulent upwelling coincident with severe E-region plasma and neutral atmosphere perturbations
Published in Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics (01-08-2002)“…Highly structured electron densities in the E and F regions over Puerto Rico during the night of February 20/21, 1999 were accompanied by intense coherent VHF…”
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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of some aluminosilicates
Published in Inorganic chemistry (01-09-1974)Get full text
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Electron energy balance in the F region above Jicamarca
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (01-05-1999)“…Incoherent scatter measurements from Jicamarca, Peru, show that current models and cross sections account quite well for the heating and cooling of F region…”
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CUPRI observations of pre-sunrise vertical type-I echoes from the equatorial electrojet above Alcântara, Brazil
Published in Geophysical research letters (15-10-1997)“…The Cornell University Portable Radar Interferometer (CUPRI) made high resolution vertical radar measurements of the equatorial electrojet above Alcântara,…”
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Same night observations of spread-F by the Jicamarca Radio Observatory in Peru and CUPRI in Alcântara, Brazil
Published in Geophysical research letters (01-01-1998)“…50‐MHz echoes from equatorial spread‐F were observed on several nights by both the Jicamarca Radio Observatory (JRO) in Peru and the Cornell University…”
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Equatorial dynamics observed by rocket, radar, and satellite during the CADRE/MALTED campaign: 1. Programmatics and small-scale fluctuations
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (27-11-1997)“…In August 1994, the Mesospheric and Lower Thermospheric Equatorial Dynamics (MALTED) Program was conducted from the Alcântara rocket site in northeastern…”
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