Search Results - "Stril'chuk, N V"
Precise measurement of energy of the first excited state of 115Sn (Eexc 497.3 keV)
Published in Europhysics letters (01-01-2018)“…Single beta decay of 115In to the first excited level of 115Sn ( ) is known as β-decay with the lowest value. To determine the precisely, one has to measure…”
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Developing a Way of Processing Complex X-Ray and Gamma Spectra in the Range of Low Energies
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-10-2021)“…A way of processing complex X-ray and gamma spectra in the 10–100 keV energy range is proposed. It considers the complexity of describing X-ray lines and…”
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Accelerated γ-emission from isomeric nuclei
Published in Radiation physics and chemistry (Oxford, England : 1993) (01-10-2004)“…A nuclear-XAFS effect occurs during the scattering of electrons or X-ray photons when the excitation of inner shell electrons couples both energy and angular…”
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Gamma-Ray Transitions Induced in Nuclear Spin Isomers by X-Rays
Published in Hyperfine interactions (01-01-2001)“…Because of the high density of energy storage and the large cross section for its release, nuclear spin isomers have attracted considerable recent interest…”
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Study of137m Ba double decay
Published in Measurement techniques (01-10-1997)“…An investigation has been made of higher-order effects in^sup 137m^Ba decay. Double decay of the isomeric state^sup 137m^Ba has been demonstrated with the…”
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Precise measurement of energy of the first excited state of 115Sn (Eexc = 497.3 keV)
Published 16-05-2018“…Europhysics Letters 121 (2018) 12001 Single beta decay of 115In to the first excited level of 115Sn (Eexc = 497.3 keV) is known as beta decay with the lowest Q…”
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Investigation of excitation of Ag atoms in internal conversion of γ rays
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-06-2007)“…Excitation of Ag atoms in the internal conversion of γ rays due to the E3 transition in 109m Ag has been measured on an anti-Compton spectrometer and a…”
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Precise measurement of energy of the first excited state of 115 Sn (E exc ≃ 497.3 keV)
Published in Europhysics letters (01-01-2018)Get full text
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New method for measuring super(93)mb for dosimetry of reactor vessels
Published in Atomic energy (New York, N.Y.) (01-06-2000)Get full text
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New method for measuring 93mNb for dosimetry of reactor vessels
Published in Atomic energy (New York, N.Y.) (01-06-2000)“…(ProQuest: Abstract omitted; see image)[PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]…”
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Study of super(137)ma double decay
Published in Measurement techniques (01-10-1997)“…An investigation has been made of higher-order effects in super(137m) Ba decay. Double decay of the isomeric state super(137m) Ba has been demonstrated with…”
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Long-term stability of yttrium–iron garnet films under irradiation by neutrons, protons, deuterons and electrons
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-09-2007)“…Oscillations and waves of magnetization in YIG ferrite films have interesting and useful properties such as a high Q-factor, a wide variety of dispersion laws…”
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On the decay of 44Ti
Published in Instruments and experimental techniques (New York) (01-10-2006)Get full text
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Study of the excitation of high-spin isomers in ^sup 190^Ir and ^sup 196,198^Au in the near-threshold region
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-11-2008)“…The isomeric ratios of the yields for 190m,gIr and 196m,gAu have been measured in the (γ,n) reaction in the near-threshold region at γ-ray energies of 12 and…”
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Hypersatellites at 109Ag, 123Te, and 147Pm autoionization during internal electron conversion
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-11-2008)“…The formation of hypersatellites during internal electron conversion in 109 Ag, 123 Te, and 147 Pm nuclei has been investigated on multidimensional-coincidence…”
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Study of the excitation of high-spin isomers in 190Ir and 196,198Au in the near-threshold region
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-11-2008)“…The isomeric ratios of the yields for 190 m,g Ir and 196 m,g Au have been measured in the (γ,n) reaction in the near-threshold region at γ-ray energies of 12…”
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Hypersatellites at ^sup 109^Ag, ^sup 123^Te, and ^sup 147^Pm autoionization during internal electron conversion
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-11-2008)“…The formation of hypersatellites during internal electron conversion in 109Ag, 123Te, and 147Pm nuclei has been investigated on multidimensional-coincidence…”
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Isomeric ratios of ([gamma],p) and ([gamma],[alpha]) reactions on ^sup 117m,g^In
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-11-2008)“…The isomeric ratios of the (γ,p) and (γ,[alpha]) reactions on 117m,gIn have been measured. The ratios Y m/Y g was found to be 1.18(9) and 0.23(9),…”
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Isomeric ratios of (γ,p) and (γ,α) reactions on 117m,g In
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-11-2008)Get full text
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Study of penetration effects in the E1 and M1 transitions in ^sup 44^Sc
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-06-2007)“…Conversion coefficients for the E1 and M1 transitions in the 44Ti decay have been measured with high accuracy using the sum peak and multidimensional…”
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