Search Results - "Struczinski, W"

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  1. 1

    Modelling and measurement of charge transfer in multiple GEM structures by Killenberg, M., Lotze, S., Mnich, J., Roth, S., Schulte, R., Sobloher, B., Struczinski, W., Tonutti, M.

    “…Measurements and numerical simulations on the charge transfer in Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils are presented and their implications for the usage of GEM…”
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    Testing of FE Hybrids and Si detector modules for the CMS Tracker by Axer, M., Beissel, F., Camps, C., Commichau, V., Fluegge, G., Franke, T., Ilgin, C., Mnich, J., Niehusmann, J., Poettgens, M., Schorn, P., Schulte, R., Struczinski, W.

    “…The innermost region of the CMS detector will consist of silicon pixel and silicon microstrip detectors. One microstrip detector module is essentially composed…”
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    Measurement of Neutral and Charged Current Cross Sections in Electron-Proton Collisions at High $Q^{2} by Adloff, C., Andreev, V., Andrieu, B., Anthonis, T., Arkadov, V., Astvatsatourov, A., Ayyaz, I., Babaev, A., Bahr, J., Baranov, P., Barrelet, E., Bartel, W., Bassler, U., Bate, P., Beglarian, A., Behnke, O., Beier, C., Belousov, A., Benisch, T., Berger, C., Bernardi, G., Berndt, T., Bizot, J C., Boudry, V., Braunschweig, W., Brisson, V., Broker, B., Brown, D P., Bruckner, W., Bruel, Pascal, Bruncko, D., Burger, J., Busser, F W., Bunyatyan, A., Burkhardt, Hans, Burrage, A., Buschhorn, G., Campbell, a J., Cao, J., Carli, T., Caron, S., Chabert, E., Clarke, D., Clerbaux, B., Collard, C., Contreras, J G., Coppens, y R., Coughlan, J A., Cousinou, M C., Cox, B E., Cozzika, G., Cvach, J., Dainton, J B., Dau, W D., Daum, K., Davidsson, M., Delcourt, B., Delerue, N., Demirchyan, R., de Roeck, A., de Wolf, E A., Diaconu, C., Dixon, P., Dodonov, V., Dowell, J D., Droutskoi, A., Duprel, C., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Efremenko, V., Egli, S., Eichler, R., Eisele, F., Eisenhandler, E., Ellerbrock, M., Elsen, E., Erdmann, M., Erdmann, W., Faulkner, P J W., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Felst, R., Ferencei, J., Ferron, S., Fleischer, M., Fleming, y H., Flugge, G., Fomenko, A., Foresti, I., Formanek, J., Foster, J M., Franke, G., Gabathuler, E., Gabathuler, K., Garvey, J., Gassner, J., Gayler, J., Gerhards, R., Ghazaryan, S., Glazov, A.

    “…The inclusive e^-p single and double differential cross sections for neutral and charged current processes are measured with the H1 detector at HERA, in the…”
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    Measurement of neutral and charged current cross-sections in positron-proton collisions at large momentum transfer by Adloff et al, C.

    “…The inclusive single and double differential cross-sections for neutral and charged current processes with four-momentum transfer squared \(Q^2\) between 150…”
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    Charmonium production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA by Adloff et al, C.

    “…The electroproduction of and mesons is studied in elastic, quasi-elastic and inclusive reactions for four momentum transfers and photon-proton centre of mass…”
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    Measurement of leading proton and neutron production in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA by Adloff et al, C.

    “…Deep-inelastic scattering events with a leading baryon have been detected by the H1 experiment at HERA using a forward proton spectrometer and a forward…”
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    Diffractive jet production in deep-inelastic $e^+p$ collisions at HERA by Adloff et al, C.

    “…A measurement is presented of dijet and 3-jet cross sections in low-|t| diffractive deep-inelastic scattering interactions of the type ep -> eXY, where the…”
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    Investigation of power corrections to event shape variables measured in deep-inelastic scattering by Adloff et al, C.

    “…Deep-inelastic ep scattering data, taken with the H1 detector at HERA, are used to study the event shape variables thrust, jet broadening, jet mass, C…”
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    Observation of events with an isolated high energy lepton and missing transverse momentum at HERA by Adloff et al, C.

    “…A search for events with an imbalance in transverse momentum and with isolated high energy leptons has been carried out at the positron-proton collider HERA…”
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    Measurement of di-jet cross-sections in photoproduction and photon structure by Astvatsatourov, A., Ayyaz, I., Bassler, U., Bate, P., Beglarian, A., Berger, Ch, Berndt, T., Bertrand-Coremans, G., Borras, K., Brown, D.P., Bruel, P., Bürger, J., Burke, S., Cao, J., Chabert, E., Clerbaux, B., Contreras, J.G., Cozzika, G., Daum, K., Delerue, N., Ebert, J., Eisenhandler, E., Elsen, E., Felst, R., Flügge, G., Foresti, I., Formánek, J., Foster, J.M., Gabathuler, E., Gabathuler, K., Gassner, J., Gayler, J., Gerhards, R., Glazov, A., Gorelov, I., Greenshaw, T., Hajduk, L., Haynes, W.J., Hengstmann, S., Henschel, H., Heremans, R., Hilgers, M., Hilton, C.D., Hoffmann, D., Hoprich, W., Hurling, S., Jemanov, V., Kant, D., Kausch, M., Keil, F., Keller, N., Lastovicka, T., Lindstroem, M., Lobodzinska, E., Loktionova, N., Lüke, D., Mahlke-Krüger, H., Marks, J., Martyn, H.-U., McMahon, T.R., Meyer, P.-O., Mohr, R., Mondragon, M.N., Morris, J.V., Müller, D., Naumann, J., Négri, I., Nguyen, H.K., Niebuhr, C., Nunnemann, T., Perez, E., Pöschl, R., Povh, B., Rauschenberger, J., Reyna, D., Rizvi, E., Roosen, R., Rostovtsev, A., Rusakov, S., Sankey, D.P.C., Schleper, P., Shekelyan, V., Shtarkov, L.N., Sievers, P., Sirois, Y., Stamen, R., Straumann, U., Struczinski, W., Sutton, J.P., Thompson, P.D., Wengler, T., White, G., Winde, M., Winter, G.-G., Wissing, C., Wobisch, M., Wünsch, E., Zhokin, A., Zomer, F., Zsembery, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (15-06-2000)
    “…The production of hard di-jet events in photoproduction at HERA is dominated by resolved photon processes in which a parton in the photon with momentum…”
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    A search for excited fermions at HERA by Adloff et al, C.

