Search Results - "Sulkimo, J."

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  1. 1

    Particle tracking in sophisticated CAD models for simulation purposes by Sulkimo, J., Vuoskoski, J.

    “…The transfer of physics detector models from computer aided design systems to physics simulation packages like GEANT suffers from certain limitations. In…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    G eant4—a simulation toolkit by Agostinelli, S., Allison, J., Amako, K., Apostolakis, J., Araujo, H., Arce, P., Axen, D., Banerjee, S., Barrand, G., Behner, F., Bellagamba, L., Boudreau, J., Broglia, L., Brunengo, A., Burkhardt, H., Chauvie, S., Chytracek, R., Cooperman, G., Cosmo, G., Degtyarenko, P., Dell'Acqua, A., Dietrich, D., Feliciello, A., Ferguson, C., Fesefeldt, H., Folger, G., Foppiano, F., Forti, A., Garelli, S., Giani, S., Giannitrapani, R., Gibin, D., Gómez Cadenas, J.J., González, I., Greeniaus, G., Grichine, V., Grossheim, A., Guatelli, S., Gumplinger, P., Hamatsu, R., Hashimoto, K., Heikkinen, A., Howard, A., Ivanchenko, V., Johnson, A., Jones, F.W., Kanaya, N., Kawabata, Y., Kawaguti, M., Kelner, S., Kodama, T., Kokoulin, R., Kossov, M., Kurashige, H., Lamanna, E., Lampén, T., Lara, V., Lefebure, V., Lockman, W., Longo, F., Magni, S., Maire, M., Minamimoto, K., Mora de Freitas, P., Murakami, K., Nartallo, R., Nieminen, P., Ohtsubo, K., Okamura, M., O'Neale, S., Oohata, Y., Paech, K., Perl, J., Pfeiffer, A., Ranjard, F., Sadilov, S., Sasaki, T., Savvas, N., Sawada, Y., Sei, S., Sirotenko, V., Smith, D., Starkov, N., Stoecker, H., Sulkimo, J., Takahata, M., Tanaka, S., Safai Tehrani, E., Truscott, P., Uno, H., Urban, L., Urban, P., Verderi, M., Wander, W., Wellisch, J.P., Wenaus, T., Williams, D.C., Wright, D., Yamada, T., Yoshida, H.

    “…G eant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry,…”
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    Journal Article