Search Results - "Stril'chuk, N V"

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  1. 1

    Precise measurement of energy of the first excited state of 115Sn (Eexc 497.3 keV) by Zheltonozhsky, V. A., Savrasov, A. M., Strilchuk, N. V., Tretyak, V. I.

    Published in Europhysics letters (01-01-2018)
    “…Single beta decay of 115In to the first excited level of 115Sn ( ) is known as β-decay with the lowest value. To determine the precisely, one has to measure…”
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    Developing a Way of Processing Complex X-Ray and Gamma Spectra in the Range of Low Energies by Zheltonozhskaya, M. V., Zheltonozhsky, V. A., Myznikov, D. E., Nikitin, A. N., Strilchuk, N. V., Khomenkov, V. P.

    “…A way of processing complex X-ray and gamma spectra in the 10–100 keV energy range is proposed. It considers the complexity of describing X-ray lines and…”
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    Accelerated γ-emission from isomeric nuclei by Collins, C.B., Zoita, N.C., Davanloo, F., Emura, S., Yoda, Y., Uruga, T., Patterson, B., Schmitt, B., Pouvesle, J.M., Popescu, I.I., Kirischuk, V.I., Strilchuk, N.V.

    “…A nuclear-XAFS effect occurs during the scattering of electrons or X-ray photons when the excitation of inner shell electrons couples both energy and angular…”
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  4. 4

    Gamma-Ray Transitions Induced in Nuclear Spin Isomers by X-Rays by Collins, C B, Rusu, A C, Zoita, N C, Iosif, M C, Camase, D T, Davanloo, F, Ur, C A, Popescu, I I, Pouvesle, J M, Dussart, R, Kirischuk, V I, Strilchuk, N V, Agee, F J

    Published in Hyperfine interactions (01-01-2001)
    “…Because of the high density of energy storage and the large cross section for its release, nuclear spin isomers have attracted considerable recent interest…”
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  5. 5

    Study of137m Ba double decay by Bondar'kov, M. D., Zheltonozhskii, V. A., Zelinskii, A. G., Stril'chuk, N. V., Khomenkov, V. P.

    Published in Measurement techniques (01-10-1997)
    “…An investigation has been made of higher-order effects in^sup 137m^Ba decay. Double decay of the isomeric state^sup 137m^Ba has been demonstrated with the…”
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  6. 6

    Precise measurement of energy of the first excited state of 115Sn (Eexc = 497.3 keV) by Zheltonozhsky, V. A, Savrasov, A. M, Strilchuk, N. V, Tretyak, V. I

    Published 16-05-2018
    “…Europhysics Letters 121 (2018) 12001 Single beta decay of 115In to the first excited level of 115Sn (Eexc = 497.3 keV) is known as beta decay with the lowest Q…”
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  7. 7

    Investigation of excitation of Ag atoms in internal conversion of γ rays by Vishnevsky, I. N., Drapey, S. S., Zheltonozhsky, V. A., Kochergina, E. O., Strilchuk, N. V.

    “…Excitation of Ag atoms in the internal conversion of γ rays due to the E3 transition in 109m Ag has been measured on an anti-Compton spectrometer and a…”
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    New method for measuring 93mNb for dosimetry of reactor vessels by Bukanov, V N, Vasil'eva, E G, Zheltonozhskii, V A, Levchenko, A A, Stril'chuk, N V, Chupov, A V

    Published in Atomic energy (New York, N.Y.) (01-06-2000)
    “…(ProQuest: Abstract omitted; see image)[PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]…”
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  11. 11

    Study of super(137)ma double decay by Bondar'kov, MD, Zheltonozhskii, V A, Zelinskii, A G, Stril'chuk, N V, Khomenkov, V P

    Published in Measurement techniques (01-10-1997)
    “…An investigation has been made of higher-order effects in super(137m) Ba decay. Double decay of the isomeric state super(137m) Ba has been demonstrated with…”
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    Study of the excitation of high-spin isomers in ^sup 190^Ir and ^sup 196,198^Au in the near-threshold region by Vishnevsky, I N, Zheltonozhsky, V O, Kulich, E V, Savrasov, A N, Strilchuk, N V

    “…The isomeric ratios of the yields for 190m,gIr and 196m,gAu have been measured in the (γ,n) reaction in the near-threshold region at γ-ray energies of 12 and…”
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  15. 15

    Hypersatellites at 109Ag, 123Te, and 147Pm autoionization during internal electron conversion by Vishnevsky, I. N., Drapey, S. S., Zheltonozhsky, V. A., Zheltonozhskaya, M. V., Strilchuk, N. V.

    “…The formation of hypersatellites during internal electron conversion in 109 Ag, 123 Te, and 147 Pm nuclei has been investigated on multidimensional-coincidence…”
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  16. 16

    Study of the excitation of high-spin isomers in 190Ir and 196,198Au in the near-threshold region by Vishnevsky, I. N., Zheltonozhsky, V. O., Kulich, E. V., Savrasov, A. N., Strilchuk, N. V.

    “…The isomeric ratios of the yields for 190 m,g Ir and 196 m,g Au have been measured in the (γ,n) reaction in the near-threshold region at γ-ray energies of 12…”
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  17. 17

    Hypersatellites at ^sup 109^Ag, ^sup 123^Te, and ^sup 147^Pm autoionization during internal electron conversion by Vishnevsky, I N, Drapey, S S, Zheltonozhsky, V A, Zheltonozhskaya, M V, Strilchuk, N V

    “…The formation of hypersatellites during internal electron conversion in 109Ag, 123Te, and 147Pm nuclei has been investigated on multidimensional-coincidence…”
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  18. 18

    Isomeric ratios of ([gamma],p) and ([gamma],[alpha]) reactions on ^sup 117m,g^In by Vishnevsky, I N, Zheltonozhsky, V A, Kadenko, I N, Kulich, E V, Plyujko, V A, Strilchuk, N V

    “…The isomeric ratios of the (γ,p) and (γ,[alpha]) reactions on 117m,gIn have been measured. The ratios Y m/Y g was found to be 1.18(9) and 0.23(9),…”
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    Study of penetration effects in the E1 and M1 transitions in ^sup 44^Sc by Drapey, S S, Zheltonozhsky, V A, Sadovnikov, L V, Strilchuk, N V, Shkulkova, O G

    “…Conversion coefficients for the E1 and M1 transitions in the 44Ti decay have been measured with high accuracy using the sum peak and multidimensional…”
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