Search Results - "Suraci, Justin"
Fear of humans as apex predators has landscape‐scale impacts from mountain lions to mice
Published in Ecology letters (01-10-2019)“…Apex predators such as large carnivores can have cascading, landscape‐scale impacts across wildlife communities, which could result largely from the fear they…”
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Fear of the human ‘super predator’ reduces feeding time in large carnivores
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (28-06-2017)“…Large carnivores' fear of the human ‘super predator’ has the potential to alter their feeding behaviour and result in human-induced trophic cascades. However,…”
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Fear of large carnivores causes a trophic cascade
Published in Nature communications (23-02-2016)“…The fear large carnivores inspire, independent of their direct killing of prey, may itself cause cascading effects down food webs potentially critical for…”
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Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator–prey interactions
Published in Oikos (01-08-2022)“…Predation risk, the probability that a prey animal will be killed by a predator, is fundamental to theoretical and applied ecology. Predation risk varies with…”
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Top-down and sideways: Herbivory and cross-ecosystem connectivity shape restoration success at the salt marsh-upland ecotone
Published in PloS one (22-02-2021)“…Wetland restoration provides remarkable opportunities to understand vegetation dynamics and to inform success of future projects through rigorous restoration…”
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Energetics and fear of humans constrain the spatial ecology of pumas
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (02-02-2021)“…Energetic demands and fear of predators are considered primary factors shaping animal behavior, and both are likely drivers of movement decisions that…”
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Behavior-specific habitat selection by African lions may promote their persistence in a human-dominated landscape
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-04-2019)“…Co-occurrence with humans presents substantial risks for large carnivores, yet human-dominated landscapes are increasingly crucial to carnivore conservation as…”
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Fine-scale movement decisions by a large carnivore inform conservation planning in human-dominated landscapes
Published in Landscape ecology (01-07-2020)“…Context Developed landscapes are increasingly important movement habitat for many large carnivore populations, despite fragmentation and heightened…”
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Do Large Carnivores and Mesocarnivores Have Redundant Impacts on Intertidal Prey?
Published in PloS one (13-01-2017)“…The presence of large carnivores can affect lower trophic levels by suppressing mesocarnivores and reducing their impacts on prey. The mesopredator release…”
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An applied ecology of fear framework: linking theory to conservation practice
Published in Animal conservation (01-06-2021)“…Research on the ecology of fear has highlighted the importance of perceived risk from predators and humans in shaping animal behavior and physiology, with…”
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Diagnosing predation risk effects on demography: can measuring physiology provide the means?
Published in Oecologia (01-11-2014)“…Predators kill prey thereby affecting prey survival and, in the traditional top-down view of predator limitation, that is their sole effect. Bottom-up food…”
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Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans
Published in Global change biology (01-08-2021)“…Human activity and land use change impact every landscape on Earth, driving declines in many animal species while benefiting others. Species ecological and…”
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Humans, but not their dogs, displace pumas from their kills: An experimental approach
Published in Scientific reports (21-08-2019)“…Domestic dogs are the most abundant large carnivore on the planet, and their ubiquity has led to concern regarding the impacts of dogs as predators of and…”
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Leveraging Motivations, Personality, and Sensory Cues for Vertebrate Pest Management
Published in Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam) (01-11-2020)“…Managing vertebrate pests is a global conservation challenge given their undesirable socio-ecological impacts. Pest management often focuses on the ‘average’…”
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Ecology of fear alters behavior of grizzly bears exposed to bear‐viewing ecotourism
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-06-2024)“…Humans are perceived as predators by many species and may generate landscapes of fear, influencing spatiotemporal activity of wildlife. Additionally, wildlife…”
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Mesopredators retain their fear of humans across a development gradient
Published in Behavioral ecology (18-04-2022)“…Anthropogenic impacts on wildlife behavior arise both from the immediate presence of people, which induces fear responses in many species, and the human…”
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Zooming in on mechanistic predator–prey ecology: Integrating camera traps with experimental methods to reveal the drivers of ecological interactions
Published in The Journal of animal ecology (01-09-2020)“…Camera trap technology has galvanized the study of predator–prey ecology in wild animal communities by expanding the scale and diversity of predator–prey…”
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Temporal scale of habitat selection for large carnivores: Balancing energetics, risk and finding prey
Published in The Journal of animal ecology (01-01-2022)“…When navigating heterogeneous landscapes, large carnivores must balance trade‐offs between multiple goals, including minimizing energetic expenditure,…”
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Energetics‐informed behavioral states reveal the drive to kill in African leopards
Published in Ecosphere (Washington, D.C) (01-06-2017)“…The drive to kill prey is central to understanding the population viability and ecological effects of large carnivores. This drive is modulated by behaviorally…”
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A new Automated Behavioural Response system to integrate playback experiments into camera trap studies
Published in Methods in ecology and evolution (01-08-2017)“…Summary How animals respond to anthropogenic disturbances is a core component of conservation biology and how they respond to predators and competitors is…”
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