Search Results - "Stolee, Derrick"
Ramsey Numbers for Partially-Ordered Sets
Published in Order (Dordrecht) (01-11-2018)“…We present a refinement of Ramsey numbers by considering graphs with a partial ordering on their vertices. This is a natural extension of the ordered Ramsey…”
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Ordered Ramsey numbers of loose paths and matchings
Published in Discrete mathematics (06-02-2016)“…For a k-uniform hypergraph G with vertex set {1,…,n}, the ordered Ramsey number ORt(G) is the least integer N such that every t-coloring of the edges of the…”
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On Choosability with Separation of Planar Graphs with Forbidden Cycles
Published in Journal of graph theory (01-03-2016)“…We study choosability with separation which is a constrained version of list coloring of graphs. A (k,d)‐list assignment L of a graph G is a function that…”
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On the independence ratio of distance graphs
Published in Discrete mathematics (06-12-2016)“…A distance graph is an undirected graph on the integers where two integers are adjacent if their difference is in a prescribed distance set. The independence…”
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A linear programming approach to the Manickam–Miklós–Singhi conjecture
Published in European journal of combinatorics (01-02-2014)“…The Manickam–Miklós–Singhi conjecture states that when n≥4k, every multiset of n real numbers with nonnegative total sum has at least (n−1k−1)k-subsets with…”
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On the Strong Chromatic Index of Sparse Graphs
Published in The Electronic journal of combinatorics (27-07-2018)“…The strong chromatic index of a graph $G$, denoted $\chi'_s(G)$, is the least number of colors needed to edge-color $G$ so that edges at distance at most two…”
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Color-blind index in graphs of very low degree
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (10-07-2017)“…Let c:E(G)→[k] be an edge-coloring of a graph G, not necessarily proper. For each vertex v, let c̄(v)=(a1,…,ak), where ai is the number of edges incident to v…”
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Partitioning a Graph into Highly Connected Subgraphs
Published in Journal of graph theory (01-07-2016)“…Given k≥1, a k‐proper partition of a graph G is a partition P of V(G) such that each part P of P induces a k‐connected subgraph of G. We prove that if G is a…”
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ReachFewL = ReachUL
Published in Computational complexity (01-03-2014)“…We show that two complexity classes introduced about two decades ago are unconditionally equal. ReachUL is the class of problems decided by nondeterministic…”
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I,F-partitions of sparse graphs
Published in European journal of combinatorics (01-10-2016)“…A stark-coloring is a proper k-coloring where the union of two color classes induces a star forest. While every planar graph is 4-colorable, not every planar…”
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On the hardness of recognizing triangular line graphs
Published in Discrete mathematics (06-09-2012)“…Given a graph G, its triangular line graph is the graph T(G) with vertex set consisting of the edges of G and adjacencies between edges that are incident in G…”
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(4, 2)-Choosability of Planar Graphs with Forbidden Structures
Published in Graphs and combinatorics (01-07-2017)“…All planar graphs are 4-colorable and 5-choosable, while some planar graphs are not 4-choosable. Determining which properties guarantee that a planar graph can…”
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List distinguishing parameters of trees
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (01-04-2013)“…A coloring of the vertices of a graph G is said to be distinguishing provided no nontrivial automorphism of G preserves all of the vertex colors. The…”
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Space-Efficient Algorithms for Reachability in Surface-Embedded Graphs
Published in 2012 IEEE 27th Conference on Computational Complexity (01-06-2012)“…This work presents a log-space reduction which compresses an n-vertex directed acyclic graph with m(n) sources embedded on a surface of genus g(n), to a graph…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Extremal Graphs With a Given Number of Perfect Matchings
Published in Journal of graph theory (01-08-2013)“…Let f(n,p) denote the maximum number of edges in a graph having n vertices and exactly p perfect matchings. For fixed p, Dudek and Schmitt showed that…”
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Combinatorics using computational methods
Published 01-01-2012“…Computational combinatorics involves combining pure mathematics, algorithms, and computational resources to solve problems in pure combinatorics. This thesis…”
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Dissertation -
Automated Discharging Arguments for Density Problems in Grids
Published 20-09-2014“…Discharging arguments demonstrate a connection between local structure and global averages. This makes it an effective tool for proving lower bounds on the…”
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Ramsey numbers for partially-ordered sets
Published 16-12-2015“…We present a refinement of Ramsey numbers by considering graphs with a partial ordering on their vertices. This is a natural extension of the ordered Ramsey…”
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A Log-Space Algorithm for Reachability in Planar Acyclic Digraphs with Few Sources
Published in 2010 IEEE 25th Annual Conference on Computational Complexity (01-06-2010)“…Designing algorithms that use logarithmic space for graph reachability problems is fundamental to complexity theory. It is well known that for general directed…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Automorphism Groups and Adversarial Vertex Deletions
Published 20-01-2012“…Any finite group can be encoded as the automorphism group of an unlabeled simple graph. Recently Hartke, Kolb, Nishikawa, and Stolee (2010) demonstrated a…”
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