    “…A search for excited fermions f\(^*\) of the first generation in \(e^+p\) scattering at the collider HERA is presented using H1 data with an integrated…”
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    Diffractive dijet production at HERA by Adloff, C., Anderson, M., Andreev, V., Andrieu, B., Arkadov, V., Arndt, C., Ayyaz, I., Babaev, A., Bähr, J., Ban, J., Baranov, P., Barrelet, E., Barschke, R., Bartel, W., Bassler, U., Bate, P., Beck, M., Beglarian, A., Behnke, O., Behrend, H. -J., Beier, C., Belousov, A., Berger, Ch, Bernardi, G., Bertrand-Coremans, G., Biddulph, P., Bizot, J. C., Boudry, V., Braemer, A., Braunschweig, W., Brisson, V., Brown, D. P., Brückner, W., Bruel, P., Bruncko, D., Bürger, J., Büsser, F. W., Buniatian, A., Burke, S., Buschhorn, G., Calvet, D., Campbell, A. J., Carli, T., Chabert, E., Charlet, M., Clarke, D., Clerbaux, B., Cocks, S., Contreras, J. G., Cormack, C., Coughlan, J. A., Cousinou, M. -C., Cox, B. E., Cozzika, G., Cvach, J., Dainton, J. B., Dau, W. D., Daum, K., David, M., Davidsson, M., Roeck, A., Wolf, E. A., Delcourt, B., Demirchyan, R., Diaconu, C., Dirkmann, M., Dixon, P., Dlugosz, W., Donovan, K. T., Dowell, J. D., Droutskoi, A., Ebert, J., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Efremenko, V., Egli, S., Eichler, R., Eisele, F., Eisenhandler, E., Elsen, E., Enzenberger, M., Erdmann, M., Fahr, A. B., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Felst, R., Feltesse, J., Ferencei, J., Ferrarotto, F., Fleischer, M., Flügge, G., Fomenko, A., Formánek, J., Foster, J. M., Franke, G., Gabathuler, E., Gabathuler, K., Gaede, F., Garvey, J., Gayler, J.

    “…Interactions of the type ep → eXY are studied, where the component X of the hadronic final state contains two jets and is well separated in rapidity from a…”
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    Forward π°-meson production at HERA by Adloff, C., Arkadov, V., Ayyaz, I., Babaev, A., Baranov, P., Bassler, U., Beier, C., Belousov, A., Berger, Ch, Brown, D.P., Brückner, W., Bruel, P., Bürger, J., Bunyatyan, A., Burrage, A., Cao, J., Charlet, M., Coughlan, J.A., Cox, B.E., Cozzika, G., Dau, W.D., Demirchyan, R., Dowell, J.D., Ebert, J., Eckstein, D., Eichler, R., Erdmann, M., Felst, R., Feltesse, J., Ferrarotto, F., Gassner, J., Goerlich, L., Goldberg, M., Grab, C., Grässler, H., Hadig, T., Haidt, D., Henderson, R.C.W., Hengstmann, S., Hilton, C.D., Hoffmann, D., Hurling, S., Ibbotson, M., Jacquet, M., Janssen, X., Jönsson, L., Jones, M., Kant, D., Kapichine, M., Kaufmann, O., Kermiche, S., Kotelnikov, S.K., Krücker, D., Kuhr, T., Lachnit, W., Lemrani, R., Lubimov, V., Marks, J., Marshall, R., Martyn, H.-U., Maxfield, S.J., Mehta, A., Meyer, A., Meyer, J., Meyer, P.-O., Mikocki, S., Morozov, A., Müller, K., Naumann, J., Nicholls, T.C., Nix, O., Nowak, G., Olsson, J.E., Povh, B., Riess, S., Roosen, R., Rusakov, S., Rybicki, K., Schmidt, D., Schmidt, D., Sefkow, F., Sirois, Y., Smirnov, P., Soloviev, Y., Steinhart, J., Struczinski, W., Tchetchelnitski, S., Thompson, P.D., Turnau, J., Turney, J., Vallée, C., Van Haecke, A., Villet, G., Wallny, R., Wegner, A., Wiesand, S., Wilksen, T., Winter, G.-G., Zhokin, A., Zomer, F.

    Published in Physics letters. B (1999)
    “…High transverse momentum π°-mesons have been measured with the H1 detector at HERA in deep-inelastic ep scattering events at low Bjorken- x, down to x≈4·10 −5…”
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