Search Results - "Sueli Riul da Silva"
Common mental disorders and associated factors: a study of women from a rural area
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-01-2017)“…Identifying the prevalence of Common Mental Disorders and analyzing the influence of sociodemographic, economic, behavioral and reproductive health variables…”
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Nursing care for women with pre-eclampsia and/or eclampsia: integrative review
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-04-2016)“…To analyze the available evidence in the literature on nursing care for women with pre-eclampsia and/or eclampsia. Integrative review searching for primary…”
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Characterization and functional capacity in women with breast cancer, gynaecological cancer and gestational trophoblastic disease
Published in Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (01-12-2015)“…To describe the social, demographic and clinical profile, and functional capacity of women diagnosed with gynecological cancer, breast cancer and gestational…”
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Polymorphism in the lymphotoxin-alpha gene, position +252 (rs909253), is not associated with preeclampsia development in Brazilian women
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-11-2015)“…To investigate the frequencies of polymorphic allele and genotypes for the LT-α gene, position +252 (rs909253), in Brazilian women with preeclampsia. This is a…”
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Quality of life of women with gynecologic and breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy
Published in Rev. RENE (01-05-2015)“…Objective: analyzing the quality of life of women with gynecologic and breast cancer, undergoing antineoplasticchemotherapy for at least one year after…”
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Papel protetor do alelo G do polimorfismo no gene Interleucina 10 (-1082G/A) contra o desenvolvimento de pré-eclâmpsia
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-10-2014)“…OBJETIVOS:Identificar a frequência do polimorfismo no gene IL-10, rs1800896 (-1082 A/G), em mulheres com pré-eclâmpsia (PE) e em mulheres do grupo controle e…”
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Interventions that facilitate adherence to Pap smear exam: integrative review
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-03-2016)Get full text
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Influence of sociodemographic, clinical, obstetric and neonatal variables on postpartum quality of life [Influência de variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas, obstétricas e neonatais na qualidade de vida de puérperas] [Influencia de variables sociodemográficas, clínicas, obstétricas y neonatales en la calidad de vida posparto]
Published in Revista enfermagem UERJ (01-11-2019)“…Objective: to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of postpartum women and to correlate it with sociodemographic, clinical, obstetric and neonatal variables…”
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Evaluation of the quality of life of gynecological cancer patients submitted to antineoplastic chemotherapy
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-09-2010)“…This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life of female gynecological cancer patients submitted to antineoplastic chemotherapy Between August 2007 and April…”
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Qualidade de vida de mulheres submetidas à cirurgia oncológica de mama [Women’s quality of life after breast cancer surgery] [Calidad de vida de mujeres sometidas a cirugía oncológica de mama]
Published in Revista enfermagem UERJ (01-01-2017)“…Objetivo: analisar a qualidade de vida de mulheres submetidas à cirurgia oncológica de mama, há pelo menos um ano. Método: estudo observacional transversal…”
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Profile of patients with gynecological cancer under chemotherapy
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-07-2010)“…A study of socio-epidemiological demographic profile of patients in chemotherapy for cancer in the Gynecology and Obstetrical Ward in HE- UFTM, presented in…”
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Conhecimento e prática da autopalpação das mamas entre estudantes de escolas públicas do período noturno [Knowledge and practice of breast self-examination among night-shift public school students]
Published in Revista enfermagem UERJ (01-03-2017)“…Objetivo: verificar a eficácia de atividades educativas realizadas com estudantes a respeito da autopalpação das mamas (APM). Método: estudo quase-experimental…”
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Analysis of a municipal program of uterine cervical neoplasm prevention
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-03-2010)“…This is a descriptive-exploratory study that aimed at analysing the program of uterine cervical neoplasm prevention in the city of Igarapava/SP. In the year of…”
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Intervenções que favorecem a adesão ao exame de colpocitologia oncótica: revisão integrativa
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-04-2016)“…RESUMO Objetivo: identificar produções científicas que apresentem intervenções relevantes para implementar o Programa de Prevenção do Câncer Cérvico-Uterino,…”
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Leucocituria in patients submitted to chemoteraphy and urine collection
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-07-2010)“…The proposal of the study was to verify leucocituria frequency in carriers of gynecological cancer in chemotherapy (CT) and to identify practices in urine…”
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Genetic polymorphisms of vascular endothelial growth factor in pre-eclampsia
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-07-2011)“…To identify genetic polymorphisms of endothelial growth factor (VEGF), positions +936C/T and -2578C/A, in women with pre-eclampsia. This was a cross-sectional…”
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Conhecimento de alunas de uma universidade federal sobre doenças sexualmente transmissíveis [Female federal university’s students’ knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases]
Published in Revista enfermagem UERJ (01-04-2017)“…Objetivo: descrever o conhecimento de alunas universitárias sobre Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST); verificar se o acometimento por IST interferiu no…”
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Câncer de mama: fatores de risco e detecção precoce
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-12-2011)“…Objetivou-se identificar fatores de risco, segundo o INCA, para câncer de mama, analisar conhecimento e realização do AEM, ECM e mamografia, e verificar…”
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Qualidade de vida e toxicidade por radiação em pacientes com câncer ginecológico e mama
Published in Escola Anna Nery revista de enfermagem (2016)“…RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar qualidade de vida e grau de toxicidade aguda por radiação em pacientes portadoras de câncer do colo uterino, mama e endométrio, em…”
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Influência de variáveis clínicas na capacidade funcional de mulheres em tratamento quimioterápico
Published in Escola Anna Nery revista de enfermagem (01-12-2015)“…Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a influência do protocolo quimioterápico e tipo tumoral sobre a capacidade funcional de mulheres diagnosticadas com câncer…”
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