Search Results - "Streltsova, D. A"
Nitrogen oxide is involved in the regulation of the Fe-S cluster assembly in proteins and the formation of biofilms by Escherichia coli cells
Published in Biology bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences (01-07-2013)“…The functions of nitrogen oxide (NO) in the regulation of the reversible processes of Fe-S cluster assembly in proteins and the formation of Escherichia coli…”
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Interaction of messengers—endogenous NO and H2S gasotransmitters—in signaling and regulatory processes in bacterial cells
Published in Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics (01-03-2015)“…Gases play a major role in the life of biosystems. In mammals, small molecules (NO, CO, and H2S) are of particular importance as regulators of the vascular…”
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Use of advances in fundamental science in the development of methods of biological dosimetry of nitric oxide (no) (literature review)
Published in Gigiena i sanitarija (01-03-2013)“…The review of the results of fundamental physical, chemical and biological studies proposed to be used in the program for elaboration methods of biological…”
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Nitrogen oxide is involved in the regulation of the Fe-S cluster assembly in proteins and the formation of biofilms by Escherichia coli cells
Published in Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia (01-07-2013)“…The functions of nitrogen oxide (NO) in the regulation of the reversible processes of Fe-S cluster assembly in proteins and the formation of Escherichia coli…”
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Reconstruction of Fe-S protein clusters in Escherichia coli and biofilm formation
Published in Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics (2013)“…Biogenesis of FeS clusters in E. coli is a multistep process controlled by the iscRSUAhscBAfdx gene ensemble. The products of these genes - iron sulfur…”
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Fnr[4Fe-4S](2+) protein regulates the aidB gene expression in Escherichia coli cultured under anaerobic conditions
Published in Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics (01-07-2010)Get full text
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Fnr[4Fe-4S]2+ protein regulates the aidB gene expression in Escherichia coli cultured under anaerobic conditions
Published in Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics (01-08-2010)“…This study experimentally confirmed the hypothesis on the new regulatory function of Fnr[4Fe 4S]2+, a universal anaerobiosis protein of Escherichia coli, and…”
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Sensitization of E. coli cells to UV irradiation by NO under hypoxic conditions
Published in Doklady. Biological sciences (01-04-2009)Get full text
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The sources of inorganic sulfur in the process of cluster protein Fnr[4Fe-4S2+ reconstruction in Escherichia coli cells cultivated with NO-donating agents
Published in Biofizika (01-03-2012)“…Dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) with thiol ligands--binuclear and mononuclear--inhibited aidB gene expression in E. coli cells. This process is due to the…”
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Reversible NO-catalyzed destruction of the Fe-S cluster of the FNR[4Fe-4S]2+ transcription factor: A way to regulate the aidB gene activity in Escherichia coli cells cultured under anaerobic conditions
Published in Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics (01-12-2010)“…The results of this study showed that the aidB gene expression in E. coli cultured under anaerobic conditions is regulated by the anaerobiosis protein…”
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Interaction of messengers-endogenous NO and H sub(2)S gasotransmitters-in signaling and regulatory processes in bacterial cells
Published in Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics (01-03-2015)Get full text
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SOS response of DNA repair and genetic cell instability under hypoxic conditions
Published in Radiat͡s︡ionnai͡a︡ biologii͡a︡, radioėkologii͡a (01-05-2011)“…The SOS DNA repair pathway is induced in E. coli as a multifunctional cell response to a wide variety of signals: UV, X or gamma-irradiation, mitomycin C or…”
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Sources of divalent sulfur allow recovery of the Fnr [4Fe-4S]^sup 2+^ center in Escherichia coli incubated with nitric oxide donors
Published in Biophysics (Oxford) (01-03-2012)“…Dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) with various thiol ligands, the known donors of nitric oxide, markedly inhibited aidB gene expression in E. coli cells by…”
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Sources of divalent sulfur allow recovery of the Fnr [4Fe-4S]2+ center in Escherichia coli incubated with nitric oxide donors
Published in Biophysics (Oxford) (01-03-2012)“…Dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) with various thiol ligands, the known donors of nitric oxide, markedly inhibited aidB gene expression in E. coli cells by…”
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Sources of divalent sulfur allow recovery of the Fnr [4Fe-4S] super(2+) center in Escherichia coli incubated with nitric oxide donors
Published in Biophysics (Oxford) (01-03-2012)“…Dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) with various thiol ligands, the known donors of nitric oxide, markedly inhibited aidB gene expression in E. coli cells by…”
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Reversible NO-catalyzed destruction of the Fe-S cluster of the FNR[4Fe-4S] super(2+) transcription factor: A way to regulate the aidB gene activity in Escherichia coli cells cultured under anaerobic conditions
Published in Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics (01-12-2010)Get full text
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