Search Results - "Strobl, Carolin"
Conditional permutation importance revisited
Published in BMC bioinformatics (14-07-2020)“…Random forest based variable importance measures have become popular tools for assessing the contributions of the predictor variables in a fitted random…”
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An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning: Rationale, Application, and Characteristics of Classification and Regression Trees, Bagging, and Random Forests
Published in Psychological methods (01-12-2009)“…Recursive partitioning methods have become popular and widely used tools for nonparametric regression and classification in many scientific fields. Especially…”
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Identifying Informative Predictor Variables With Random Forests
Published in Journal of educational and behavioral statistics (01-08-2024)“…Random forests are a nonparametric machine learning method, which is currently gaining popularity in the behavioral sciences. Despite random forests’ potential…”
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Conditional variable importance for random forests
Published in BMC bioinformatics (11-07-2008)“…Random forests are becoming increasingly popular in many scientific fields because they can cope with "small n large p" problems, complex interactions and even…”
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An R toolbox for score-based measurement invariance tests in IRT models
Published in Behavior research methods (01-10-2022)“…The detection of differential item functioning (DIF) is a central topic in psychometrics and educational measurement. In the past few years, a new family of…”
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What Affects the Quality of Score Transformations? Potential Issues in True-Score Equating Using the Partial Credit Model
Published in Educational and psychological measurement (01-12-2023)“…This simulation study investigated to what extent departures from construct similarity as well as differences in the difficulty and targeting of scales impact…”
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A New Stopping Criterion for Rasch Trees Based on the Mantel–Haenszel Effect Size Measure for Differential Item Functioning
Published in Educational and psychological measurement (01-02-2023)“…To detect differential item functioning (DIF), Rasch trees search for optimal splitpoints in covariates and identify subgroups of respondents in a data-driven…”
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Investigating Measurement Invariance by Means of Parameter Instability Tests for 2PL and 3PL Models
Published in Educational and psychological measurement (01-04-2019)“…M-fluctuation tests are a recently proposed method for detecting differential item functioning in Rasch models. This article discusses a generalization of this…”
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The behaviour of random forest permutation-based variable importance measures under predictor correlation
Published in BMC bioinformatics (27-02-2010)“…Random forests (RF) have been increasingly used in applications such as genome-wide association and microarray studies where predictor correlation is…”
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Unbiased split selection for classification trees based on the Gini Index
Published in Computational statistics & data analysis (15-09-2007)“…Classification trees are a popular tool in applied statistics because their heuristic search approach based on impurity reduction is easy to understand and the…”
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Human Double-Negative Regulatory T-Cells Induce a Metabolic and Functional Switch in Effector T-Cells by Suppressing mTOR Activity
Published in Frontiers in immunology (26-04-2019)“…The recently discovered population of TCRαβ+ CD4-/CD8- (double-negative, DN) T-cells are highly potent suppressor cells in mice and humans. In preclinical…”
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Predictors of depression among middle-aged and older men and women in Europe: A machine learning approach
Published in The Lancet regional health. Europe (01-07-2022)“…The high prevalence of depression in a growing aging population represents a critical public health issue. It is unclear how social, health, cognitive, and…”
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On the Estimation of Standard Errors in Cognitive Diagnosis Models
Published in Journal of educational and behavioral statistics (01-02-2018)“…Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) are an increasingly popular method to assess mastery or nonmastery of a set of fine-grained abilities in educational or…”
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Bias in random forest variable importance measures: illustrations, sources and a solution
Published in BMC bioinformatics (25-01-2007)“…Variable importance measures for random forests have been receiving increased attention as a means of variable selection in many classification tasks in…”
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COVID‐19 in Patients Receiving CD20‐depleting Immunochemotherapy for B‐cell Lymphoma
Published in HemaSphere (01-07-2021)“…The clinical and immunological impact of B‐cell depletion in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is unclear. We conducted a prospectively…”
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Optimal classifier selection and negative bias in error rate estimation: an empirical study on high-dimensional prediction
Published in BMC medical research methodology (21-12-2009)“…In biometric practice, researchers often apply a large number of different methods in a "trial-and-error" strategy to get as much as possible out of their data…”
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Suppressive effects of tumor cell-derived 5′-deoxy-5′-methylthioadenosine on human T cells
Published in Oncoimmunology (02-08-2016)“…The immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment represents one of the main obstacles for immunotherapy of cancer. The tumor milieu is among others shaped by tumor…”
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Flexible Rasch Mixture Models with Package psychomix
Published in Journal of statistical software (01-05-2012)“…Measurement invariance is an important assumption in the Rasch model and mixture models constitute a flexible way of checking for a violation of this…”
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Psychoco: Psychometric Computing in R
Published in Journal of statistical software (01-05-2012)“…This special volume features eleven contributions to psychometric computing, a research area that integrates psychometrics and computational methods in…”
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Fitting Prediction Rule Ensembles to Psychological Research Data: An Introduction and Tutorial
Published in Psychological methods (01-10-2020)“…Prediction rule ensembles (PREs) are a relatively new statistical learning method, which aim to strike a balance between predictive performance and…”
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